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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. All five pieces, sides and all? Impressive. Not physically impressive, granted, but impressive that you so thoroughly went past your sense of shame. I'm honestly jealous.
  2. I would tend to agree, but at the same thing that’s not exactly a selling point in the middle of a pandemic. Hell, even Azar had more qualifications!
  3. Given his health, cognitive state, endless amount of potential criminal charges, and a few nutcases who *really* might want to prevent it, he ain’t making it to the 2024 field. Something will take him out before then.
  4. I needed a Christmas gift for my brother/sister-in-law in San Diego, so thank you.
  5. Babish Matty Matheson PBS NewsHour First We Feast Dan Bell Bouldering Bobat Mikey Chen/Strictly Dumpling Chilled Cow Giant Bomb Noclip That's not ten in order, that's just ten good ones. Not even all necessarily my favorites either, just ten good ass channels.
  6. I smoke marijuana more or less every night.
  7. Also - no carrots in this. Which is good, cause fuck 'em!
  8. The key - which I have now learned thanks to my fantastic girlfriend - is to *not* sear or bake your meatballs before putting them in the broth. My first thought was 'what madness is this', but I went along with it and it is revelatory. All the fat from the meatballs renders into the soup, which basically means you have dropped two dozen season bombs into the pot. Absolutely delightful.
  9. I actually laughed when the Razorcrest got wrecked...Scrapped its way through a season and a half, and finally after being completely built up, it gets fuckin' nuked from orbit.
  10. Also, another example of the show leaning on the films and cleaning them up: the way they handled any questions about how Jango/Boba fit the new cannon surrounding Mandalorian culture was so deftly done (I bet Pablo Hidalgo is a big reason why).
  11. Man I was kind of bummed that they were bringing Boba back and I really wanted him to be a little bitch, but that fucking owned so hard. Filoni and Favreau rule.
  12. Account manager at a marketing agency, so that's basically my life. Though right now it's particularly bad because (1) we're on-boarding a big client, (2) launching a rush campaign to appease our most profitable client who always threatens to RFP us, (3) I have to help train a new member of our team, and (4) we're in the midst of a large acquisition campaign and doing it completely differently. A special kind of hell.
  13. It varies...Some are 30 min, some are 60, a few are 90 min. A couple of the smaller ones are standing 1:1s with other team members that could get canceled, but the majority are ones I have to both attend and actively participate. I concur. None of them overlap.
  14. Man, imagine building up such a strong reputation that you don't even need to post. That sounds awesome.
  15. If @sblfilms were still around (you assholes), I think he'd say the same thing: this really won't impact theaters too much in the long run. There will definitely be some contraction given how hilariously leveraged some of the big chains are, but most people don't go out for the movies, they go out for the sake of going out.
  16. The Office is actually really good, the only thing that sucks about it is it has the ‘Michael Bluth Problem’ (in which people actually idolize Jim rather than acknowledge that he is as dysfunctional as everyone else).
  17. Our work day technically starts at 8:30 but I always get grief if I schedule anything for 9:00. Motherfucker, you should have already been working for a half hour! And none of that grief ever comes from our Managing Director who’s on Central Time, it’s always the people in my timezone. Insane.
  18. 8 am? What the fuck? Scheduling calls before 9 is downright unprofessional.
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