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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. I just think it’s safe to make light of this particular situation and the language like I initially quoted without tying yourself in knots trying to be respectful
  2. Listen I understand what you’re saying, but this man is saying he was fired for being old and white because Bobby K said offhandedly that they need fewer old white executives. You can clown on this guy while still being sensitive to the issues you're bringing up.
  3. if we find out this is a beloved employee who made grand contributions to a game I’ll gladly eat crow lol. The claims he is making are based on some offhand comments made by Bobby K. The article is so absurd I couldn’t tell if it was satire at first.
  4. "Activision placed profits over people by terminating the older, higher-paid executives." This is very funny.
  5. I actually wasn’t an nba jam guy. I never found it to be super fun. NBA street was more … my… … … … ………. thing
  6. My goal is to pick back up where I was in Endwalker sometime in March, catch up story wise and play an update to this game for the first time with the zeitgeist.
  7. There a facets of our society that are fascist-like, but we are by no means a fascist nation in the simplest terms. Trump is using the fascist playbook overtly and it's working out pretty great for him though.
  8. One of the more embarrassing days in our history I'd say. Hopefully history remembers it as embarrassing and very moronic on the part of anyone taking part.
  9. @Remarkableriots I don't know your full history or current symptoms or anything like that so I would hesitate in giving any super specific advice. I do feel comfortable saying a few things. That MRI is very fine. The main thing you're looking for is significant stenosis or central cord compression, or impingement on nerves exiting the spinal cord. It's encouraging that your disc heights are maintained (no idea how old you are), and even where it mentions mild disc degeneration - that's a very normal process everyone encounters as they age. If you see a spine specialist and they want to cut into you, I would seek a second opinion. In terms of what to do for exercise, there's optimal and then there's what will you actually commit to. Optimal would not look much different than any person training in a gym with a primary focus on multi-joint, large muscle lifts (squats, dead lifts, lunge, bench press, incline / shoulder press, lat pull downs, rows or some kind, that sort of thing). I would adjust as needed depending on tolerance (dead lifts can be iffy with back pain, for instance. If squats bother, try leg press. Just spit balling). I would recommend daily walking or zone 2 cardio, then resistance training 2-4 times a week. I do actually like to have my back patients do a little dead lifting, even if it's just functional daily weight (~25 lbs) just to work on getting your brain and body accustomed to doing those every day motions that a person with back pain can become afraid to do. I don't know, I'm sure I could go on, but hopefully that's helpful (unsolicited) information. Specifics with your PT - if they're doing a lot of modalities on you (e-stim, massage, cupping, dry needling, whatever) I would recommend moving on to a different therapist. Or if they're sticking you with a PTA for 30 mins and you get like 10 mins with the actual PT. There's a lot of lazy / ill informed / profit driven only / whatever therapists out there. A good therapist should listen to what you actually want to accomplish and help you get there, teach you to deal with your pain, help you develop skills to handle it on your own next flare up, and even just ease your mind on things like ... am I going to do lasting damage to myself with this activity or is it actually OK.
  10. It’s tough to project him in other eras, but he dominated his era unlike any other player.
  11. I did not! I feel like I remember someone being one tho. I’ve only been practicing 9 years. @Spork3245 the problem is what does “out of alignment” even mean? Nobody’s body is in perfect alignment and it’s a fools errand to try to get it there. When put under scrutiny, most of those manipulations don’t change the position of any given joint anyway. It’s funny that the SI joint is often brought up, as it is one of the most stable and immobile joints in the body, and no health care provider should be telling you it is “out of place,” let alone that their silly maneuver will get it back “in place.” By the way, PTs are in NO WAY immune to this bullshit and they are just as guilty of that type of stuff.
  12. The great thing about the body is it heals over time almost in spite of what we do to it sometimes. That’s the power of those modalities. They give people short term relief in the process of normal healing taking place, and the patient can then attribute causation to the treatment rather than give their body the credit it deserves. I’m willing to bet you could’ve gone to see a man in a magician outfit and a top hat 3 times a week and he could wave his magic wand at your back and you would have had the same long term result. The fun part about researching this is so much of the information online - including “studies” - is put out there by chiros, so even someone with a nose for skepticism could read into some of it and come to the conclusion it’s what they should be doing.
  13. I don’t deny patients feel relief, but they are not feeling relief for the reasons the chiros claim and the risks outweigh the benefits for any cervical spine manipulation. It is a short term solution to a long term issue and they are using potentially dangerous band aid techniques while justifying it with all sorts of quackery.
  14. I say this with 100 percent seriousness: that man is a scam artist and you should never let someone like that manipulate your spine, especially your neck. I can provide my other thoughts about @Remarkableriots if you want when I have a little more time later.
  15. The tales games, particularly vesperia, have looked so cool to me but I’ve never played one either.
  16. I haven’t played any of my newly purchased holiday sale games yet. I’m very near the end of starfield, Zelda, BG3 and also working through cyberpunk.
  17. Oh shit should I have bought dead space on ps5 instead? I haven’t played it yet just got it on sale…
  18. Yes, that was my favorite one too. Best part of the game so far. Ryujin was ok too.
  19. It’s a good idea tbh I find starfield incredibly by the numbers in most ways and then like a few really neat surprises, almost all of them with the main plot. Usually the factions are my favorite thing to do in Bethesda’s games, but I would say the main story is probably the most interesting thing to me in this, particularly the early game twist and the late game revelations.
  20. * Worlds But you made me nostalgic for that year and that constant confusion.
  21. My wife and I splurged for an overpriced espresso machine. I am on my 3rd caffeinated beverage and do not see an end in site.
  22. Did you enjoy the game? I had just heard that some boss mechanics could be frustrating on a controller but I obv am in the dark on if that is accurate or not.
  23. I have two questions about this game: 1. Does anyone find it pretty good single player? 2. would you say KB/M is significantly preferable? I’m really interested in it but I don’t think I can talk any buddies into playing it consistently with me.
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