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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. Not really. I mean on some level, sort of, but it’s really nothing like 12’s combat at all, which was pretty tactical and complex with the gambit system. What is the FF7 remake combat? Mash an attack button for 3-5 seconds, fill up a meter for a “special attack” which can be an ability or magic or using an item or presumptively a summon when available. Use that ability, go back to mashing. You can also block and dodge, and if you see a teammate has an ability to burn you can assign them to do something. It’s really as simple as that. You could kind of think of it as ATB but you are mashing a button to build up your “turn” as it were. In fact I’m sure that’s how the classic mode will feel without the mashing. And you’re doing some damage as you’re mashing. It has a little bit of like FFXIII stun mechanics and whatnot as well - like there is some depth to it that’s not immediately apparent. And though it sounds kind of lame when you type it out it’s fun, but I imagine is going to be pretty polarizing. Edit: oh and they certainly give you motive to switch between characters, like Barrett is good at killing ranged enemies, so switch to him when you have those. And also from what I can tell the ally AI is poop.
  2. Yeah, and that’s the problem. He’s the Japanese idea of a black man - basically a caricature of a black guy. I like his character’s arc, but they should have toned down the absurdity of him. It just feels gross.
  3. My biggest concerns as a FF7 fan: Appears to be no materia system, one of my favorite aspects of the game. Edit: well, materia seems to be present in some shape or form. It’s clearly visible in the buster sword and getting the deluxe edition gets you cactuar (not in the original) and carbuncle materia. But I hope it’s not just a nod to materia and that you can actually swap out and level it up. That’s why I wanna know about the next episodes and if there is any sort of progression plan in place. I have a feeling there’s not. I’m suspicious that you’ll never get new weapons or armor, which the weapons always looked real cool in the ATB mode in the original.
  4. Demo is really selling me. I’m a sucker for re-orchestrated music. And the battle system is good. They didn’t listen to criticism about Barrett though, Jesus. He’s essentially Green Peace Mr T.
  5. I think they’ll for sure end it at Shinra. Maybe some kind of even after credits post-game sequence or something for the motorcycle stuff, but honestly just a cutscene would be better rather than the fight. I’ve been gaining more confidence in the game recently. It seems like even though it is gonna be episodes that they’re really fleshing it out. I think the moment of truth for me will be when they announce the next one and all the details about progression between episodes.
  6. It doesn’t break my suspension of disbelief, but I can’t think of a single example of an actor in a game where it didn’t feel like stunt casting instead of making the product better. There are plenty of great voice actors who I’m sure cost a lot less than a known star and will do just as good if not a better job. So it’s taking money away from the project for no good reason other than I guess to encourage people to buy it who might like that actor? But... did anyone buy MGSV because Kiefer Sutherland was snake? Like specifically because it was him? I have to imagine almost literally zero people did that. So yeah I’m pretty apathetic but I think it’s a waste of money.
  7. I just ordered the Orbi mesh one you guys recommended. I'm very much looking forward to this and the fiber service (being installed Saturday morning).
  8. If this is a genuine topic, you need to understand there is a vast difference between PS+ and PS Now. PS+ is Sony’s subscription to play online, and it comes with “free” games each month. It also might come with like extra cloud storage or something, but I’m too lazy to look that up. As far as those free games go: As long as you subscribe, you accumulate the games that come out as long as you are a subscriber. If you have never had it before, you will be starting fresh with that month’s games. Also know that you have to add the games to your library or you will not obtain the game for your PS+ collection. PS Now is essential Sony’s version of game pass (or should i say game pass is Xbox’s version of PS Now).
  9. The guys who sign off on most decisions are probably 50+ years old and never adjusted to the internet age. They have a lot of poorly conceived notions about how the internet should work with their stuff and they don’t give two shits about how anyone else does it. They are the Mr. Magoo of successful companies.
  10. It’s hard to tell because my current router is such a POS. I’m switching internet providers (Century link is offering $60 fiber locked in price) so I figure now is as good a time as any to change routers as well. I appreciate all the responses, I’m going to look at those mesh options to see if they’re reasonable enough for what I’m looking for price wise.
  11. My house is listed for 1,900 sq feet, but I think that is a little low because I don't think it includes the "attic" space, which is actually a finished space. I'm not sure that warrants a mesh network.
  12. I don't need anything super exorbitant. Just did a speed test and I got 202 up, 11 down if that helps. My current router is hot garbage.
  13. I want to be into this. I started BG2 several times and never stuck with it, but I think that was a lot due to my unfamiliarity with the genre and its systems. I like Pillars a lot but man do I suck at it.
  14. He suffers from what sounds like pretty debilitating back pain. I believe he’s had at least one surgery. It’s possible he’s been on opiate medication given our fucked medical system, but he is the type to probably be against that sort of treatment. I believe his mother has been ill / maybe passed away? He wears his heart on his sleeve, and he’s not shy on twitter to call out people he doesn’t like lol. I think he has a good heart but he’s very passionate and I’m not sure it’s always healthy for him to be in the public eye.
  15. I don't have like a strong attachment to the Beyond series and honestly couldn't tell you a thing about it, but I think the design would look really cool in a video game, and it would be different enough for me to give it a chance.
  16. I like Sessler. I worry about his mental health (and physical! seems like he's had a rough few years of back pain) just based on his Twitter interactions. I look forward to getting a more focused view into his mind again.
  17. I'm intrigued what the thing will be. It's deviating from the original story quite a bit. Even like Leviathan you don't get until later in the game - out of Midgar. I kinda like what they've shown, but I don't trust them to actually pull it off.
  18. I prefer the third person games, but I also really, really enjoyed 2/3 of 7 (the last third is a stinker). And now that they're remaking the older ones in third person, I guess it's cool they're making the new ones in a new style. And as long as they get away from where 5 and 6 took the series, I'm happy.
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