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Everything posted by Fizzzzle

  1. It's there? I thought she would just pop up in another one... I agree, she was not nearly fleshed out enough to make me give a shit
  2. Yeah, they kind of just gloss over it because it doesn't *really* matter at this point in the story. It can be kind of annoying for someone like me who, like, wants to know where everyone is geographically in relationship to one another, but for narrative purposes it doesn't matter. (one of the more brilliant things Game of Thrones did was the intro that showed where in the world the episode was taking place) It's like... they kind of explain what Nilfgaard is and that they are bad, and that they're fighting the "North," but beyond that they don't really say much.
  3. I normally don't eat much rich food, so I definitely blew up the toilet a couple times last night after Christmas dinner.
  4. I'm working tonight then going to my dad's tomorrow. I got a couple small gifts for folks, but I mostly want to get people restaurant gift cards and I can't fucking keep track of everyone's dietary restrictions, so I'm just going to ask them where they want to go when I see them. I think we're eating prime rib. My dad's girlfriend handles all the food and she's a bad cook, so that's cool
  5. I was getting ready for some kind of story where you were scarred by someone taking your stuffed bunny.
  6. @TwinIonputting my confused thoughts into words like a champ Ultimately, I think my attitude was "...eh"
  7. You have to think deeper than that, though. From birth, you're basically groomed to think that 'others' are coming to take YOUR birthrights. The world is falling apart around you. Like I said, a cult. It was only when I grew up enough to think "whatever, the world sucks anyway" that I moved to the left. The fear had left me because I had resigned myself to defeat. I say that to say that I'm (mostly) not an idiot and I was still taken in by the conservative grift. The world is not falling apart. No one is coming for your anything, because you ultimately don't matter and no one cares about you. It's always been this way and always will be.
  8. Speaking as someone who was groomed to be a conservative for most of my life... They kind of are. They prey on fear and insecurity, which is a hell of a motivator. It's kind of like a cult.
  9. Shout out to the way they filmed D'Onofrio. He's not like a massive human by any means, but his presence in every shot he's in feels crushing.
  10. I've never seen hard candy, now I feel like I need to. Another one I just thought of is Running Scared. Not that I would put it on the same stratosphere as Schindler's List or There Will Be Blood, but it still hurts to watch in a good way
  11. I contend that Cawthorn's whole purpose in life since his accident is making up for the fact that his dick doesn't work anymore. Rejected from college and turned from handsome stud to impotence in his early 20's while believing his birth and station granted him certain priveliges (I have no idea how to spell that word), name another person more vulnerable to fascism. Praying on fear and insecurity. He peaked in high school in his mind.
  12. Schindler's List is one off the top of my head. It's a brilliant movie, but I can only shed so many tears. 'Come and See' is another one in that same vein (if you guys haven't seen it, I highly recommend it, I think you can watch it on criterion. It's a Soviet movie from the 80's, it was never widely published) There Will Be Blood is another one. I've only seen it once, I loved it, but I doubt I will ever watch it again. It's difficult. It hits some kind of nerve that makes my brain go "yeah let's not do that again." What other movies fit this category? For some reason, a lot of Paul Thomas Anderson movies tend to fit that category, now that I think on it. I don't think I've ever seen any of his movies more than once, and I don't particularly care to.
  13. That never occurred to me. By the way I've watched season 2 twice now. The second time I started just skipping all of the Aratusa scheming.
  14. Now that I've had a sleep on it, I appreciate that this movie had more of a focus on characters over spectacle, but at the same time, spectacle was kind of the point of the Matrix movies? Also the did Morpheus dirty. Overall, I will think I liked it, but it's not something I'll be revisiting over and over again, which I did for the originals - even the bad ones. It was okay.
  15. Having a bunch of relatives in Appalachia, I feel so sorry that they are grifted into voting against their own interests Fuck the democrat party. They're a bunch of stinky turds. But I hate that fuckers like Madison Cawthorn pray on their insecurity. I wish, more than anything, that we could explain to them than you have one party that feeds on fear, while the other doesn't.
  16. I'm like.. I can't tell whether I like it or not yet. That seems to be a common theme with Wachowski movies.
  17. And it's all downhill from here. Just kidding. Happy birthday and I hope @wut gave you something
  18. But like maybe we should eliminate white people? I'm down to be the first martyr. Why be alive when you could just die?
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