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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. I mean, I went back and explored, and now I feel like Darth Maul. So yeah, you can find item upgrades on previous planets as well.
  2. I agree I think they'll be able to patch it and reduce them significantly. For a game like this, those long load times can really ruin the experience.
  3. Backtracking to previous planets is definitely worth it. Found some pretty cool things going back, and its fun uncovering the different hidden paths and secret areas of the old areas you now have access to. I'm on PC so luckily load times are roughly 3 seconds after death. If load times after death was 30 seconds, I'd prob turn down the difficulty. I can get around most of the game just fine without dying much, but some of the mini boss's take me quite a few tries. One thing I can't stand is the "slow motion" effect that happens when you get your XP/Health/Force back after you hit the guy that killed you. Fighting a mini boss, almost every time that happens, I can't tell what attack the boss is doing, and then get 1 shot. This game is all about timing, and that dumb slow motion thing throws off my timing for the start of the fight.
  4. Finished up the the 2nd planet. After doing the main story stuff, I tried to explore all the areas I now had access too, and it made the world feel really huge. It took a long time to get around and explore everything, unlock all the short cuts, ect. Ran into new enemy types. I'm really digging the exploration. Its a very good solid game, and for a Star Wars game, that's pretty damn good when you compare it to a lot of what we've gotten. The combat definitely gets more and more fluid as you get more abilities.
  5. Played more today. Getting a hang of the combat now, and while it can have times of being a bit wonky, as you get used to it, you definitely feel you have much more control over what you're doing. Knowing how and when to use the Force powers is really huge as well. I am on the 2nd "Open World" area now. I've died twice on this world I think, and each time I felt it was definitely my fault, Getting over confident ans sloppy. I am really digging the Tomb Raider vibes of exploring. The finding the short cuts as you progress through the level to make navigation easier. The game did crash on me though, only reason I stopped playing. I must be nearing the end of that 2nd World I think, and probably 4 hours in?
  6. It's not dead! https://kotaku.com/sources-bioware-plans-a-complete-overhaul-for-anthem-1839892415
  7. Well, its definitely difficult at the hardest setting. I died a good 10 times to one of the first optional mini bosses I found before giving up, but I had only acquired 1 skill point before attempting it, so I was pretty damn weak and useless going into it. I just need to get the hang of some of the combat mechanics. It's basically a 1 hit kill though to some of the tougher beasts, which leaves very little to no room for error, which makes learning tough. It definitely doesn't feel as easy in terms of timing as a Dark Souls game. The one certain enemy type I've been struggling with just has wide ranging attacks, is quick with its attacks, and I've been struggling dealing with them. I still need to figure out which dodges and evade work best, when to use the Force Slow as well to aid in dodging some attacks. That being said, the actual exploration so far, the metroidvania feel of it, is pretty good on the first world. Searching around for collectibles, shortcuts, and other secrets has been fun. I also always find these types of games way more difficult early on before you unlock and upgrade your character, so hopefully it gets a bit easier with more abilities.
  8. Hard to know, but at least in that intro mission, the checkpoints seemed pretty generous. It was basically the tutorial mission though so I'll have to see how hard it gets.
  9. Who's Max? I started on Hardest as well, see how it goes. Opening mission felt a lot like an Uncharted/Tomb Raider action sequence. Enjoyed it so far, but bedtime.
  10. They didn't give EA Access early preview to avoid spoilers. Buy yeah, using a VPN to New Zealand would work.
  11. I have it and beat it already. GOTY It releases tonight, so I doubt anyone here has had it. I've seen some streamers that got early access playing it, but thats it. I'll prob be playing it, it's intriguing to me. Everything I've read about it makes it sound like my type of game.
  12. They've over hyped every event they have. It leads to disappointments when they hype it up as some huge event. If they don't come with any kind of big new surprises, it'll be pretty sad. A few teases of some of the projects in the works would be nice.
  13. Haven't they been releasing Free Diablo 3 updates pretty much since release. I stopped playing awhile ago, but everytime I get on there's new stuff to do. They released 1 or 2 paid expansions for it, but they've also been updating it with the Seasons or whatever which I think each introduce new things. If they need to implement MX Cosmetics to keep supporting these games, that's okay by me.
  14. Whenever a dragged out cutscene pops up I end up pulling out my phone and get distracted, largely ruining the story of any game I'm playing. I've had to record clips and rewatch Red Dead 2 cutscene so often. A story has to really grab me to pay attention, and lately not many games are doing a great job with that. This sounds like I'd miss just about everything if the cutscene are that long and common.
  15. I've never played a Kojima game, and this doesnt sound great, but all the hoopla around it has peaked my interest. I'll pick it up on PC next year, as I never turn my PS4 on ever really, and when I do, it'll be to play all the exclusives I need to catch up on when PS5 releases.
  16. Biggest issues with the game are the claymores and op Shotguns. I have always hated Claymores in these games. I've always refused to use them. It feels like at this point, everyone playing has said, if u cant beat em, join em, and now everyone is using claymores. Needs to be a timer on them where you don't automatically spawn with one, and it needs to recharge or something. I don't hate the maps, but def dont love them either. It's also a game that is far more fun with friends where you can communicate and make call outs. Playing solo is meh.
  17. https://us.diablo3.com/en/blog/23189677/diablo-iv-feature-overview-11-2-2019?linkId=100000008839080 Have to finish reading up on this. Its at minimum 2 years out, so probably a 2021 release at best, which sucks. I know there are plenty of other arpgs that mimic what Diablo does, but Diablo has always hit that sweet spot. I put a lot of time into Diablo 3, even with a lot of the choices I didn't necessarily like.
  18. The new investment firm owners want Deadspin to focus on sports, they refused, and the editor got fired. Also, the new investment firm also started running autoplay ads on all their sites. All their sites posted an article instructing readers to email their bosses complaining, including Kotaku. The articles were all removed. That was the short version I got from briefly following on Twitter and Barstools coverage.
  19. Haha, def not a streamer. None of my IRL friends continued gaming really, so now I just game with a few from the boards and other friends I've met online.
  20. Gamer Friends.... People I play with online. I went to a PAX with some Streamers, and everyone referred to eachother by their Streamer names. But my gamertag is same here, so they just call me JP regardless, easy enough.
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