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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. http://blog.bioware.com/2019/01/28/anthem-vip-demo-weekend-summary/ Sunday afternoon something is going to happen. Umm it’s th damn Super Bowl...
  2. I’m around occasionally. When the site crashed it took me awhile to recover my account. Also on different Discord servers a lot.
  3. I’m sad to see how bad this game was received. I bought it but haven’t even played any multi. I’m still waiting for the Battle Royale mode. I hadnt played a CoD since MW2 but Blackout still has me enjoying it a lot.
  4. The destruction is really just a Multiplayer Arena PvP mode. I dont think the single player has any really. I mean it looks like more Crackdown, but in 2018, is that really enough, when you compare it to what Spiderman just showed off graphically and gameplay wise. What made the original Crackdown so amazing to me was 1 - Co-op, and 2 - The feeling of progression and the ability to jump around and traverse the city like a Super Hero. At the time, I dont really remember too many games that executed that well. GTA was out, but it was a realistic game. The feeling of getting more and more powerful and agile and collecting orbs was addictive and fun. With so many games that have done the Superhero thing so well, with so many games allowing you to do fun things in these open sandbox worlds, I'm not sure Crackdown will have the same appeal. Customization is one thing that I think could help make it more fun, cause as your character progressed so did their appearance. I'll still defintely check it out, and with 4 player co-op it still should offer a good time, but am I hyped for it.... meh.
  5. Tomorrows update will make your base storage 600, and they will increase it more and more to possibly have no cap. https://bethesda.net/en/article/yzCWHFufFm0iUEyc4UWgA/upcoming-fallout-76-patch-notes-december-4-2018?sf95656556=1&utm_content=Bethesda Game Studios&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=Community
  6. I hit Level 62 recently, and yeah, I'm still enjoying it. Level 50 is the "Level" Cap of sorts. You stop getting "Special" Points once you hit 50, so deciding how to spec your points is critical. With next weeks update, you will be able to move one "Special" Point around or collect a new Perk Card with each additional level up. This will allow me to tweak things a little, as I wasn't totally aware of what I was doing as I played through it. I've never been a huge Fallout fanboy or anything, I enjoyed Fallout 3, found Fallout 4 to be kinda meh. I didnt follow this game too much until its launch. Theres definitely its issues, the storage issues are a big one, the limitations to how big of a base you can build is a big one. I personally dont care about no NPCs, theres robots that interact with you, and holotapes and what not that tell story. While there are missions, none of them feel too important or anything. I think the main hook for me, is the shared world experience. I just prefer multiplayer gaming, even if I have been doing this mostly solo. I do have friends that play, so building houses to show eachother, sharing plans, recipes, items with eachother to help one another out is something I enjoy. I poured a lot of points into Intelligence and crafting, so being able to craft high level fully kitted weapons and armors for my lower level friends is fun. Just being able to share the world and play through the game with friends is enjoyable, and makes me enjoy it more than a Fallout 4. I'd get why some hate it. I just personally really enjoy it, the character building forces tough choices, the builds are very unique and tailored to how you wanna play, and so far, theres been enough content to keep me busy. It's also very very early in, and these types of games I feel always have rough launches, but improve and evolve into amazing experiences long term, so lets hope it just keeps getting better.
  7. Initially I was kinda mixed on it, but I've been hooked. Can't stop playing it, just love progressing my character and exploring. Enjoying it way more than I did Fallout 4. Unlike RDR2 where I need to force myself to play, I just can't put this down. It's definitely got its issues, but I feel like I'm always progressing and finding new useful things each and every play session, and I feel meaningful progress with my character. Mostly been solo so far too, but had some fun encounters with randoms as well.
  8. In regard to Crackdown 3 - It looks okay. This mode they are showcasing seems to basically be 5 v 5 Team Deathmatch with destruction. Its not the Full City or even a portion of the city as a map, they have specific multiplayer maps, which seem to have even more dumbed down graphics. It looks okay, but not really what I was expecting based off initial "teases" It still a game looking forward too, but with so many games doing so many things so well, I hope it feels like it can compete with some of the more recent titles.
  9. Well they have said you can actually have Unique builds, so if they can get that right it’ll be way better then Destiny out the gate. Destinys cookie cutter character customization was so disappointing for a game like this.
  10. I'm pumped for this, they've been saying a lot of the right things, so I'm hoping for the best.
  11. Do you need to be a Powered Up member for the $100? And to they combine the offers, the $200 trade in claims not with any other offer. Thanks for the heads up either way, just trying to give some friends the info.
