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Everything posted by Fizzzzle

  1. There's also the Edward Norton Hulk movie that everyone promptly forgot about. Still, this is nuts to me. Throwing away an MCU contract over a fucking flu shot (assuming it's all true)
  2. Netflix still puts out some great stuff. Midnight Mass was awesome. The Forgotten Battle was one of the best war movies I've seen in a long time. The outpost was really good. Cowboy Bebop was good. Arcane was really good. I'm still hopeful for their Avatar show.
  3. TWICE A DAY?! dude, do you hate the earth, or yourself? Or both? Don't answer that.
  4. Did that today, too. I just don't need to do it all the time.
  6. Shampoo every day dries your scalp, leading to overproducing oil glands. Also you don't have to shampoo every time you shower. I get *in* the shower almost every day, it's just a matter of how much cleaning I do while I'm in there. Some days it's just a rinse and a scrub down of the dangly bits, some days it's a full body wash, conditioner every few days or so, shampoo like once every couple weeks. Going full on head to toe scrub down every day is A) bad for the environment and B) unnecessary.
  7. That's true, there is like a 15 mile stretch of nothing between San Clemente and Pendleton. For some reason in my head I don't remember it being that long.
  8. Outside of like downtown and Santa Monica, LA is pretty much one giant suburb. You can drive 2 hours straight from San Bernardino to LAX and it's nothing but single family homes and small office buildings as far as the eye can see. It's not even clear to an outsider where LA, Orange County, IE, and the beginnings of what will eventually become San Diego start/end. A sea of suburbs. True, depending on where you live. In Portland, rent is not siginificantly cheaper in the suburbs unless you go waaaaay far out, so it's like if you live out there, it's because you choose to. NIMBY zoning is absolutely a thing, though. Don't get me started on the urban growth boundary and the fuckery of liberal NIMBY governance ('we won't allow development past this line, but the only development we'll allow inside the line is single family homes!' then 15 years later 'oh fuck, I guess we need to move the line and expand our freeways!')
  9. It's pretty self explanatory to me. If you live in a city, you're probably more inclined toward "communal" freedom. It's about "us" vs. "me." If you live in a suburban or rural environment, it's about individual freedom. MAH guns, MAH cars, MAH rights, fuck everyone else. The thing is, I don't think that that is a wrong way to live necessarily. It's a personal choice. I just also think we should start introducing more targeted infrastructure benefits. People that live in suburban and rural areas are mostly the ones who vote down public infrastructure bills and whatnot because it doesn't directly benefit them. So perhaps we could try being like "hey, we're introducing a new [blank] bill that produces [whatever]. If you live in [rural/suburban counties], good news! you don't have to pay for it. You also don't get it, either." For example, free public transportation in cities is something I'm all for, but you might introduce it by having a free pass that you have to apply for that's only available for residents who actually live in the city. I don't know, something like that. I'm just spitballing.
  10. I mean, you're not wrong. it's just a random massive conglomeration of suburban hellscape that stretches for miles and miles and miles. And almost 2 million people decide to live in the 7 cities for some reason. Phoenix is the same way... so is Dallas/Fort Worth... so is Orange County... I'm noticing a pattern.
  11. I really like Germanic accents for some reason. Except for Dutch.
  12. I may not scrub-a-dub the whole body every day, but I actually own a foot bath. I specifically give myself a foot bath with a massager and epsom salt probably twice a week. I haven't had a proper pedicure since pre-pandemic, though. It does work wonders. I don't let them touch my callouses, though. I walk an average of 7 miles a day, those callouses are a life saver.
  13. There also seems to be some confusion. There are different types of showers. There's a rinse off. There's a "nooks and crannies" wash. There's a full scrub down. There's a shampoo wash. There's a shower-bath-shower. You don't need to do the full monty every day, unless you're like a nurse or a body builder. Or if you like hang dry wall or something. Most of us don't need to do a full scrub-a-dub shower every single day. If you do, you're wasting water. I do at least a rinse-off every night, though.
  14. Basically, if you are like DOING a dirty job, absolutely scrub every day. But if you're just sitting in a chair all day, it's not necessary. Nether regions excluded. But you shouldn't be shampooing your scalp every day. You shouldn't be exfoliating your entire body every day. Wear deodorant and let your body do its thing, and I promise you won't smell bad. Again, nether regions excluded
  15. I shampoo my hair like... Once every couple weeks? I just kind of let it go until I'm like "shits starting to get grimy." Well it doesn't if you use conditioner. Shampooing every day is bad for your scalp. Things like body wash can also be bad for your skin if you use it all the time. Basically, we aren't meant to have dry skin. The oils our skin produces are there for a reason. That being said, how often do you do a full scrub down? I soap my nether regions pretty much every day, the rest of my body I'll do every few days, with maybe a little exfoliating. Shampoo is rarely ever, it depends on what I'm doing. Conditioner like twice a week.
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