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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. I didnt put enough time in to really know, and played solo which isnt the best way to play BF, but it just felt too much like BF1 in some ways. The Maps felt the same, guns looked the same, just too similar. I mean its just WW2, so its not gonna be that different, but just felt too similar at first glance. Where as I havent played CoD in a long time, and Blackout feels fresh, and even the main multi is pretty good.
  2. Have you followed it at all? It's been a week? They obviously have all this planned. And to be honest, a good Battle Royale doesnt need carrots to chase, the gameplay, intensity, and thrill of winning is enough. Its good old school fun, not meaningless carrots to chase, finding ways for you to play the same 6 missions over hundreds of times like Destiny did. Its nice to have things to unlock, but the game is just pure fun to play right now.
  3. Werent you an adamant defender of Destiny? Barebones Battle Royale Mode? I’ve played pretty much all the Battle Royales out to date and this is one of the best to be out out. The reworked the guns, found a way to implement the perks and equipment from regular multiplayer, and even have mini objectives like the zombie spawns all within the game. To define it as bare bones is rather dismissive and ignorant.
  4. I dont really follow any of this stuff, but found this tweet kinda funny. Games not even released yet, has no timetable for release, is wrapped in scandal, but lets take shots at other games? *I thought this was from a dev initially, but looks to be just a streamer? Either way, see a final product of a game before you start bashing other games. Who knows how broken it'll be.
  5. How large is your external? I currently have like 12TB of external plugged into my Xbox, and I've yet to have issues with any of it thankfully.
  6. Online is a complete joke Its mini games only, and theres only 10 mini games available at any given time. I'm not sure how often they'll rotate them, but if you wanna do an online mario party night, just be prepared to play the same rotation of 10 mini games over and over and over and over again. Nintendo is a joke, they just started charging for online and this is the first big first party release they put out with online play.... Could easily allow online for all modes, Co-op especially. If players drop out of the main mode before the games over just replace them with bots. I really hope they patch all this.
  7. Not having the traditional board game available for online play is dumb too. Theres no reason 4 people online shouldnt be able to just play the traditional Mario Party game, and be limited to the Mini Game challenges or whatever.
  8. It’s so damn beautiful. Only played the intro but man does it look good in 4K HDR.
  9. I already beat the game with like 95% completion. If you enjoyed the previous Tomb Raiders, this is more of the same. For me, thats a good thing, the game is great. My main complaint would probably be it took no real risks, the differences from the 1st game to this game is minimal. Hub Cities now which I don't really recall much of in previous games, and some minimal side quests given out by characters. Platforming felt identical to the previous games to me, with maybe a touch more jumping from platform to platform type puzzles/scenarios. Story is what you'd expect, nothing too special. Its gorgeous though and it was fun run through. Some really cool scenes though that really take Lara to the next level of badass.
  10. It looks very solid., and a great take on BR. Even if its exactly what I'd expect a CoD BR to look like, the more variety and choices we have, the better.
  11. Fortnite and PUBG have really quick TTK's too, arguable just as quick as Battlefield. Headshots will down you near instantly in any of those games, just like BF. Bodyshots in Battlefield typically give you the time to react and heal yourself. BF1 it was pretty tough to down a good medic if he had any type of cover nearby. It kind of looks like both BF and CoD will have Squad only Battle Royales, no solos. That changes the dynamics quite a bit, even from a TTK perspective because of revives. Either way, I'm excited to see how both franchises interpret Battle Royale and I hope both do it well, more variety is always great.
  12. CoD: MW2 Backwards Compatible today.. Thats a pretty huge game as many consider it the best CoD to date still. $14.99 Digital
  13. If you shop around and get deals on Live, Game Pass, and the Console, this definitely isn't a discount or anything, but it's not a bad thing to offer to those that need the options.
  14. I was a big BF1 fan, played the shit out of it cause I had a consistent squad to play with. It's a game you really need to play with friends, and with Red Dead 2 and CoD coming out so close, I can see groups of friends simply saying, ya we are getting Red Dead or CoD and will wait for BF, causing the entire squad to hold on purchasing. BF1's core gameplay was good, but in an era of skins, emotes, customization, it was soooooo bad. All you unlocked was Gun Skins which was impossible to notice unless you got killed by someone and it showed up in the little kill card. You basically unlocked all there was to each class a few hours in and had nothing else to chase. The Loot Crate system sucked because of it. I still played it a ton and enjoyed it, but it was so lacking in so many ways, in part cause WW1, but they couldve done much more with it. Because of some of that, I'm kinda in a wait and see for BFV too, I preordered and will be there Day 1, but not quite as excited as I had been. I also think some of the core BF community was put off that the Closed Alphas were pretty much just given away to streamers, and not the loyal fanbase. I know a few streamers that played lke 10 minutes of BF1 got codes and real Battlefield fans that live and breathe the game didnt. An Alpha should be for the core players to make the game better, not for streamers that dont know how to play the game to stream a few minutes of it before they go back to Fortnite or PUBG.
  15. I mean Fortnite has been huge for most of this year now. I think that developers are just seeing that being open, transparent, and community focused works wonders with their communities. Admitting we have an issue and want to fix it really does help make your community at least believe you have the right intentions. I play PUBG and still enjoy it a lot on PC, not so much on Xbox. I'm probably not intensely into it enough to know whats "broken" because I typically feel I have a good experience with it. Hacking is way way way down from where it was earlier this year. I never crash, frame-rate stays low 100's most of the time. But if they are launching this obvioulsy it warrants it, so good for them. They also know that CoD BR, BFV BR, and all the countless other BR's are coming out soon, so they know the stakes are high right now.
  16. I had this on PS4 at launch, and luckily got it for free through a friend on Xbox. It's been fun, vastly improved since launch. For those that dont know, I'd assume its through Xbox only, but might be for all platforms maybe. If you have a Mixer account, you can select in the menu option, Interactives, and you can give yourself free money, warp cells, launch cells, refill shields and health, ect for Mixers Sparks Currency. Kind of a cheat code, but whatever, it eliminated some mindless grinding.
  17. Finally reactivated my account. Need to get back on this game, I stopped after 5 Starring the 4th Island.
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