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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. I have the game installed and ready to go, kids are finally in bed, but now I'm tired as fuck.... Do I want to start a massive, slow opening game right now....That is the question.
  2. My family was the same way. So i eventually stopped eating those crappy individually wrapped cheese slices for years afterwards. Then one day at the grocery store the old guy at the deli counter recommended this Cooper white american cheese which turned out to be pretty good. Its more dry feeling, doesn't have that weird sticky plastic feeling like kraft singles. Try it if you haven't already.
  3. That's one of the reasons I haven't tuned in at all for this new season. I'll wait until the night he is supposed to die and just marathon the first couple episodes a few days before. AMC hyping up his death is probably all they've got at this point to try and get their viewer numbers up.
  4. I read yesterday that she ended up at the next door neighbors house by accident, didn't want to make contact with the stepmom because she doesn't get along with the kids real mom. Something about she saw movement through the window when she rang the bell and it was freezing cold outside. That's why she ran back to the car so quick. If that's the story she's sticking with....its a bad story. Baby drama and cold weather isn't a good enough excuse to carry a toddler by one arm, toss his stuff at the door, and speed off into the night.
  5. The article didn't say whether he turned down the chance to be in the sequel/prequel or wasn't offered it to begin with. I remember hearing on the Bombcast they weren't sure if he was the voice actor or not in the new game.
  6. My wife and I got a kick out of it. Maybe a tiny spoiler...
  7. Lol I know I almost sound greedy. It's just one of those games I feel like I've heard about for a long time and from what little I've seen, seems like bargain bin territory.
  8. Ended up buying this game Thursday night. Boredom and a little alcohol ended up with me pushing the buy button on the psn hoping to dig in more tonight after a busy ass weekend with no game time. I strangely like the pyro guy in multiplayer. I haven't played the specialist mode to understand all of their power ups but i liked the few matches I played when the guy starts making a field of radioactive burning death around him. First time using him I even got 3 flamethrower kills in a row. Felt good
  9. Go to your local junkyard and take a look around. You're bound to find a wrecked 99 Honda Civic with a Sparco racing seat. Prop that bitch up on some cinder blocks in the living room and you're good to go.
  10. These movies have a really good thing going for themselves with they way they all connect. It's a love hate thing for me. Like I really don't care about Black Panther but I had to see it because because of Infinity War. Now the same thing is happening with Captain Marvel. She is a character I never followed but again, now I have to see the movie before Avengers 4.
  11. My experience with this video.......... I'm on mobile so I pushed play and randomly clicked ahead and ended up at 3:21. I'm instantly greeted with non stop swearing while my phone volume is at max. My 6 year old son is in the room and says "daddy!! bad words...." while giving me a scolding look. *closes video* Have to watch this one later.
  12. I'll be watching it tonight or tomorrow. I want to rewatch the finale from last season again. I feel like I remember the special effects being very very bad though. Like they were floating around on wires during the fight at the end.
  13. I didn't think the new It movie was that great. It was fine but I didn't think it deserved the hype. I'm getting the same feeling from this trailer. It will be a fine remake, but if you've already read the book and seen the original you might not get much out of this. That's how I felt about It anyways
  14. Seriously Sony....... They finally have the exciting announcement about name changes and its got some Nintendo level bullshit attached to it. If any of you haven't clicked on the link yet, do so and read the short statement. Nothing about it sounds like a "sure thing". If at any time you experience what I guess is a game breaking bug you can revert back to your old name for free....and make sure to check their official game supported list when it goes up.... This is the screenname for your account, i shouldn't have to check a list to see if I'm going to have trouble.
  15. The Sears in my area was the same way. Big giant "sales" that still weren't that great until the very end. The building was eventually leveled and now a Dicks Sporting Goods stands in its place. Even more annoying is practically in the same parking lot they built a Field and Stream store which must be owned by the same company as Dicks because everything about the 2 stores are identical and they sell almost the same stuff.
  16. I passed by these at Wegmans on Saturday. In my head I read cotton candy grapes and thought Cotton Candy must be the name of the manufacturer haha. I'll have to pick these up I guess. My wife and daughter love cotton candy.
  17. COD games have always been rather large. Black Ops 3 is probably near that with the updates. They always seemed too big for what they are.
  18. It's crazy! I've seen a lot of videos online, but this was the first time i ever saw someone basically get assaulted while working out.
  20. Just cancel it and skip to Crackdown 4 and release it with the next gen consoles.
  21. Trust me I'm no drink snob. I don't mind what people like. I was laughing more at the name sparkletini. I wouldn't touch the stuff personally... only because it sounds like something that would give me heartburn within 30 minutes haha. Certain fruity flavored drinks do that to me.
  22. @Emblazon Finally got around to trying the pumpkin ale. I was shocked how good the taste was. If you find any enjoyment out of pumpkin spice flavor this is legit. You were spot on about how it tastes like it smells. My wife isn't much of a beer drinker, the most she will ever get is Miller Lite. When she tried this her eyes got wide and was like . She immediately said the rest of the bottles were hers....so I'm going to have to buy more if I can.
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