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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. Yeah...I know I got Super Mario Bros 3 on launch day, but my parents paid for that. With my own money, almost certainly Ocarina of Time.
  2. The fact that the Cybertruck can't ever get wet or dirty (and must be washed immediately if it does) actually makes it a perfect car for the sort of suburban Chads who want it; most pickup trucks are owned as a status symbol and are rarely if ever used to haul items—many owners refuse to ever put things in the bed because it might get scratched. So having a truck that can never actually be used as a truck or it will fall apart from rust is perfectly fitting.
  3. Yep, perfect modern take on the casual aracde/action genre. Enough depth to give you some freedom and drive to play more, but simple enough gameplay loop to just let you play for 30-40 minutes and have a good time.
  4. Prompt: "greasy nerd posting on the day one patch internet forums on a computer about AI " (yes, this is actually generated by Midjourney right now...it's crazy how good these are)
  5. No, he is an anti-vaxxer (and doesn't even believe in masks), he believes anti-depressants are a primary cause of gun violence, that COVID-19 was a bio-engineered weapon (and that some Jewish people and Chinese people are immune), and that vaccines cause autism. That is why he is correctly painted as unfit for office. He might have some good opinions, but even Trump or Hitler had good opinions. That doesn't make them fit for office.
  6. Will the Trump/GOP response to this be that the USA is to blame, and that the US/NATO should withdraw all forces from eastern and central Europe so that Russia feels safe (which surely means they not pursue this type of launch)?
  7. Uh...what new Russian capability could this be? Their most-recent hypersonic missile was basically a dud and they can't really make them in large quantities. Cyberattack capabilities?
  8. IMO it's great casting. Really happy to see Joseph Quinn landing a major role.
  9. Мосбиржа второй день подряд остановила торги на фоне массовых проблем с иностранными серверами в России - Русская служба The Moscow Times WWW.MOSCOWTIMES.RU Moscow stock exchange had to halt trading for a second time in two days after their computer systems failed. Hardware-based system failures (across the country) have risen 5x in the past year due to shortages of components.
  10. I think they will likely just call it Switch 2. Super Switch would also be fine. If it's Super Nintendo Switch then there could be some confusion. Same with Switch+, etc.
  11. NYT Op-Ed, 2025: "Yes, the loss of Europe to Russia—and Taiwan and the Philippines to China—is a blow to US interests. However, thanks to the EMP strikes that disabled all electrical infrastructure in North America and killed 90% of the population in the ensuing chaos, we no longer have to worry about the menace of private email servers by Democratic Party politicians. So it is fair to say that Trump's Presidency is a mixed bag, at worst." - carved onto a tablet outside NYT HQ.
  12. Elon Musk is now calling for the west to stop supporting Ukraine. GOP house leader just said they won't take up the aid bill the Senate is about to pass. I think this is it, and the US has decided to lose the war to Russia. So fucking weak.
  13. My judge of taste for people in the Philippines and area is if they like durian. Absolutely disgusting.
  14. The real debate is what a gas pedal should be called in an EV: accelerator go pedal
  15. GIF is an acronym though, not an initialism. Acronyms are pronounced phonetically according to the new word that is created, not by the letters that created the acronym. This is why NASA is pronounced Nah-saw and not Nay-saw, even though the first A in the world is long in Aeronautics, not short. As the letter G can be hard or soft, the acronym pronunciation for GIF is correct either way. So it's just a matter of what people accept as the correct version. It's like how other words have multiple accepted pronunciations depending on locations, etc (toMAYto vs toMAHto). EDIT - An even better example is LASER, which we pronounce as Lay-Zer despite there being no Z in the word. If we followed the rule of using the initial's pronunciation rather than accepting the word as a new acronym, then we should say Lay-sser. EDIT2 - Or JPEG. It should be jay-fegg since Photograph has an f sound, if we used that rule.
  16. To me, "day one dictator" doesn't imply being dictator for one day, it means he would be a dictator starting on the first day.
  17. Game servers have been down for 6+ hours at this point. Real shitty when you're an adult and don't have time to game all week, and a game goes down when you reserved a few hours to play.
  18. I think perhaps what also clouds this is reverse-Patrick-Stewart-syndrome. Stewart looked 50 years old when he was 25, so he appears to have never aged. Trump has had the mental faculties of a 90-year old man since he was 50, so he appears to have not declined. In fact, Trump has always been worse than Biden in his critical thinking (probably all the STIs), it's just that he hit bottom so long ago that it's hard to notice.
  19. Trump’s Immigration Plan Is Even More Aggressive Now - The Atlantic WWW.THEATLANTIC.COM The former president and his aides are formulating plans to deport millions of migrants. Basically plans to send federal agents into Democratic states and round up immigrants.
  20. I really hope the second season sticks the landing, because the first is probably the best Star Wars content ever made.
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