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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. if it was in LA depending on where exactly it could have been real close to the coast.
  2. Hey man, we have to use a passphrase instead of password now. So we're super strict on security for the laptops everyone has.
  3. I had a claim where our client had polio. The polio isn't wasn't part of the claim other than her prior medical history just that there is this random person with polio who has been in a wheelchair their entire life could be coming in contact with some kid who was never vaccinated because their parents are stupid. So at some point one of these morons is going to get their kid one of these diseases, and while it will suck hopefully it will be the end of the movement.
  4. The boredom eating is what is really killing me.
  5. Fuck I need to get my work out in. Better go do it in a minute.
  6. haven't listened to all 10 but some of these are pretty good. I really like Honeybunch with the video.
  7. Arizona is only starting today, and it's really a soft stay at home order, our cases have relatively exploded over the last week.
  8. I really hope this is more console friendly because I just couldn't get into Wasteland 2, not because it wasn't good but it obviously wasn't optimized to be played on a console.
  9. Fuck yeah it is, especially where I live. Apparently the company that manages the water that services my area is notoriously shitty. Also the water here is really hard, I haven't gotten a softner yet but apparently many people in my area do. I'm sure if the shit really hit the fan and it's all I had I'd be fine, but I'm not drinking tap water around here unless I have to.
  10. Arizona Gov. Ducey just announced state wide stay at home order starting tomorrow at 5pm. Glad I got stocked up on food and water because I imagine there will be another run at supplies. I really don't need to leave the house for at least a month.
  11. While it sounds like it might eventually happen since Joe started ratting everyone out once he got to prison, literally nearly everyone involved needs to be in jail, holy shit.
  12. Well at least he didn't pull a gun on you
  13. I'm fortunate enough to be able to work from home, hopefully for as long as all this shit lasts. My gf wasn't so lucky and has been furloughed so we are down one income. So far the response from AZ unemployment has been fast, just waiting on her first payment. Though she's going to get literally half of about what she would have gotten in CA. Hopefully once she gets that we should be fine money wise because we live kind of far from our jobs so the lack of driving is saving us gas money. Other than that I've mostly squandering my indoors time by playing a shit load of Dark Souls 3, which I'm getting bored of, probably because I keep starting new builds all the time. Need to find another game to get into but nothing seems compelling at the moment. Started A Marvel Movie marathon where I watch one movie a night. Watched all of Tiger King Saturday. So I definitely need to find things to watch. I've been lazy about working out, trying to change that this week. My home gym is only a shitty walmart flat bench and a set of powerblocks adjustable dumbbells. Not great but for someone extremely out of shape it should be enough to get through quarantine time. Probably can't afford a squat rack and barbell set for awhile. The week I was sent home was the week I was planning on finding a gym out here to try and get back into shape. I've also bought and had way too much junk food, where I find myself boredom eating. Food wise in AZ hasn't been bad. Shit initially was crazy but I usually buy in bulk at Costco and have a good amount of food on hand usually. Went to Costco last week and it was pretty well organized, honestly best Costco experience I've ever had. I find water here and there, so I just get what I can when I can. Haven't seen a single role of TP since this mess started, but I just hop in the shower and wash my ass after a shit since I'm home all day anyway. Looks Arizona is going to cross 1000 cases today, but I have at least a month supply of food and water so it hasn't been that bad for me yet. I think I just lucked out with Costco, because it is pretty hit and miss what I can find at my local grocery stores/Walmart.
  14. Due to global pandemic Death by long range sniper will now be @Emperor Diocletian IIs preferred method of execution going forward, thank you for your cooperation.
  15. Fuck I was really looking forward to seeing them again in September, but that will probably get canceled.
  16. Right but his tenants have organized a complete rent strike due to global pandemic, and not just 5 of them randomly became deadbeats. I mean the answer is probably still fuck off, but "global pandemic" might rise to the level of a covered event, and if doesn't they might be able to get the government to declare it such, though that's probably another bailout for insurance companies that would then have to cover the claims. I'd still be going over the policy with a lawyer to see if there is a possibility for coverage.
  17. So even if this guy isn't making the kind of monthly money I think he is, he still has the benefit of owning real estate, equity! So even if a good chunk of his monthly revenue is going to his mortgage, he's getting some of that back every month in equity which he can borrow against to get the money to keep him afloat until things get back to normal. His insurance should have loss of rent coverage, I wonder if money lost due to this crisis will eventually be covered under that for businesses. Have you called your insurance to see what's going on? You might have some sort of coverage for this, although I can imagine for now they would tell you to go pound sand maybe that gets changed with some sort of aid package or something.
  18. Your math doesn't pass a smell test. Shrink this down to a quadplex and the max profit is $5280 a year using your math, and nobody in their right mind would go through the hassle of owning a quadplex for a max of $5280 a year. If the max profit on this thing is just over $40k a year that means the average profit is probably closer to $30k since you'll never have completely full occupancy. You have this guy making the equivalent of around $15 an hour, which means this guy could quit this apartment complex and have a good chance making more money with a "regular" job. Shit you are basically telling us property managers make more money than the building owners, and this guy could probably get hired as a property manager pretty easily.
  19. But you think it's ludicrous that this guy is financially successful. Again, it's a simple thought experiment, how much money would you have to expect to make from a 32 unit apartment complex in order for you to take on the risk? We can safely say for most people it's more than the amount of money you could make working a regular "safe" day job. As far as I can tell, you are fairly successful in your own right, so answer the question, how much would it take? Probably more than 1997 Honda Civic money. You're a pretty liberal guy so I'm surprised you are taking his side, unless you're just being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.
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