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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. People are raving about that 3teeth album. Haven’t listened to it yet though.
  2. Powell seems like a true believer. Like 100% buys the bullshit. Curious if she’ll take it or try to fight it out.
  3. Try this one. It’s a “gift” article. In battle over gay weddings, Alliance Defending Freedom used aggressive tactics - The Washington Post WWW.WASHINGTONPOST.COM Opponents accuse Alliance Defending Freedom, the conservative law firm behind a landmark Supreme Court case, of manufacturing lawsuits to advance its agenda during a decade-long battle...
  4. I have this conversation with my wife frequently. “It’s tough being at home with the kids all day.” Yeah I know. I work in an office.
  5. This is very much the approach my wife and I take as well.
  6. All of this. A real dud IMO. And I didn't realize we were only getting eight episodes. I suppose that makes sense since a lot of the shows have had that length. But that makes it even more of a dud for me since they now have to squeeze a bunch into the finale. I've liked the formula that a lot of shows have used in this era of TV to have the penultimate episode be a real banger and have the finale let you breathe and set up a little for the next season. That's definitely not the case here it would seem.
  7. No idea what to make of that. I was really hoping we'd get more installments of Alicia Vikander's Tomb Raider. It wasn't perfect by any means but it was solid and had potential.
  8. I have and frequently add to a large physical media collection and am subscribed to a handful of streaming services so when I have to sail the high seas I don’t really feel any guilt over it.
  9. I thought Andy was a good addition to the show but the way his character changed over time did not feel natural.
  10. I think four? Once Pam and Jim are together they’re insufferable but are still treated as the heroes of the story.
  11. Correct. Should've ended with the season three finale. But I still binge the entire series every couple of years.
  12. Dang I thought Morty sounded closer. But either way I feel like those voices are 99% of the way there which is 19% better than the minimum I was hoping for so
  13. When a dog lives for that many years it’s apparent they were well cared for and loved. I’m sorry for your loss.
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