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Everything posted by Fizzzzle

  1. Any game that allows me to have a busty anime waifu But seriously I honestly don't play multiplayer games much except for like Jackbox Party Pack and Mario Kart.
  2. For the states that are just NOW starting a 10pm curfew for restaurants/etc, mask requirements, et al In oregon, we've had mandatory masks indoors for months, and restaurants/bars have had to close at 10 since we reopened in June or whenever that was. It didn't seem to be enough.
  3. I'm also now unemployed. Well, at least starting on Tuesday. Holla atcha boy, gonna have plenty of time to be broke and play Among Us or something (aside from getting my d i c k w e t). Candlelit dinners are frowned upon outside of your household.
  4. So with Bernie and Warren being considered for cabinet positions, wouldn't that mean that they'd have to resign their Senate seats, which would then be appointed by their (republican) governors? Wouldn't that be a shit idea?
  5. The entire state is locking down starting on Wednesday. The whole state for at least 2 weeks, Multnomah/Washington/Clackamas counties (Portland) for at least 4 weeks. Restaurants are back to take-out only (the bar I work at will likely just close temporarily), gyms/salons/barbers are closed, church gatherings are limited to 25 indoors/50 outdoors, grocery stores are limited to 75% capacity Unemployment is hopefully not going to be as big of a shit show this time. Maybe that's why they aren't putting the measures in place until Wednesday. edit: The fucked up thing is that you KNOW restaurants and bars will be packed as much as possible for the next few days. Yay.
  6. Oregon is going on lockdown again starting wednesday. My last day at work is Monday I think.
  7. I'm 2 of 3 of those things, I'll let you decide which, and whether I'm telling the truth about it.
  8. I like long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and I like to get my d i c k w e t
  9. Yeah I'm kind of thinking I'll wait for it to go on a humble bundle in 2023 or something. Then I'll feel kind of bad if turned out that it was really good.
  10. Demonize these fucks all you want, just realize there aren't 70 fucking million of them. I mean, maybe all nuance is lost on you at this point, but I kind of feel like the point I'm trying to make isn't that fucking complicated.
  11. according to howlongtobeat, it's a relatively short game. Like 10-15 hours, depending on what you do. It has a 90% positive rating on steam, but a 60 on metacritic. I'll probably wait to buy it until it goes on sale again at some point in the future. I'm trying to limit my "oh, I suppose I might play this one day" purchases right now because, y'know, not sure if I'll have a job in a month.
  12. It's on sale right now on Steam for $24, I've been wondering if it's worth it. It does seem to go on sale relatively often, though, and I'm probably not playing it any time soon. I probably just answered my own question. Still, I want to know if anyone played it and what they thought about it.
  13. I have never owned my own car. Other than for a brief time a couple years ago, I just also never worked any more than about a 20 minute walk from where I've lived, and have been close enough to everything else I need. In Portland, we have done the whole "use parking spaces for outdoor dining" thing, and there's been talks of making it permanent after covid. I've been curious about the long term effects on things like real estate and zoning that might come from this. A lot of businesses have decided to have at least some of their employees work from home permanently, and are ether closing some of their offices or moving somewhere smaller. for example, Amazon is moving out of one of the buildings in Seattle where they rent the top 8 floors and moving those offices to Bellevue (though to be fair I think that also has something to do with taxes). People who do work from home permanently now have the option of being like "shit, I could live anywhere I want to, huh?" (anecdotal, but one of my roommates, who was told he would be permanently working from home in September, decided to take a road trip around the southwest and has been living out of his car for 3 months, doing his work outside of Starbucks and whatnot) What all of this means, if it even means anything, is we don't know how all of this is going to affect city planning. Are downtown areas going to become half-abandoned office buildings and nothing else? Will more people move to the suburbs if they only work from home? Will more people move into the city if they only work from home? What does that ultimately do for housing prices in the suburbs vs. the city? Are enough people going to be working from home now that it even moves the needle?
  14. Yeah, it's an antiquated system that doesn't serve a purpose. If enough states join the interstate electoral popular vote pact or whatever it's called, they won't matter anymore, but yeah... the fact that an elector can be like "NOPE! *flips bird*" is disconcerting. Like, faithless electors have never swayed an election, but they could, and they have tried before in 1960. It's like Trump resigning so Pence can pardon him for any crimes he may have committed while president. Is it likely to happen? Probably not. But there's nothing to say it can't. (for anyone curious, Nixon was pardoned without ever having plead guilty)
  15. I have a Switch, which I only use for like Mario Kart and Jackbox Party Pack with friends, but other than that, I don't think I'll buy a console again. I do need to do a revamp of my PC, though, but there are other things I want to buy first. As of right now, my PC is still fine playing things in 1080p #1080pLife
  16. Well, the faithless electors in 2016 weren't actively trying to sabotage the election. Their votes didn't ultimately matter, they were just making a point. The ones in 1960 (it was 1960, I double checked) were actively trying to stage a coup that didn't work. And they voted Strom Thurmond as vice president, not president, so I misremembered there. Faithless electors haven't really swung an election. Yet. Still, the fact that it COULD happen and a lot of states don't have anything to protect it from happening is disconcerting.
  17. Faithless electors already basically tried a coup in 1956. Or maybe it was 1960. One of the years Strom Thurmond ran. It's only illegal in a handful of states I believe.
  18. She ultimately convinced me of it, honestly. Even if we broke up tomorrow, I doubt I would go back to eating at least red meat (I might go back to eating chicken). As much as the thought of a good seared, butter-basted steak with rosemary gives me a boner. I convinced her not to be an anti-vaxxer, she convinced me to not eat meat. It was a trade off that was ultimately better for the planet.
  19. If you watch the legal eagle video, he explains that Trump basically has no legal ground to stand on whatsoever. Even if he did end up winning his lawsuit in Pennsylvania, it wouldn't matter. Biden won. His only option is to literally declare himself a dictator and say the votes didn't matter. even with how crazy things have gotten, I find it hard to believe things would go that far.
  20. I thought it was a good idea until I saw that. I'm already getting to a point where I have to purge subscriptions. I have too many services I never use.
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