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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. I'm not outraged or anything, just disappointed. My birthday is June 4th and that's the only thing I was looking forward to. They made the right move though.
  2. Not sure if this was posted earlier in this massive thread but I fell down this quick rabbit hole of a woman in a wheelchair being attacked and sprayed with a fire extinguisher? If you go to the persons twitter there are other videos.Then later people said she was a crisis actor and another video supposedly shows her walking around with a knife but its too dark to even tell. I gotta go to bed.......
  3. I remember other years when people protested, there are always a handful of stories of people losing eyes either from tear gas canisters or rubber bullets. It's pretty fucked up. I would really recommend anyone going out there to wear some sort of safety goggles or ballistic glasses/goggles. Maybe wear a cup while you're at it.
  4. It feels so weird! I spent the weekend with my wife and kids at the house and if I didn't go online, we wouldn't have a clue about the fucked up shit going on.
  5. I didn't know people were protesting in my area. Supposedly, it was peaceful until a small younger crowd threw water bottles and then police in riot gear showed up and things escalated to pepper spray pretty quickly. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pennlive.com/news/2020/05/protester-violence-at-harrisburgs-george-floyd-rally-could-have-been-prevented-if-not-for-riot-police.html%3foutputType=amp
  6. If the cop stopped and politely asked them to move on the sidewalk they weren't going to listen anyways. He just sped up the process
  7. I don't know the context of this video. Are these streets shut down and people are allowed to be walking freely in the road protesting? Between this and the other video of protesters rushing and climbing on a police car (and then it speeding off) it's like people are purposely trying to get the police to react badly so they can be like OH LOOK WHAT THEY DID NOW!! So far all I'm thinking is don't climb on a moving cop car and in this case stay out of the road.
  8. I had fun with Battlefront 2. The singleplayer wasn't anything amazing but it had some nice level variety, flying feels good, and the graphics look nice.
  9. I downloaded the demo but have been too lazy to hook up the PSVR. It's been a while.
  10. Thanks a lot for posting this. Ended up buying 2 years worth for a little over $60
  11. I have someone on my friends list that I keep tabs on as well lol. He is very anti Trump and usually has some hot takes about stories on the internet. Usually about racism or police brutality. Some of his posts you almost want to agree with him.... until the extreme anger and rage start coming out. I've known him for quite a few years and don't find him to be a threat in real life, but online it's like he gets powered up. Makes me wonder sometimes.
  12. Ok I'm tired, I skimmed the article about the kids name, but did I miss the part about how to pronounce his name? "X Æ A-12 Musk". The hell am I looking at here?
  13. That would be cool. See how many games in a row you could win.
  14. "Mick also communicated that he wasn’t particularly happy with some of the edits in the id tracks. I understand this from an artist’s perspective and realize this opinion is what prompted him to distance from the work in the first place. That said, from our perspective, we didn’t want to be involved in the content of the OST and did absolutely nothing to prevent him from delivering on his commitments within the timeframe he asked for, and we extended multiple times ." That should be the big takeaway here. He might be some great musician, but he promised something he couldn't deliver. Forcing id to sacrifice quality to deliver the soundtrack as promised to the paying customer.
  15. I cant form a strong opinion either way for protesters. I understand both sides and I don't have a good answer. There are hundreds of small business owners in my area that might not have received any income since the middle of March(other than the stimulus that went out). Unemployment wasn't set up for small businesses owners in PA until April 17th. You have to submit digital copies of your tax return or 1099 forms during the application process. A lot of people don't have these off hand. When you do get through the application it said it may take 20 days to determine your eligibility. While I would never go protest with these people, it's not hard to understand why some of them are losing their minds.
  16. I don't have an answer, but my beef with social distancing is the 6ft rule. The few stores I go to the lines are fucking ridiculously long because people are standing 12-15ft apart. People can't measure for shit. At the grocery store, they stand there with their cart extended out from their body plus another 6ft of empty space in front of that.
  17. I've had 2 DS4's develop a drift problem. Both on the left stick. Probably because I play a lot of first person shooters and i'm just constantly holding the stick and clicking it in to run/sprint. I wasn't able to repair them, i bought the parts but they still weren't right. I was able to repair my Switch controller no problem though.
  18. I always had the best luck with Xbox controllers. Between the Xbox, 360, and Xbone I never had one stop working in any way.
  19. http://wjactv.com/news/local/which-counties-can-reopen-may-8-pa-officials-say-well-have-an-answer-by-friday Sounds like we will have an answer tomorrow. This article says they could open some counties and regions before others. "Wolf’s plan includes three color coded phases for each region: a strict red phase, which the entire state is currently under, a yellow phase, where restrictions begin to ease, and a green phase, where most restrictions are lifted. One of the requirements for an area to move out of the red phase, is that it must report less than 50 cases per 100,000 people over a 14-day period."
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