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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. You should be able to easily do world events on your own. Very few require a team in challenge. What are you playing on?
  2. Yeah I got the Masterwork version of the Fulcrum, and its shredding. The weapon specific challenges seem to be just to kill enemies with said weapon to unlock higher versions of the blueprints.
  3. Yeah more or less. Once you get stuff in your inventory you can start crafting that item. I think you may need to do certain challenges to unlock the ability though first.
  4. Any on Xbox feel free to add me. JPDunks4 Ill be on this a lot this weekend.
  5. Smooth as silk tonight for me. Got my Legion of Dawn bonus armor, these armors look nice.
  6. Microsofts VP Mike Ybarra tweeted about this too, calling some reviewers whiners.. Of course he got a lot of heat for it. Bravo to him for speaking his mind even if he did have to walk it back some after...
  7. @The Dude I think this game is trash in its current alpha form but this kinda sounds like what you were wanting. https://mavericks.gg/article?articleId=19
  8. During the Live Stream, the Bioware guys said they made the systems in Anthem to be extremely modular, and it's very easy and quick for them to add new gameplay elements and other things in. They said they have other gameplay objectives and things that will be introduced in as World Events and what not as they are ready. I personally was thinking of things I'd add in terms of gameplay variety. They have a mix of defend this area, collect these items, activate these switches, a few puzzles that are a bit simple, and few other things that come into play later on. They also have the "Flight Restricted" areas or carrying items that restrict flying that could create different challenges. I think they have real possibilities with flight and challenges involving that. I also think about every other Looter Shooter type game and how they created variety in gameplay. Destiny was basically waves of enemies as well, the Raids were really the only thing that created differences in gameplay with the co-op puzzles which I loved. I am hoping we see stuff like that in Anthem.
  9. Defense Force? C'mon you've got to be joking. @Dexterryuissues with the games are well thought out and legitimate issues to raise. He's not creating non issue BS reasons and then exaggerating them out of context just to destroy the game. It's not Mass Effect or Dragon Age, so I can see why someone looking for old school Bioware would be disappointed in it. If you could care less about a looter shooter multiplayer game, then its a legit reason to be upset this happened. The issue many of us have are reviewers should be professional enough to bash a game on its own merits rather than what they may have wanted, and it seems thats whats happening. Reviewers saying the Javelins all play the same is basically straight up BS. Stating that Tomb Challenge was a huge roadblock that broke the game was exaggerated BS. The game has issues, bring them up, talk about why its not what you wanted but at least can appreciate why its a good game for what its trying to do. Don't create clickbait BS just to hate on a game because its EA and not a super deep single player story RPG.
  10. I think they are on to my workout for EA Access, wont let me switch over to my main account anymore.... ah well one more day.
  11. Talking about Vanity Chests at the end of Strongholds. You will collect keys doing daily missions, then at the end of Strongholds there will be 4 chests, if you open a chest you and your team get the item. If all 4 team members open the chests all 4 players get all 4 items.
  12. I mean today compared to yesterday even. Store was updated, and little UI tweaks that werent there before. Previously it didnt show the rewards for doing Contracts on the Map Screen, now it does. I think they added more Weekly Challenges, before it was just do 10 Strongholds. Just small stuff like that. At least on Xbox
  13. I think they already released a Server Side patch to fix some small things, cause I've noticed a lot of little things fixed already while playing.
  14. Exactly. The game is good, as long as Bioware is always vocal and continually communicating with the community, long term this game is going to be fine. Its too good with too much potential that any reasonable gamer wont just pass up on it cause some Youtubers are bashing it. I also feel the Looter Shooter fan in general is just always eager for the next big thing. So even if they want to skip it cause EA or bash it, they'll cave and give it a fair shake.
  15. They have too much invested in it not to stick with it. Issues with Destiny was also the content was so non existent at Launch. Story was bare bones, only took a few hours playtime to get through, and after that there was nothing to look forward to until the DLC, which was Paid DLC. So 3 months of nothing new on the horizon other than some Quality of Life patches. It seems Anthem may have already started some of their daily events cause when you boot today it has a message of Outlaws attacking outposts and go to Freeplay to help defend them. It might just be advertising regular daily events, or maybe its an example of the special daily stuff they'll have going on.
  16. I was Lvl 23, like a tick under Lvl 24 when I finished the story, so we aren't too far off. I also ran essentially all of it solo, so I didnt get the bonus XP from the other Javelins. You get bonus XP from other players stuff they do. But yeah most people arent doing the convos with the characters each time they go back to town, or at all, or just prioritizing the main story over the side stuff, so I can see Lvl 20 being the average finish.
  17. I did as well, but maybe I played for longer play sessions than you so you loaded out and in more? Or you did more Free Play than me? If I did the contract and Agent mission first that was available to me we'd probably be pretty in line with each other. Have you done Strongholds? I had only done 1.
  18. I've done just about all side missions I've had, just had one contract left available when I went to finish the final mission. I just wanted to wrap up that main quest line cause it was blocking the damn Launch Pad. Like all Bioware games though, its dictated by how many times you return to the Fort to progress conversation trees with the NPCs. So the more you leave and comeback the more side missions and contracts will pop up in between the main story.
  19. I finished the "Main" Storyline last night. about 30ish hours in maybe? Lvl 23. I played almost all of it solo on hard though, even if I had matchmaking on, because I'm like 30 hours in on Xbox and I'm guessing there aren't too many others that did the EA Access workaround, no one else was on to match with. Wont post anything cause spoilers though. I still have lots of contracts and side character missions to continue to work at, and will. I'm Lvl 24 now, Epics are dropping frequently, but thats really just based on Level it seems. Looking forward to getting Masterworks to drop, as they do seem to all have cool unique perks on them. The cool thing is, once you find a certain weapon/gear piece/component of a certain rarity, you can then craft that item going forward to try to get better rolls. I think thats a cool addition. I'll finish up this last EA Access Trial I have then wait til Friday. Looking forward to playing with others on here though.
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