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Everything posted by Fizzzzle

  1. I have a 50" Vizio and a dual-monitor 20" Asus monitor set up. All 1080p. I don't want to upgrade to 4k yet because then I have to buy a new GPU, which I don't want to spend money on. My GPU is like 5 years old and I can still play pretty much everything on at least high settings, even if I can't get more than 60fps.
  2. I'm not saying both sides are equally responsible, but they all do carry some blame.
  3. They'll stay open until there's a safety net for the businesses and people. There is no other choice. If the country shut down again right now with no stimulus bill, who knows how many millions of people will lose their jobs, and this time they won't be just temporarily laid off. Their jobs will just be gone. Some states literally don't have any more money in the unemployment trust, so giving people unemployment benefits will require... fucking who knows. The government might have to just print money, which has its own long term consequences. I hate that Democrats and Republicans couldn't just agree that a stimulus bill was necessary. Instead, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, Graham, and all the other fucks have spent the last 3 months trying to use it as a weapon. Now we're in this shithole situation, and nothing may change until February.
  4. I want to get a cast iron skillet. I've never had one. If I ever have kids, I want them to inherit my cast iron pans. I just read something on reddit the other day about a dude who uses the same cast iron skillet his great-great grandfather used in the 19th century. that got me so jealous. I want that for my great-great grandchildren, assuming I ever have chidren.
  5. I was still moderately hungry after one, but I don't think I could have eaten two. I split the difference by snacking on peanuts after I was done.
  6. Girlfriend tricked me into doing it. Though, I do sneak in some sea bugs every now and again when she isn't looking... Or I'll cook with fish sauce. And the other day I ate some ramen that I didn't realize had beef powder in it until I already cooked it, but I ate it anyway. In other words, I'm a really bad vegetarian.
  7. Would that then require any punishing actions to require at least 2 of the 3 agencies to agree? And that would still require one of the agencies to vote against their boss? Or would that be mitigated by the fact that agents could not be removed or appointed without agreement from both branches that administered them?
  8. That's why I think having a back-and-forth video essay format that everyone would see is preferable. Give the candidates limits, llet's say [x] amount of minutes for the "here's where you were incorrect, here's where you were misleading, here's where you were outright lying" section (with direct sources), then [x] amount of time to make their statement on whatever the topic is. If a network doesn't want to air a particular candidate's response, that would say a lot about the network.
  9. What would your solution be? Make the department of justice an entirely separate branch of government? Wouldn't that open it up for abuse of a different kind, since no one could police the police? Or would it be the job of Congress to oversee the DoJ?
  10. I don't really play any Codemasters games, so I can't say I necessarily have an opinion on the matter, but the last CM game I played was Dirt 3, and it was riddled with microtransactions. I think I might have played Grid Autosport a bit. I don't like this move in the sense that I don't like large publishers slowly gobbling up smaller ones (which seems to be happening in every medium), but I don't really see an issue necessarily. I don't really view Take Two as worse than Codemasters. Maybe Codemasters has gotten a lot better and I just haven't played the games idk
  11. I still think there is value to be had in being able to directly respond to what "they say" a candidate is going to do, without relying on political ads (which a lot of people already don't trust). Being able to tell a wider audience that normally wouldn't give a shit what you have to say "here's why it's wrong, here are the sources" could still be very valuable. Without some form of the debates, people would just be more in their bubble than they already are.
  12. I like the way Morrowind handled it, honestly, which is why it's probably my favorite game of all time. There weren't zones, each enemy in the game had a specific level assigned to it. If you ran into it underleveled, you were fucked. That game did a lot of other stuff I wouldn't want today, like having your melee strikes decided by RNGesus, but the overall progression of the game felt great, if uneven. In the beginning of the game, you were scared of even the smallest of critters. By the end of the game, you can be literally flying around the map raining fireballs down to obliterate your enemies, and those bandits you fought earlier are mere bugs on your windshield. It makes sense given that your character is supposed to be the literal reincarnation of a god, and it also feels so worth it after spending all that time getting killed by mutated dogs. I see your point, though. Zelda games have always had a metroidvania-style progression system in an open world setting. So did the earlier Assassin's Creed games, honestly.
