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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. So a few months ago when Trolls World Tour went digital, AMC vowed to not play Universal movies anymore. Has there been any anger toward Disney for this? Or maybe we are far enough into the pandemic AMC knows better now?
  2. Probably wouldn't last long. You would have dumb people jamming candy or food into all the jacks for fun.
  3. My level of excitement hasn't really been going up at all, it may even be dropping. We still don't have launch prices and I couldn't name you more than 2 or 3 launch games between either system. We are like 3 months from launch here, it's crazy.
  4. What do you all do while wearing a mask and you have to sneeze? I sneezed into a mask once and was a little wet for comfort. Now I quickly pull the mask to the side, pull my shirt up over my mouth and nose sneezing into my chest lol. Is this acceptable?
  5. I haven't been keeping up with Covid news lately. Is there any talk of a nationwide shutdown happening in the future? Right now everything is all about kids and schools trying to start up. But with flu season usually starting in October, then you have holidays with people traveling and shopping..... we pretty much HAVE to be shut down again right?
  6. Did you ever have Corona Familiar? I kept seeing it in stores but hadn't tried it. Searching online didn't give the clearest answer what it was and I found conflicting info on some beer forums with people saying different things. The general consensus I found was that it's like Extra but has just a little bit of a bolder/stronger taste. Maybe a tiny bit more alcohol. Anyways I picked up a 12 pack and love it. Like you said, it could be the heat outside but they go down pretty smooth.
  7. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/07/29/kodak-executive-chairman-addresses-jump-in-trading-activity-before-government-deal-was-announced.html Amid Monday's heavy trading activity, the stock jumped 24.76%. When asked if the heavy volume ahead of the announcement indicated that the deal was leaked, Continenza said he didn't know. "I mean obviously this has been a pretty tight kept secret even until the last day," he said. "I couldn't tell you what influenced that [the volume] or didn't ... we knew for over a week." Just deny and play dumb. That's all you have to do.
  8. A month ago I had to call an ambulance for my wife. She suddenly had a fever of 101. Then 2 hours later she got up out of bed and immediately fell to the floor and had no energy to move. She has asthma and had an asthma attack, which she very rarely gets. Then had a small seizure(which she never had in her life). She was isolated at the hospital and got a Covid test. 5 hours later test came back negative. Blood tests didn't show anything crazy going on and she started feeling better. They discharged her shortly after. Her mom used to be a nurse and said to get checked for Lymes disease. Results came in a day later and she's positive for Lymes. She had a fever for over a week afterwards. They aren't sure yet how long she's had and she's being treated, but if she gets a flare up in the future she will probably have a fever again of 100-101. We'll be stressing not knowing if it's Covid or not.
  9. Man I sat down like 3 hours ago hoping to play this game. Spent all this time trying different things. Last resort, I try going to the PSN Store on my phone and click Download from there. It instantly popped up on my PS4 and now it's downloading. Never had to do that before. And yeah it's around 80GB....
  10. Yeah I have 173GB free. No error messages come up either. Just click download and it does nothing. Maybe it's some weird license thing. I think a settings menu somewhere has something about checking or restoring licenses.
  11. I've never run into this before. I went to my Library on the PS4, went to COD:MW Remastered, hit download, a screen comes up asking which portion would I like to download first (single/multiplayer) but there is only one option. I hit X and it just goes back to the main screen of the dashboard. Any ideas?
  12. I live close to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I wouldn't consider us a hot spot but cases seem to be on the rise everywhere.
  13. I want to support some more local places but I also feel like that could raise your risk of getting the virus. In the last month, 2 restaurants within walking distance of me have shut down for a week after an employee tested positive at each. I have a lot of food options near me. One night I went to Domino's for a pizza for the kids (it's their favorite) and then picked up a real pizza for me nearby. At Domino's the teen rolling dough has his nose hanging out of his mask. At the other pizza place, the cook is walking around the kitchen with his mask on his neck like a scarf. I'm better off braving the grocery store myself.
  14. I've driven by a lot of restaurants in my area with the temporary outdoor seating. Feel so bad for them. I can't imagine what some of these set ups cost that I've seen. Plus it's been 90-100 degrees outside for almost the last 2 weeks. The last place I want to be eating is outside.
  15. Graphics aside, the gameplay just didn't look that great to me. It's Halo, I guess I shouldn't expect something too drastically different. The run and gun action looks like the exact same thing as the last 5 and some odd games. Doesn't seem to have evolved much. Maybe I've played too much Titanfall 2 and Apex Legends. Those games have a decent grappling hook at least. Master Chief's grappling hook looked about as fast as a pull string.
  16. I wish I would go back and finish the game. Just feel like I don't have the time for it. Im probably 8 hours in and I like it, but most of my game playing these days is at night and I end up getting too tired.
  17. Amazing and terrifying! Imagine whats going through the kids heads (especially the 10 year old). Then the people on the ground who are about to have a 60-70 pound person flying down on top of them.
  18. To this day I still haven't seen more than the first hour of Avatar. Didn't care to see it in theaters, I remember places like Best Buy would be demoing it on every screen. Picked up the collectors edition blu ray for $5 at a flea market years later. Started watching it but fell asleep because it was late at night....and still haven't gone back. To hear there are 4 more movies planned just boggles my mind.
  19. On the Nextdoor app in my area, someone named a preschool in the area where a teacher just tested positive. My wife quit her job about 3 weeks ago at a different preschool (mostly in preparation to teach our kids from home at the end of August). With the way cases are shooting up I'm urprised we're not shut down again.
  20. Yeah I didn't think of that either. Won't be a problem for me. Haven't seen an N95 mask since this started.
  21. Yeah I can't believe it took this long to confirm no back buttons. I haven't kept up with every piece of PS5 media, but it always seemed like that rear side of the controller was out of view just enough that you couldn't tell. I thought they were going to have an announcement where they turn the controller around completely and be like "annnnnnd look at these buttons!".
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