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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Who cares what fans "want?" Nobody cared in the OT; a story was told and you either liked it or you didn't. I'm a fan; I didn't give a shit. I didn't "ask" for anything; I enjoyed a great movie without asking for Tarkin Part 2.
  2. Hux being comedy relief was great. There wasn't anything particularly notable about him in TFA. Let's face it: people didn't think Lucas, after the PT, understood Star Wars. Star Wars fans are bad. I wish I could make a SW film just to piss them off tbqh.
  3. Hey don't freak, it's not that argument! Probably why those who love TLJ compare it favorably to the OT since it's not a "slow" movie but it doesn't rush things. Luke has some funny lines... REALLY funny, actually. But there's a sense of weight to the training. Leia meeting Luke again for the first time since Episode 6 was given its moment. Yoda returning was given time to breathe and felt magical. You really delve into Finn's feelings on the conflict, having just wanted to save Rey in 7 and escape in 8 and seeing the nuts and bolts of who runs the galaxy, who profits from the war, and what it means to be a rebel. I'm honestly amazed how it handled the arcs of Luke, Finn, Poe, Kylo Ren, and Rey. That's a lot of damn moving parts. And I can talk endlessly about how much I love the cinematography. FUCK, when Star Wars is good, it's fucking good.
  4. I never understood why anyone liked him. He was always a fake. Remember when he used to talk about how moderate he was? That's why he was for Giuliani in the 08 primaries? Yet he never complained about anyone but liberals. A 'pro-choicer' who only ever complained about other pro-choicers. And then he'd join racist users like Engel with, "Why would I join in on the liberal circle jerk by espousing liberal views?" And then he was called out on it here, and his excuse was, "When was the last time I called myself a moderate, eh?!" When people told him in that infamous keffiyeh thread that he finally lost his mind, I was wondering why people thought he lost it then considering he argued that gay marriage would led to marrying donkeys since he could pretend they consented.
  5. The shoe throwing, fml I mean, like Kentucky in 2018, there would be a ton of things that need to be fixed even if that didn't happen and Florida got the W, but that was so unnecessary.
  6. Haven't gotten around to it yet (been doing Demon's Souls) but it's bought and ready to play once I get a second controller soon.
  7. So first, I was legit shocked at Snoke's death as well. Awesome shit. Second, good Pirates comparison. At the time when that came out, it was one of a kind as far as I know in the dialogue department. Not many big budget movies had dialogue like that, and it was quick and witty. I don't mind the dialogue, and in fact, one thing I noticed after TFA released was how many lines I quoted for fun and with pleasure. It was one of the things I most remember Ebert critiquing Attack of the Clones on -- the actors didn't seem excited to be the characters, the dialogue was all mostly exposition to talk about what happened or is happening, there are no lines you can quote for pleasure. But TFA arrives and I'm going, "That's not how the Force works!" and "Because it's the right thing to do," "....you need a pilot." "I need a pilot." I don't think that's the problem with TROS, at least not the main one. It's more that the dialogue isn't that good. If you're going to try for that kind of dialogue, it needs to be funny. I think that scene with Leia where she goes, "Try to be positive!" is a good example. The scene didn't really add anything to anything, it felt a bit awkward hearing Leia's lines that were not intended for that scene, and it wasn't a clever back and forth.
  8. Company specific. Sony Playstation: Microsoft Xbox: Nintendo Switch:
  9. For me, all I have to do is watch 4 - 8. 8 is a good enough payoff, showing a different kind of resolution, inspiring a new generation of rebels against corrupt authority. As a trilogy, it's true that the final movie really didn't have a payoff. But 7 and 8 back to back has a huge payoff. I feel if we got Trevorrow's vision, we'd be having a different conversation. We can debate over what quality the movie would have been, but there was certainly a much story that went in directions previous SW films did not, and it actually built off of TLJ. Had we had that, each movie would have built upon what came before. I kind of miss people being high on SW in 2015. It's like 1999, everyone was psyched, and then it ended up being years of arguments after TPM instead.
  10. One of the coolest things from the original game was the counter operative mode. There are very few games where you can just be a normal henchman with little health. It was always harder for Joanna because there would be one pretty smart enemy in the map, but the concept was so cool. It'd be like being one of the normal enemies in Dynasty Warriors and going after the player general.
  11. I think it's just we expect more. During the HD transition into PS360, frame rates for games, especially open worlds, were notoriously bad. Even going into more side by side comparisons, both TLOU and TLOU2 came out 7 years into the gen, and while TLOU2 would have some dips, it played 30fps in many encounters, including big chases. Whereas TLOU1 would get into the 20s even while traversing and most battles IIRC. So I think we just expect more since the gen all in all has seen far better performing games than the gen before. I think more than Japanese developers, since they're typically the one seen as having issues, had issues with the HD transition.
  12. I must be playing all the correct games because most of the games I play work just fine from the get-go. I'm not the kind of person who thinks bugs or bad performance are Betas because I played Perfect Dark for ages with no patches available for that 10fps crapshoot. Like Days Gone: I look forward to revisiting on PS5 because it's a great game and because 60fps with those hordes would be cool to see, but even with the performance issues, it was a great game, so it just kind of was something I kind of accepted since it was playable and too good to pass up. If I had no internet and only had access to 1.0 version, I'd be fine. I'd prefer playing it on PS5, but I don't feel like I'm playing "less" of a game. On the whole, last gen was a huge improvement performance-wise than 360/PS3. Compare Uncharted 4's performance to 1/2/3 and it's night and day how much better it was on PS4 for frame rate. Stuff like Horizon Zero Dawn and God of War would have dipped significantly more if there was a PS3 counterpart.
  13. That's way too damn much for me. However, I look forward to this since it would have been cool for the original movies to explore this time period of Vader helping to hunt down and destroy the Jedi, not do it in one fell swoop. Hoping for the best there! Also hoping RJ's SW movies are still a thing since TLJ is the best SW movie next to ESB. I haven't tried Disney+ yet so I haven't seen the Mandalorian yet. Hope it's as good as I've been hearing. I know some are excited as hell and some are like, "wtf is all of this?" But if some are quality, then cool; I don't have to keep up with all of them, you know? Never read anything EU related or cared.
  14. Militia Group Leader Guilty Of Minnesota Mosque Pipe Bomb Attack WWW.NPR.ORG Following the conviction, prosecutors said Michael Hari's goal in bombing the Dar al-Farooq Islamic Center in 2017 "was to spread hatred" and "instill fear" in the community.
  15. 'Friday' Star Tommy 'Tiny' Lister Dead at 62 WWW.TMZ.COM "Friday" star Tommy "Tiny" Lister had died at age 62. Was in TDK for a small amount of time but always loved his scene. He was also a wrestler, in the main event of Summerslam 1989: AFAIK he played Zeus in No Holds Barred but I don't remember much besides the dookie scene.
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