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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. Goon on you man. Sometimes it’s crazy to think how life would be if we didn’t take those kinds of risks. I also worked in a non tech field. I have a non tech degree. But a series of purposeful choices after a somewhat risky one have me working as a programmer for the last several years.
  2. Their TOS states something to the effect that it can’t be used for paying for financial or violent crimes. Can’t remember the exact wording.
  3. Not sure but the Trump one is breaking a TOS they have so it doesn’t matter
  4. Stand with Trump; Fund the $355M Unjust Judgment, organized by Elena Cardone WWW.GOFUNDME.COM My name is Elena Cardone and I am a wife of Grant Cardone, mother and … Elena Cardone needs your support for Stand with Trump; Fund the $355M Unjust Judgment
  5. Re: '90s Spider-Man. Loved it when I was a kid. My oldest has been watching all the Spider-Man content on Disney+ and he went through that one. I actually disagree with the people here. It has not held up well IMO. And it's the only one my son doesn't revisit. There's at least two newer ones (don't remember their specific titles) but my son watches those over and over again. I also recently watched some old '90s X-Men. That has held up a lot better. I like the look of this trailer because even though it's probably not hand drawn/animated, it looks so. It has the feel of the original but just slightly polished.
  6. The two least-justifiable streaming services can combine into one, mega least justifiable streaming service.
  7. Good to know that MS can't just squash rumors with a simple press release. They have to make everybody wait several days and make a show of nothing.
  8. Heh. That’s what my wife and I always do on our anniversary. Which was yesterday. 14 years
  9. That commercial really annoyed me. "They said I'd never start a business" "They said I'd never go to college" "They said I'd never make a home cooked meal" Really? Who are all these downers telling you that you can't do normal, every day adult things? Who? Give me a fucking break.
  10. Yeah and let's be real. If Trump were to be a one day dictator, is the type of personality to give up that power?
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