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Everything posted by Moa

  1. This has been a weird year. With the exception of Control there haven't been many interesting games in the AAA field. The two standouts for me this year are Outer Wilds and Disco Elysium, which are both startlingly original and well executed games the likes of which you rarely see twice in one year.
  2. Well that was the best movie I've seen in years. To employ my friend's three point review system, in which one point is bad, two points is alright, and three points is an unprecedented masterpiece, this is a three point movie. The only "negative" thing I have to say about the movie is that it made me feel bad in a way that I don't have an easy remedy for.
  3. New game from the Life is Strange team at DONTNOD. Cool that it is all coming out either at once or in the "summer" 2020 window since I really don't like playing these games drawn out over a year. It sounds like Square Enix owns the Life is Strange IP and DONTNOD is now self-publishing, which is probably a blessing in disguise.
  4. Yeah, I recently watched Sixteen Candles again and it was really weird seeing it in a modern light. It's kind of hard to believe that ever flew.
  5. Not to mention one note characters defined entirely by their quirks. This is obviously endemic in games writing but it always bothers me when ME2 is held as a high water mark for storytelling in games.
  6. Life is Strange - The greatest work of art I've had the privilege to experience. Certainly a controversial opinion, but that game made me feel in ways no other game, movie, show, or book has and it has stuck with me. DOOM - Made shooters fun again. Celeste - Perfect platforming and a simple story well-told. While I'm not super good at this game, I appreciate that it has a ton of content to please the hardcore platforming audience, and the speed runs are incredible. The Witcher 3 - I just really like how the trees blow in the wind. Kentucky Route Zero - Assuming it is completed ever, within a decade of episode one's release, or within this decade. Act 5 when? Hotline Miami - M U R D E R Honorable mention: What Remains of Edith Finch - Really stretches the definition of video game but a wonderful experience nonetheless.
  7. To be fair, MGSV was probably most fun action game I've ever played. It really would've been an extraordinary game if kojima had time to complete it.
  8. Allow me to amend my post, any Starcraft game designed to be playable on a controller would be a huge slap in the face to Starcraft fans. I'm sure its possible to have fun in the campaign with a controller scheme, but having a full console release would likely necessitate the kinds of gameplay concessions that would ruin the game for core players.
  9. I've been waiting for this game for years and I'm here to get at least some entertainment out of my investment by panning it on the internet. Ok?
  10. Any Starcraft game playable on a controller would be a huge slap in the face to Starcraft fans.
  11. I love how those references reveal that his intellectual curiosity ended about the time he graduated high school and no longer had to pretend to read.
  12. With the exception of precisely Dan Ryckert prior to playing Death Stranding and Kojima himself, I don't think anyone thought he was a profound story teller. What bums me out hearing about this game is that despite the presence of a character named Die-Hardman, it plays its story mostly straight and loses the magic that made the MGS storylines fun. I love some dumb fun and I think videogames are a great medium for it, and I'm sad to hear that the king of dumb fun decided to start taking himself seriously and majorly doesn't pull it off to boot.
  13. Having listened to the recent Beastcast, it sounds like not only is it a mediocre game, it is bad art. Obviously I haven't played it, and I really do hate to have the wind taken from my sails on this game, but the actual story and what the game has to say sounds like it has the depth of a Jaden Smith tweet.
  14. This game is dope. I generally have a high tolerance for dialogue centric snooze fests, but this game has been delightfully captivating. I've only managed a few hours so far, but that time seemed to slip away all too fast. Somehow, the game's dialogue and observation systems tap into the same dopamine fire hydrant that MMOs and loot crates exploit. I just want to click one more option to see what the inland empire has to say next. I am famous, the end is nigh, and I'm sorry about the whole booze thing.
  15. I was really trying to hold off until this is ~$20, but then I heard that finger guns can become a defining part of your characters behavior and I was sold.
  16. I'm referring to my playtime of the game. I think I played more than 13 minutes of it, but it's very possible I didn't.
  17. I'm excited by how much Dan couldn't keep a lid on it during the latest Beastcast. I have a feeling this game is going to be divisive as hell.
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