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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. Imagine if you got a sword in one game but could use it in another game
  2. I always envision smarmy little business / tech dudes convincing out of touch CEO types that they’re gonna unlock some hidden fountain of money with this stuff.
  3. That's the type of thing that happens when you allow the public to vote. Luckily it is not a problem in terms of greater societal issues.
  4. That being said @Mercury33 I find the entire state of journalism, even taking it for what it is as just entertainment reporting for the most part, is so pitiful. The authors and editors take absolutely zero pride in making articles readable and without errors. And they'll have little profiles of the author at the bottom with their backgrounds and it's just like...why would you want your name on this? I suppose the answer is just they want as many credits and published articles as possible but my god.
  5. I'm not sure where you're getting November 20. Edit: Ok I see where you see that now. I assume that's a typo. Hard to believe GameRadar or whatever would have such an error. The voting window goes from November 2022 to September 2023 so Mario isn't eligible, don't remember Spidey's release date but I assume that wasn't eligible either. The confusing part I don't understand is how Spidey had voice actors nominated.
  6. That sounds great to me, with the switch 2 coming next year and being like 70 percent sure I want that, I would be ready for something a little more diverse 2-3 years after that.
  7. Yeah I dunno how they assessed chances of this thing workout out but I give it 6 months.
  8. oh yeah not saying they are doing anything wrong just weird that they were counter culture before lol @Spork3245 TOO LATE
  9. That’s the thing you weren’t purchasing the wrong version you got both and it would default to the PS4 version. There was no reason to assume it was installing the PS4 version.
  10. Early in the console’s life you would DL a game and it did not surface what version you were downloading, it required extra digging to figure it out and cross gen games defaulted to the PS4 version even if the game was purchased on a PS5. It’s better now, but it was shit, regardless of your personal experience and the PSN store is still overall a poorly organized storefront in my opinion.
  11. That’s good, but it does not mean the store is well organized. As @Keyser_Soze reinforced especially early on it was nearly impossible to tell what version you had.
  12. Sony’s store front sucks and is really bad at being transparent about what you’re buying. It has gotten better but it’s still bad. It used to be even worse about telling you what you’re actually buying or what version you’re playing.
  13. I think they did make the online version a separate paid thing a year or two back.
  14. yeah that’s good clarification, but you can get the pair for a combined $10.88!
  15. I have not played it, but understand it is a quality 2D souls like, and at that price it's just like what are we doing not buying it.
  16. Although I completely stopped playing it I like Diablo 4 and have faith they’ll turn it around.
  17. If they didn’t make significant changes beyond visuals to this I might just play the OG version and wait for TTYD remake.
  18. Yeah he’s been in a few ads recently. Some non-AI related even. It’s weird to see these counter culture guys like snoop and AI hocking like mainstream beer and insurance haha.
  19. I’d like to get this maybe on first discount. Thought about playing 1 but a buddy of mine just played it and said it doesn’t hold up great. Not sure if my PC or PS5 will run it better.
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