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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. There’s a few chances in Sekiro where it either clicks or it doesn’t click, and if it doesn’t I just don’t see how anyone could even come close to beating it. I cannot beat the final boss though. I probably haven’t given it a genuine enough try, but fuck that guy.
  2. Something seems off about Dark Souls 2, especially if you play it back to back with 1, but I quickly adjusted to it and never noticed after the adjustment was made. I fucking love Dark Souls 2.
  3. Easy Demon’s Souls Dark Souls 3 Dark Souls 2 Dark Souls Bloodborne Sekiro Hard Honestly all but my easiest and hardest I don’t feel particularly strong about it. I did find Dark Souls 3 pretty easy I guess.
  4. I like it, but that does not make it good.
  5. I actually recently got into FF14 on pc. It’s....really freaking good.
  6. Alien was a little too long but otherwise fantastic.
  7. That’s one where I felt some people truly did find it mind blowing, but I felt that some media people were pretending to like it more than they did? That’s unfair of me to assume but I got that sense regardless. I could never quite get in the flow of it in the beginning, and while it did click for me eventually, I more had an awed appreciation for what they did (which is truly truly awesome) more so than I actually enjoyed uncovering it all. I think if I had started it with a few nudges in the right direction and some minor understanding of how the game worked, I might have been blown away, but I just didn’t get there the way I experienced it. Too many instances of me staring at an area for an hour and being like...wtf am I missing here.
  8. It’s not that I dislike the game but God of War is a real nice game, very polished and well made and I did quite enjoy it, but people talk about it like it’s a top 10 game of all time. It’s fine. I go back and forth on Breath of the Wild. There are some things about that game that REALLY turn me off, but when I played it the second time I appreciated some of the little things more. Kinda like God of War, it’s a little absurd to me that some consider it like THE best game ever, but I do love the game at the same time.
  9. You can count me in on Fallout 4. I think it’s really good, but people are burnt out on the formula. Can’t blame them, but I wasn’t at the time. Red Dead certainly had its haters on this forum, but I enjoyed that. I’m blanking on others right now. Was battlefield 4 well received? I fucking love that game and seem to remember it took a lot of flack.
  10. Sunshine is very memorable due to how much you grow to hate each level.
  11. I'm about halfway through the Dark Tower series, and while it has some issues, I'm enjoying it.
  12. I think I beat them with AI once or twice? I honestly don’t remember. I just know I have never succeeded solo, despite hundreds of attempts im sure. I beat that dude on the dragon that everyone says is one of the toughest in the series in 3 on the first try, but O+S slays me every time, I don’t think I’ve ever really even come that close.
  13. I’ve never been able to beat ornstein and Smaug or whatever they are solo. It’s my great shame.
  14. Tried to get into Demon’s souls and I didn’t really get it, skipped dark souls, then with the hype of 2 gave it a second shot and loved it. Have since played every game From puts out in the style. It’s a top 5 series for me.
  15. If anyone has good turnip prices this week I’d be grateful for a trip to your island. I went pretty hard on them for kind of my last deliberate push to make a bunch of money before I go back into chill mode.
  16. You guys are right around my age is my contribution to whatever has just occurred here. I am 34.
  17. Oh I just meant have they given a release date lol. I assumed it was a sure thing I just don’t know if I wanna wait too long.
  18. Have they given an indication on the PC release? I honestly forgot that was probably a thing. Though I irrationally want to play it on my PS4.
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