  13. Actual assassinations were already pretty useless in the last 2 games. Unless you put a bunch of points in the assassin skill tree, you basically couldn't assassinate 75% of enemies because stealth attacks didn't do enough damage. In Odyssey, even with maxed out assassin damage, I couldn't assassinate probably half of enemies. It was just a "stealth attack," which would cause the enemy to notice me, leading the whole fucking garrison to come charging at me. I learned it's best not to play the games as stealth games anymore. Only use stealth as a way to "thin the herd" before going balls out on killing everyone in melee combat.
  14. It seems so backwards. Why should we debate in a way that essentially allows anyone to spew bullshit with impunity? Sure, it gets fact checked later, but no one actually pays attention to it. I propose a back-and-forth system (and this goes for any debates, not just political candidate debates) where the two candidates put out an opening statement, and then, over the course of however long, go back and forth in separate installments individually. This election, for example: Biden and Trump put out an initial statement each, then on let's say Monday Trump gets to respond, Wednesday Biden gets to respond, Friday Trump gets to respond, and so on. Basically, I think live debates have a huge tendency to go off the rails. As soon as one person says something that makes you go "ok, well hold on, there's a lot to unpack there," the debate has officially lost all purpose. If candidates are given time to give measured responses that allows them to actually fact check and cite sources rather than just spouting whatever they may half-remember from their prep team, we could actually get an honest discussion. If someone could open up with a section of "here's where you were incorrect, here's where you were misleading, here's where you were outright lying, and here's proof (with sources)," it could do wonders for trust in the political system. What say you? I kind of like the idea of a back-and-forth video essay style of debate. This isn't ancient Athens anymore.
  15. I work in a restaurant (I wish I didn't these days). We opened back up with some safety measures in late June/early July. Within a few days of being open again, I had a fucking bachelor party come in. They were exactly 10 people, which was the limit, and they got mad that they couldn't play pool or do anything fun (the rule is, unless you're going to the bathroom or entering/exiting, you have to be seated at your table). Then, the bachelorette party came in (what's the point of a bachelor party if you're hanging out with your fiancee, anyway?) and I had to tell them that they had to be separated. They got mad and left. The whole time I was just thinking WHY ARE YOU EVEN DOING THIS RIGHT NOW?! YOU CAN'T EVEN DO FUN BACHELOR PARTY THINGS! STRIP CLUBS ARE CLOSED!" On that note; WHY DO YOU NEED TO GET MARRIED RIGHT FUCKING NOW! Isn't the point of getting married that you have found someone you want to be with for the rest of your life? You can get married next year! Next summer will still be there! The stress of working in a bar right now has been higher than I've ever experienced. I want to tell everyone to stay home.
  16. I mean we're not there yet in that they can yell that all they want, but they can't do anything about it without basically starting a civil war.
  17. Well, I mean you could argue that you don't need a "slogan" to begin with, but "reallocate some police resources to mental health and community projects and maybe take some of the guns away and also cops should face consequences for their actions" isn't as catchy.
  18. I know it's become trite at this point, but "if your vote didn't matter, they wouldn't be trying so hard to suppress it."
  19. That last one kills me. It's a result of deliberate misinformation campaigns from conservatives. NO ONE is saying we don't need police (well, a few people have, but you get crazies in every bunch). If you actually explain to people what "defund the police" ACTUALLY means (reducing police funding and reallocating it to social services and other agencies to reduce police presence in community conflict... very well said), the vast majority of people are all for it. They just get scared by more dishonest conservative tactics like "THEY WANT TO LET MEXICANS RAPE YOUR CAT!!" It's like... no, we just think maybe it's better for mental health specialists and the like to show up to certain conflicts rather than trigger happy cops who see people as the enemy. And also maybe traffic cops don't need guns. There are absolutely situations in which we'd have to call in the shooty police, they just shouldn't be called for every single incident.
  20. I haven't had a steak in forever and now my mouth is watering thinking about butter-basting.
  21. That is depressing and true. Yeah, we're on like a "modified" lockdown in Portland that ultimately didn't really change anything. The status will be reviewed again in 2 weeks. But without another stimulus bill, we absolutely can't shut down businesses again. I work for probably the 4th or 5th largest private employer in Oregon, and I don't think they would survive even a month shut down without another stimulus package. They didn't even have enough cash to give everyone their last paychecks when we got laid off the first time, they had to get a loan. Not to mention a lot of people used up all of their unemployment benefits. You can apply to get it extended, but it was already a shitshow the first time around, I imagine it will be worse the second time, and a lot of people will slip through the cracks.
  22. I agree that proportional representation systems are better, but let's not pretend they're perfect. Hitler came from one, after all.
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