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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. If I had your claim we’d actually give you some money!
  2. Fuck I remember the old igncb which had some 50 year old house wife pretending to be young and hot and some roid monkey IfBb before @TUFKAKever thought of it. Get off my lawn zoomer
  3. Once a day in the morning since you asked
  4. Give me a dildo or I don’t give a shit
  5. Fucking ugly as shit. My aunt has a model x and it’s overpriced garbage. You can get S class for the same price and it’s actually nice. Yea not an ev but she voted,for,Trump. I’ve been in it several times, other than sniffing your own farts as a liberal what’s the point of these fucking things?
  6. Dodger

    I'm 31.

    Getting old,sucks. How the fuck am I 41
  7. I’m so drunk right now it’s both
  8. Best head I’ve ever gotten was from a bbw
  9. To me it’s the best feeling non fromsoft souls game ever made. It’s basically the closest to Bloodborne 2 that exists. Deadspace remake is probably my favorite game of the year, but it’s a remake so Lies of takes it for me, but there is a lot of stuff I haven’t played yet from this year.
  10. Too lazy to go back to Vic's post but Sega really does need to make a non MMo Phantasy Star and I hope their initiative of reviving their classic franchises has that on the list.
  11. I couldn’t get into the last MH but I’ll give it another shot with this one.
  12. Putting off dinner until this is over was a bad idea. I’m fucking starving.
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