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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. I do feel comfortable saying no restrictions. I still say that the question I linked to in that tweet, in the context of the question being asked, isn’t an actual exploration of “abortion rights,” it’s a bad faith attempt to portray someone as a being comfortable with infanticide. I’m in favor of abortions without restriction. I’m not in favor of killing babies. If I was asked that question in that context I’d give the question the same amount of respect as it deserves and that Dr. Robinson gave it, which is none. Based on what I have read, though it has been a while and I acknowledge that the data could have changed, late term abortions are more often than not matters of medical necessity rather than “choice.” While I believe people should have the right to “choose” to have a late term abortion if they wish for no reason other than that, I don’t expect most people to agree with it. Regardless of how I feel about the morality / ethics of a late term abortion of “choice” or “convenience” I believe the procedures must remain legal in the interest of allowing pregnant people to make decisions about their care that can be conducted safely and legally.
  2. All this is already illegal. Abortion isn’t murder and trying to “gotcha” someone into admitting that they support infanticide is simply not the other side of the “rape victims should have access to abortion” coin. If I had said “nobody lives if an iron rod explodes through their skull” and someone dropped the link to Phineas Gage’s Wikipedia entry… yeah, I guess, but I still feel comfortable saying it doesn’t happen.
  3. Someone crowning deciding to have an abortion is not an edge case, it is fiction.
  4. It is objectively different. Rapes happen, pregnancies from rapes happen, even if they are not common. Women actively giving birth do not decide to have abortions. This doesn’t happen. Ob/gyns don’t come into a birthing room expecting to deliver a baby but also equipped to terminate the pregnancy in case the person having the baby changes their mind. It’s a bullshit talking point designed to paint people seeking reproductive care as flakey and incapable of making their own decisions.
  5. I haven’t made myself a cocktail recently, a methanol and tonic sounds good right about now.
  6. As always, anti-abortion chodes stoke the public’s ire with imaged scenarios in which women wait until the last possible moment to terminate a pregnancy, as if women are aiming their birth canals into a garbage chute because they woke up after 9 months of pregnancy and decided to get an abortion on a whim. Why is it always the worst possible scenario for all of these smooth brains? Should a woman be able to have an abortion when she’s crowning? Why can’t I own a bazooka, antifa might have a tank? If I can’t call someone the n-word in the public square without fear of being coldcocked, do we really have freedom of speech?
  7. I’d agree with this, and also add that it seems likely that the majority of casual users simply don’t know that bots are a thing / problem at all.
  8. There is zero doubt that Johnny Depp abused Amber Heard. He has a documented history of physically assaulting other people. Depp’s legal team is fabricating mental illness for Heard in the interest of portraying her as a hysterical woman. TikTok and even places like Etsy are riddled with Heard’s accounts of being abused being memed and monetized. Claims that Depp has previously made that Heard made up names for him like “The Monster” were found to have originated from Depp himself. If you don’t see how this trial is being weaponized not just against Heard but also against abuse victims as a means of silencing them and discouraging the reporting of domestic abuse, I don’t know what to say. Again, this is a defamation case. Of the 14 things Depp claimed were defamation in the UK, 12 of them were found to likely be true / occurred, and he lost again on appeal. Of the 2 that were not ruled in Heard’s favor, one of them was due to insufficient evidence, and the other was because Depp was not cross examined. If your take on this is like “well there was mutual abuse” or something along those lines I am begging you to interrogate your biases.
  9. Again, Depp already tried this and lost abroad. There’s nothing new coming to light here he’s just litigating domestically and in a state which allows a level of media access that is allowing the memeification of the trial. Obviously what happened in Europe has no bearing on what the domestic outcome will be, but the notion that Heard is some unhinged liar is not supported by evidence. It’s just a smear campaign.
  10. This is true, of course. That said, as the details of this case have already been litigated in Europe where Depp lost (multiple times I believe), and the narratives / memes on social media are almost exclusively things that have been debunked (or again, previously litigated), I stand by my point. EDIT - to wit:
  11. The psyop / troll farm that is pushing pro Depp nonsense truly boggles the mind. Evidence:
  12. It’s almost like black holes are jealous of the tremendous amount of ass that Jordan Peterson is capable of sucking.
  13. It will come as no surprise to anyone who knows I married a 6’ tall woman that I stan Christie. I dunno that I’ve seen her play the kind of “bored but pissed off about it and dangerous” vibe I always read Lucifer as having in the comic. Shit if we’re limiting the casting to tall white women, I feel like Debicki more closely matches a gender swapped Lucifer as drawn in Sandman, and her attitude in Tenet fits too. And I agree with @Commissar SFLUFAN, this should have been animated. Hell I would have been psyched on an IRL episode or two in an otherwise animated show, something like The Animatrix just cranked to 11. It’s possible I posted that exact sentiment before, I feel like this has been pending forever.
  14. I honestly have no idea. Strange 2 had a couple obvious “these people probably never met one another” moments that I feel Marvel is usually very good at making NOT obvious, the cameo scene specifically stuck out like this. And like I said in the Moon Knight thread, a couple digital sets jumped out at me there too. Shang-Chi didn’t seem to have this issue (or I don’t remember it being as obvious) and a bunch of scenes in that must be on digital sets but looked better to me. Again none of it is bad at all it just feels more obvious to me than it used to.
  15. Transplants to Idaho are exclusively rich Californians who love the scenery but hate taxes, aka tech doofuses / libertarian smooth brains, white supremacists looking to usher in a second civil war, or the intersection of both.
  16. Looks fun. I feel that the CG on most of the Marvel stuff after Eternals (Moon Knight, parts of Strange 2, this) has not looked as cohesive as previous stuff.
  17. I never had any issues with them other than the temperature they ran at meant my cat always curled up on top of the thing, so I had to clean the guts out more often than my PC.
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