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Everything posted by Fizzzzle

  1. From my perspective, that feels like it was 5 years ago. You have expressed so much since then that it feels like another lifetime to me. I hope you're doing okay. The pandemic has definitely warped my perception of time.
  2. That's a thing with no real answer that is probably only going to get worse. So happy 2022
  3. Back pain is the worst. I threw my back out twice this year. I have to bend over a lot for my work (#giggity)
  4. It makes sense - the US, by and large, still more or less dictates the world economy. We go in the shitter, so does everyone else to varying degrees.
  5. Bury your grievances here. I hated not being able to travel for most of it. I hated getting dumped, though it was for the best in the end. I hated starting another relationship that basically went from 0-100 and then back to 0 in the span of like 3 months. I hated Joe Manchin. I hated constantly alternating between being broke and being flush with cash. I hated that Loki ended on a "fuck you, make sure to tune into season 2 sometime in 2023" cliffhanger. I hate that most restaurants and bars still close at like 10pm even though they don't have to anymore. Put into perspective, I guess it doesn't seem all that bad when you think about it.
  6. I think it's just character reinforcement. The dog doesn't mean anything, but the fact that Kate and Clint keep remembering the dog (when it's plot convenient) keeps them grounded a bit. Also is the dog's name officially 'pizza?'
  7. Yeah but I mean you'd still have to get an accurate crack on a relatively small moving target for a kill shot
  8. Doesn't matter, dude. Also, you have to remember, most people that invade your home are themselves not armed, at least with not with guns. And, guess what, when you bring a knife to a bat fight, the bat usually wins as long as someone had to close a distance. Also also, if you accidentally hit your own daughter with a bat while mistaking her for an intruder, at least she won't be dead, probably.
  9. I mean, yeah, but also the poles are subjected to really wide temperature variables. Not saying you shouldn't be alarmed about somewhere in Alaska hitting nearly 70F in December, just also saying that the poles do not act like our normal weather systems. Reaching a random spike of warm weather in the winter or a random deep freeze in the summer is not totally weird.
  10. I just don't get why people feel the need to have die hard/home alone fantasies about home invasions. Unless your guns are readily available (ie not in a safe) it's not like they're going to be any fucking use. And in 99.99999% of home invasions, they're not trying to rape your kids, they just want your PS5 (#WheresOurChips). I say that as someone who used to break into houses when I was in high school. Do you really want to kill someone or risk yourself getting killed over a fucking PS5? One time when I was 16 or so, my house got broken into when only me and my mom were home. I went out with a bat (by far the best home defense instrument by the way) and almost cracked dudes skull in before I realized I knew the guy. There was basically a really awkward, tense moment before I told him very quietly, my mom keeps a gun under her pillow and will not be as resistant on the trigger as I am, as she was one of those die hard/home alone fantasy nut jobs. He thought I was trying to bluff or something and I was like "no, if she comes down and finds you here she will literally open fire." Eventually he left, it was one of the most awkward encounters I've ever had. Point being, if you're worried about home defense- 1) deadbolt your doors. You can get through deadbolts without breaking the door down, but it's really hard and often noisy 2) lock your windows when no one's home. If you don't have AC then that sucks but it is what it is 3) Baseball bats. Far more effective in home defense and far less likely to end in suicide or the accidental death of a loved one
  11. We might be getting into a bit of a COVID wave at my work. I haven't been exposed yet, but we'll see how long that lasts. The fucked up thing is like, the CDC can say all they want to isolate if you've been exposed to COVID, but that's flat out not going to happen for anyone who doesn't get paid sick days, which is 25% of all workers and nearly every worker in service/retail. The fucked up thing about that fucked up thing is that I work for a pretty small company. We have like 15 employees. If more than like 4 people are gone at once, we pretty much have to shut down or run on a limited basis. It would probably behoove my boss to pay people for sick days so that we *don't* get waves of sick that wipe everybody out. As it is, people are still going to show up to work if they've been exposed to COVID (or even if they have COVID) as long as they aren't symptomatic. 'Cause, y'know, they have to put food on the table.
  12. I find that to be true of most supernatural/fantasy shows that don't really have an ending in mind when they start (I know True Blood is loosely based on a novel). It's like they only have maybe 3 or 4 seasons mapped out and don't really know what the hell they're going to do after that because who knows if the show will even be on the air anymore. Supernatural? Pretty good for the first 3 or 4 seasons, then they had to keep raising the stakes and it got dumb. Grimm? Pretty good for the first ~3 seasons, then they had to keep raising the stakes and it got dumb. Lost? I'm pretty sure they never had any fucking clue what they were doing. Unlike shows like CSI or whatever that can just keep going for centuries, shows that have fantasy elements kind of have to keep expanding the world and introducing new things or else it just turns into another procedural or soap opera, so it either jumps the shark or gets boring. That's why I liked Fringe so much. Just as it was starting to get stale, they were like "alright, we only get one more season, fuck it" and went completely off the deep end. But in a good way.
  13. I don't have dreams about specific games, but I dream about being inside a first person shooter all the time.
  14. Apparently at work my chef's girlfriend and ex-wife both tested positive for COVID. My boss made the chef get tested (he had just spent the holidays with one and/or both of them) and lo and behold, he also tested positive. He had been working all day in the kitchen without a mask on. I haven't been there in almost a week, so I'm not worried, but my friend is also sick, they're just not sure if it's COVID or just the flu yet, they're getting tested today or tomorrow.
  15. I use the light theme but I have Chrome forced into Dark mode, so it's like the Dark theme, but better. The only thing is the reactions don't look right.
  16. I think that's a big part of why the pacing grinds to a halt every time they shift away from Geralt/Yennefer/Ciri. Like I get that it's information that will probably become important later, but the scheming scenes just suck all the life out of the show whenever they happen because we don't really know or care about who these people are and what they want.
  17. Yeah it's at a Safeway/Albertson's/Vons/whatever they're called where you are. They say they do accept walk ins, but it's juuuuust far enough away from me that I can't just pop in whenever on my way to do whatever. There is a Walgreens that's a lot closer, I could try popping in there on my way to get groceries.
  18. Damn, I finally got around to scheduling a booster appointment and I couldn't get one until the end of January.
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