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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. Fightincowboy has basically guaranteed the DLC will,be shown tonight…
  2. Btw AW2 is totally winning goty now right? Seems to be overperforming so far
  3. I mean it looks fucking amazing, possibly the best graphics of any shown game yet. But still give us the date already. By shown I mean in general not just here
  4. Exodus looks interesting. Free dlc from Sony? Someone must not be feeling ok.
  5. @SaysWho?about to be happy, new game from the dead cells creators coming. “Windblown”
  6. Am I the only one that hates it when games don’t do voiced dialogue they put that mumble crap in for every line instead? Just have them be silent
  7. I can agree the controls are a bit ass and sometimes some truly annoying shit happens but man it's just such a great world overall. The details are amazing, and its just easy for me to get lost in the world and the general setting. I would say Rockstar and Bethesda are about in the same category with maybe CDPR being the only real competition in that both make great worlds that others just can't recreate, with unfortunately not always the best controls and gameplay. But they both shine in giving you a world with a lot of freedom to do whatever you want with, with gameplay/controls being the limitations. IF you can't get into these game because of that I understand. But in general, these games work for me.
  8. The Rumor went from Dishonored 3 to a Blade game since the new movie is supposed to come out in 2025.
  9. It's really over/under did MS back a dump truck of cash their way to get them to say available now on Games Pass
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