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Everything posted by cusideabelincoln

  1. Resolution is the largest contributing factor to performance when there is no CPU bottleneck. The two systems are rumored to use the same or similar CPU, so draw calls and AI won't need to be downscaled. Any other bottlenecks should be easily adjustable as most PC ports offer them as options. It will be more work for developers to verify the optimal settings, but nothing most aren't used to by now who have put in the time for decent PC ports. I'm guessing the reality of the situation is the vast majority of 3rd party multi-platform games that will come out for next gen are also going to be cross-gen, especially in the first 2-3 years of the lifecycle. I suspect multiplatform games will only start becoming next-gen exclusive past the 2 year mark. Publishers will appeal to the massive player base that is already established, because that's the economy we live in now. Only the handful of showcase titles will be next-gen only. We'll probably also see heavily cut down games. Like Shadow of Mordor getting a dumbed-down Nemesis system and the Switch somehow barely running Doom and Witcher 3.
  2. That's pretty much it. He said was the movie was so unaware of how silly it was that it turned itself into a "camp masterpiece". And in the end he acknowledges it is actually a bad movie but he enjoys it none-the-less, because of that disconnect. And while I watched the before/after video of Bane's voice, I still don't find the original version threatening and it wouldn't have changed the overall tone of the movie or the character.
  3. The lesser consoles running at 1080p is the easy solution here. The base Xbone sees resolution drops below 900p now. When the new systems are targeting 4k or 1440p, 1080p will be the fallback for the slower variants.
  4. That entire opening sequence just pissed me off when I watched it in theaters. It was so obvious the dialog was written for us, the audience, that they should have had the actors stare directly into the camera while speaking. And then the rest of the movie continues pretending to be serious with its nonsense, which made this one of my most un-enjoyable theater experiences, right up there with Spider-Man 3. I'm also sure Rise of Skywalker would be number one on this hate list, but my expecations were tempered by the fact I read every spoiler leading up to it whereas I went into the other two movies completely blind and quite excited.
  5. Frostbite engine has to go. Character movement and environmental interaction is way too bad compared to other modern engines. BFV has so much jank I couldn't keep playing it.
  6. I finally saw it. Short review: While it would still be bad, putting it on mute would be an improvement. This is the Transformers: Revenge of the Dark of the Age of the Last Knight of Star Wars movies. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking dumb.
  7. I'd be down to see experimentation in a release schedule. How about 3 episodes every two weeks? That's like a movie's length of content spaced out. People can go on mini binges. Or they could release full blown movie-like trilogy over the course of a year.
  8. There will probably be two SKUs at or near launch. The premium X version, which could possibly cost north of $500, and the cheaper S version which will probably fall between the current X1X and the PS5 in terms of performance. If they try to launch north of $600, it's not going to go so well. I could see a $50 upswing from current prices, though, because of the included SSD. So $550 is not out of the question.
  9. I thought about just starting with the second game, because impressions of the first say the combat is janky. How does the third one play on keyboard/mouse vs. a controller? I could borrow it from it a friend to play on PS4, but I'm inclined to to play it maxed out on my PC especially if controller support is decidedly inferior to m/kb.
  10. Having no familiarity with the source materials at all, "Fuck" is exactly what I said during Episode 3 when the show decided to make it obvious there is an interleaving time jump happening among the story lines. After that turning on subtitles definitely made it easier to discern names and places, and in the end I did enjoy piecing the story together. I just would have liked to have known to look for it from the beginning, but I can definitely see the appeal of re-watching the series now that I actually know who all these people. Can't wait for the second season, because the universe and lore have me hooked now. I've owned the first two games for a decade, I think it might be time I actually played them.
  11. That's right. A mildly overclocked 980 Ti would be equivalent to a 1070. Regular 980 would be around a 1060 6GB. Software development techniques would probably bring the greatest increases to performance - which on the flip side developers would use to increase the fidelity and thus performance requirements anyway. Until there is a major change in CPU architecture (like quantum computing) or we break past the 5 GHz barrier, I don't think we'll see huge or even moderate leaps in single-threaded performance.
  12. You can replace laptop paste for sure. Although they probably use a pad to fill in gaps since it's difficult to get high mounting pressure with tiny laptop screws.
  13. I'd have took it up. I know for my 3770k 1.35 was the max for safe daily operation, with 1.3v being the recommend safe OC voltage. 4670k is the same silicon as the 3770k but different architecture. So 1.3 and under should be safe. Avoid going beyond 1.35. But as long as your temps stay under 75 to 80 C you're not going to kill the CPU with even 1.4v.
  14. I would jump straight to 4.4. Temps up to 80 are very safe. The auto overclocking feature of your board should do good enough. Just want to make sure voltage isn't too high.
  15. The three best CPUs for your motherboard are the i7 4770k, i7 4790k, and i7 5775c. The 4770k and 4790k are the exact same processor with only clockspeed differences. The 5775c is a bit different in that it has a faster iGPU along with additional cache on the chip. While the 5775c is clocked slower than the other two processors, the cache makes up the differences. It is definitely recommended you overclock any of these processors to ensure you are not bottlenecked. All three of these processors, once overclocked, should provide about the same performance. Any other processor you consider getting would require a new motherboard and new RAM. You have a really high end board designed for overclocking so I'm assuming you are comfortable doing it. Even an overclock on your 4670k, if you haven't done so, would show noticeable improvements. And AMD is good again, offering more bang for the buck under $500. But if you want to go Intel, then you'd be looking at the i7-9700k as basically your only option. Right now it's as good of a gaming processor as you can get, but its longevity is in question because it does not have Hyperthreading while AMD's 3700x does. PCPartPicker Part List CPU: Intel Core i7-9700K 3.6 GHz 8-Core Processor ($339.99 @ Best Buy) Motherboard: Asus PRIME Z390-P ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($134.99 @ Amazon) Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 Memory ($74.99 @ Newegg) Total: $549.97 Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-12-18 12:57 EST-0500
  16. The latest The Death of Superman and The Reign of the Supermen were quite good so I'm definitely looking forward to this.
  17. An i7 4770k would improve your situation by a lot, but that too is beginning to get hammered by the newer games. But at 1440p with your 1070 it should do fine, and it's a drop-in upgrade. I had a 3770k, and it was really only holding me back in eSports titles where I was running medium/low settings to get as high as framerates as possible. A $600 overhaul would be.. PCPartPicker Part List CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 3.6 GHz 8-Core Processor ($309.99 @ B&H) Motherboard: Asus PRIME X570-P ATX AM4 Motherboard ($153.98 @ Newegg) Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3600 Memory ($74.99 @ Newegg) Total: $538.96 Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-12-18 02:12 EST-0500 If you have a good heatsink, then hopefully it has the AMD adapters and you can reuse it. Otherwise, pick up a good cooler.
  18. Yeah your cpu is already getting hammered in the newest games. It's only going to get worse.
  19. And after episode 6 adding backstory, the Razor Crest is a legitimate character now!
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