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Everything posted by Fizzzzle

  1. Don't know who that is, but they are correct. I bought the expansion. It's only $5. I don't think I like it, though. It feels a lot more RNG. Still, the game is fun as fuck.
  2. It's a mobile game that you can also play on PC. It's free to play, but there aren't any pay to win mechanics. It is horrifically addicting. You basically assemble a team of animals to try and beat an opponent, with each animal providing certain buffs to your team. If you can win 10 matches, you... beat the game? I don't know, I've only ever been able to get to 7 wins. Anyone else tried playing it?
  3. There is something calming about it. If I'm just sat at home watching TV all day (ie in a setting that's already calm), I don't smoke at all. It's only when I leave my house that I smoke, usually to get away from things for a few minutes at a time. It's kind of funny, if you go to your boss and say "hey, mind if I go fuck off and look at my phone for five minutes?" they'll be like "no, fuck you, get back to work," but if you say "mind if I go have a cigarette" they're like "yeah, go for it."
  4. That's mostly why I don't mind smoking outside. Smoking inside is what makes all your clothes reek of stale ashes. It's not so bad when you smoke outside.
  5. It's because smokers know that smoking is a useless vice and we only do it because smoking cigarettes basically screams "I'm a fatalist and nothing matters, so sure, charge me $15/pack, I'll be dead before it matters anyway." I'll quit smoking some day, but it is not this day. Last time I got really sick I didn't smoke for almost a week and I didn't even notice. Same for when I broke my ankle. It doesn't appear to be the nicotine that keeps me smoking anymore, it's more like there are certain activities/places that I associate with smoking.
  6. A couple bars near me are voluntarily closing down for the week. The bar I work at is close to having to do it whether they like it or not, we only have 3 full time cooks and one of them is already out from COVID
  7. There are plenty of places in the states that have rent control of some kind
  8. Yeah but the savings are ridiculous
  9. I don't remember! It's like a half forgotten dream.
  10. And @Rachel's forehead and @Tofurkey's mostly covered boobies.
  11. Pretty sure rev's penis has also been on view if memory serves
  12. I didn't see it, I just remember the hullabaloo afterwards. I assume it was related to a tinychat sesh.
  13. Oh, I forget, too! Though I do remember that being a thing. The exposure,I mean, not his penis. I assume that has always been a thing.
  14. I've spent the last couple years living with mostly successful, well adjusted people. The fucked up thing is that, even though I love them, I've always felt like I don't belong. Maybe that will always be a battle I face. And I know everyone is fucked up in their own way. But there's a part of me that has trouble relating to people that come from loving, functioning households and have never really had to struggle. They've never dealt with mental illness or addiction, they've never been abused. This is mostly a response to Riley's post, I guess. Not to say I know what his niece is going through. Just saying, having come from a broken home, dealing with mental illness and addiction, being a high school drop out, etc... the feeling of "I don't belong here" is something that has always followed me and probably always will. And it's something I didn't realize until I was almost 30. I feel at home with fuck ups, burn outs and miscreants. Part of the reason I've stayed in the service industry so long is that basically everyone are fuck ups and miscreants, and I feel at home. I can be myself. Every time I've tried some other career I end up feeling inadequate or like an outcast. I don't have to hide the fact that I have tattoos that cover up where I've slit my wrists, I don't have to hide anything about who I am or what I've been through, because I know pretty much everyone has been through something similar. And then the fucked up thing is that I don't want it to come off like "you just don't get it" like I'm on some kind of high horse. It's not a badge of honor. I don't know, I'm rambling at this point and I lost the point I was trying to make.
  15. Basement apartments are really cheap in New Orleans for some reason.
  16. I probably have said that. One thing the pandemic has changed in me is that I've actually been stuck in the northwest for the past 2 winters, whereas normally I fuck off for a month or so every winter and go to the jungle. It's made me realize how much I hate the cold when I actually have to deal with it for months on end. Then when I went to the northeast this summer, I felt instantly rejuvenated as soon as I got off the plane. Ask me again in another few years and I'll probably say I want to move to Alaska or something.
  17. No, I said I like them! I used to hate them when I was a kid. These days I pretty much want to be able to swim through the air.
  18. What? No, I said the opposite! I love humidity. I just hate the cold.
  19. I decided I should live in New Orleans for a while before it sinks beneath the delta. Sorry @sblfilms I'm moving February 8.
  20. Sangria is best made like 36-48 hours in advance. You have to let the flavors get to know each other.
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