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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. Saw Jurassic Park last night... the app still does not ask me to take a picture of my ticket.
  2. Agreed. Also, Alicia Vikander gave a fantastic performance. She was above and beyond the rest of the cast (unfortunately).
  3. @Nokt Nothing wrong with double posting. Khemmis - Desolation - 8/10 Khemmis' "doomed heavy metal", a catchy combination of Iron Maiden's melody and Black Sabbath's crawling tempo, continues on their third full length album Desolation. It has all the elements of their freshman and sophomore efforts: soaring vocal melodies and harmonies, a thrasher, a few growls here and there, and a long closing track that brings it all together. And like their previous two albums that last track is my favorite. But, this one is a bit odd for me in that it feels like their songwriting game has stepped up, yet there's something lacking that I can't quite put my finger on. Their previous album (Hunted) did quite a bit more for me than this effort. It took the number 2 spot on my top albums of 2016 while I have a feeling this one will have a rough time cracking the top 10 this year. Don't get me wrong. Desolation is great. But I feel like there aren't any moments on this album that are as epic as the last 3 minutes of "Hunted". I don't feel like any of the melodies take you to that fantastical world of warriors and wizards like "Candlelight". But, there are some absolutely golden moments on Desolation. Take "The Seer", that turns from a relatively haunting and growly dirge into pure melodic bliss that will tug at your heartstrings about halfway through. The lead guitar work is also quite a bit better on this album than any of their other efforts. The guitar solo on "Isolation" fucking rips. And, as previously mentioned, the closer is epic.
  4. Too bad be never saw the same success he did with Pantera after they dissolved. But he is still legendary.
  5. Edit 15 Feb 2023: Formerly known as the "Rate the Last Album You Listened to Thread" There was a similar thread prior to the board Chernobyl in the music forum; and it was the one thread on that sub-board that was pretty consistently active. But I always loved the rate the last movie you watched thread. This one can be for music! It doesn't necessarily have to be rating an album per se. It can be an artist as a whole or a song individually or anything in between. I just like grouping my music by albums. Cloudkicker - Beacons - 9/10 One of my very favorite albums and definitely his best work. The song titles on this album are taken from a book called The Black Box; a book of transcriptions of black box recordings from plane crashes. The titles are usually the last words on the tape. "We're going in. We're going down." "It's bad. We're hit, man, we are hit." "We are going to invert..." "I admit it now. I was scared." "We were all scared."
  6. http://collider.com/terminator-6-images-sarah-connor-linda-hamilton/#image I mean she looks awesome and badass. Still don't want another Terminator movie. But also I will be there on day 1.
  7. It's terrible. $8.99/mo for one movie (but it can roll over if you don't use it that month), and 20% off concessions. Wow! 20% off a $5 candy bar is still like $3 too expensive. Lol.
  8. God I can't believe that epic thread is gone. Imagine going through that at the end of his presidency/America and reliving the good times.
  9. I rarely see a movie more than once in the theater so the repeat viewing feature didn't really affect me when MoviePass removed it and it's not really enticing here at twice the price.
  10. Even though I liked Solo I'm glad they're doing this. Didn't want a Boba Fett movie.
  11. This season has been unbelievable in light of the past few years and with Cano's suspension.
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