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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. Also I'm 41 next month, generally suck donkey balls at video games, and I've beaten every FS Souls game including BB and ER and I'm up to ch 10 on this, this boss is pure BS. I'll get through it though. Not saying I'm any kind of master, and some wins definitely only squeak by, but I get through all these games
  2. I haven't played the new Lords of the Fallen but as Bacon said, this is basically copying FromSoft as it feels the most like Souls game from a non FS developed game. All the others I have played just feel off in someway. But that also means that if souls games aren't for you, this isn't either. Easy recommend if you do like them, though this is more Bloodborne than anything, so if you liked Bloodborne, this is as close to Bloodborne 2 as you can currently get.
  3. Googled her and she does have a pretty good birthday. 1/1/2000. Literally one of the first people born in 2000.
  4. We (mostly) didn't suck quite this bad!
  5. New playoff format, just have the worst wild card team in each league play in the World Series to save time.
  6. The 3 best teams in baseball just combined to win one playoff game. Two years in a row 3 out of the final 4 teams are wild cards. New format is stupid.
  7. Well can’t drink for this shit show since I got work tomorrow
  8. A quick search has a typical list price of $8175. Still leaving you upside down. What’s your plan for transportation even if you could sell it? Ubering everywhere will easily cost you more than $500 a month unless you barely use it.
  9. Usually I randomly buy a bunch of stuff but with Games Pass being so good lately and my backlog being get ran over like Stepee being the only way I'd ever have time to get to it all, I haven't bought much lately. Just the High on Life/Knife bundle that I eventually would like to get around to, Ruiner because it was $1.99 and maybe one day I'll play it again, and Avengers for the $3.99 or whatever it was before it got delisted. I haven't played any of the 3 yet... well since I bought them because I did play High on Life somewhat and beat Ruiner when it was on GP awhile ago.
  10. Fuck I basically only use ESPN and Hulu, but have the bundle for all 3. I need to look into it to see if I can keep the price around the same for what I want.
  11. Yeah car prices are still fucking nuts so I don’t see how your car is only worth 2k unless it’s barely running. What kind of car do you have?
  12. For some reason Too Human is free. I don’t know for how long but my cheap ass doesn’t turn down free games so I added it to my library. I doubt I’ll ever play it but hey free is free. Just search for it on the store and it’ll say free.
  13. Teams that had a week off to set up their rotations went 1-3 with the only team winning being the one that clearly made a pact with satan years ago
  14. At least your game was worth watching. I already turned this shit off while I drink myself into oblivion
  15. I’d really appreciate it if the AL would stop being a trash league that gives the Astros a free path to the World Series every year.
  16. Beat Puppet King/second phase in one try. Easiest boss so far. Pipe Wrench just fucked his shit up. Playing less though because I've had the urge to play Starfield again lately.
  17. For some reason tickets near home plate were $225, exactly the same price I paid last year to sit around the same area against the Dodgers in the regular season. I was expecting crazy prices like that. instead prices were the exact same, so that's why I did it. Thank you Dbacks for not having any fans.
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