  12. What is you history of Battle Royales played? Do you play a lot of PvP shooters? What games? You keep talking about tacked on money grab. That just sounds ignorant after CoD just implemented a rather deep, well thought out, and extremely fun Battle Royale that incorporates a lot of very uniquely CoD gameplay elements. Battlefield is a squad based game. Their Battle Royale is Squads only, no solos or duos. Having heals and revives be more dependent on a Medic Class, Ammo distribution based more on a Support Class, ect could already greatly change the way the mode plays and feels. If its a cheaply implemented tacked on Battle Royale then it just reinforces my point that Dice did a terrible job following a current trend and getting the work in early. They also mention having things like Conquest Capture points in during a match that will grant good loot, another more unique Battlefield element that will greatly change the game. Dice is a large studio, that works on a game that already has 90% of a Battle Royale built into its engine. CoD was a game that I wasn't sure could pull off a Battle Royale cause of its nature of small maps, arcade gameplay, no vehicles, but they did its beautifully and its been some of the most fun gaming I've had in awhile. To dismiss Battle Royales cause they are popular at the moment is quite frankly idiotic. They are popular for a reason. They offer an entirely unique gameplay experience to the typical respawn no consequence PvP shooters we've been playing for decades. But yeah, lets hope some of the largest best developers out there ignore the really fun new game modes introduced because its become too popular? If Dice can't fully implement a great Battle Royale experience without sacrificing other parts of their game, that's entirely poor management on them, as CoD has already just done that. There is no excuse.
  13. Ya I had a core group of typically 3-6 guys that I always played with. We currently have been on CoD, not sure what the plan is on BFV yet, especially since Firestorm isn't til March.
  14. I'd guess it may get a surge, especially if they tie it in with a sale since it'll be months after launch. Probably depends if the games not already half dead by then and how its received early on. Most of my group was pretty let down with the beta, so I'm curious to see how well it does with sales. This BF just feels so rushed to me in general. Then you also have Anthem, Division 2, and other big titles coming out around then. Ubisoft actually commented on this. They said its physically impossible for them do it with their engine. Disappointing cause that'd be a great world to have a BR in. Ghost Recon ✔@GhostRecon We understand the allure of the Battle Royale game mode and while it may seem like a natural direction for Ghost War. However, it would involve changes in the game structure and technical challenges that are simply impossible to undertake right now.
  15. Adding a Battle Royale mode shouldn't be a tacked on money grab, CoD's isn't, and it makes that game infinitely times better because, variety, options, stuff all gamers should want. CoDs Battle Royale plays entirely different than PUBG, which plays entirely different to Fortnite, which plays differently to other BR's. Each of these big franchises takes on BR is what is so cool about them, they are the same mode sure, but they all have their unique spin and iconic franchise feel that makes them all feel unique. I am really looking forward to BFV's because I love the core Battlefield gameplay, and can't wait to see how it plays for BR. It is squads only, 64 players, so its already not a typical BR, it will lean heavily on squad gameplay it seems. That had me excited in some ways cause I love squadding up for BF. There is plenty to play from now til March, but I already know me and my friends will all probably just be playing CoD until then, even though we are all huge BF players that haven't touched CoD in 8 years and all spent months non stop playing BF. My group of like 6 guys I played BF1 with religiously are also holding out on Day 1 purchases now. I'm sure there are plenty of others that are either canceling pre-orders or waiting to see. And ya we were pretty hardcore Battlefield players - https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf1/profile/xbox/JPDunks4
  16. Highly doubt that. Blackout has helped bring in tons of old CoD players that abandonded the franchise back to CoD. I played the hell out of BF4 and BF1, along with all my friends. Lack of a Battle Royale at launch in a game that could easily cater itself for a Battle Royale at launch is pretty bad. Most of us found the beta extremely disappointing, but were hopeful Firestorm would inject new life into the franchise. Guess now we may just wait.
  17. Might even cancel my pre-order now. They didn't announce the Battle Royale during the initial reveal, then it was a throw away announcement at E3. Seems they got a lot of flack for not having it, and were behind the ball on adding it.
  18. I didnt put enough time in to really know, and played solo which isnt the best way to play BF, but it just felt too much like BF1 in some ways. The Maps felt the same, guns looked the same, just too similar. I mean its just WW2, so its not gonna be that different, but just felt too similar at first glance. Where as I havent played CoD in a long time, and Blackout feels fresh, and even the main multi is pretty good.
  19. Have you followed it at all? It's been a week? They obviously have all this planned. And to be honest, a good Battle Royale doesnt need carrots to chase, the gameplay, intensity, and thrill of winning is enough. Its good old school fun, not meaningless carrots to chase, finding ways for you to play the same 6 missions over hundreds of times like Destiny did. Its nice to have things to unlock, but the game is just pure fun to play right now.
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