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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. I didn’t mind the short speeches. I think the show generally gets better every year from a production standpoint. I dunno if you guys watch other awards shows but they’re all terrible. It’s hard to make a video game show not feel extremely juvenline and stupid, and I think Geoff has struck a really nice balance between appreciation of the craft and not taking anything too seriously. All the criticism of him having favorites and giving them a longer platform and all that are absolutely fair, but I guess they don’t bother me all that much since it’s his baby and I just have always felt like his heart is in the right place with it. And all that favoritism happens with all that type of stuff it’s just less obvious because we don’t know the relationships behind the scenes.
  2. Wow… not many marvel things could get me excited but this combo is super intriguing.
  3. I agree actually. When I was able to play that PD remake on the 360 with dual analog controls I was surprised at how well it played.
  4. Oh we were playing it online a lot too but we were just trying to set up some 1 v 1 at a buddies place that didn’t have good internet. It was just like a one time thing. The bulk of my initial online gaming was socom 1-2.
  5. I’m sure there were console games that had LAN prior to Halo, but I would doubt any console game ever came close to the number of people who LAN’d Halo, not only in specific Halo parties but like on your college floor you could just plug the console into the Ethernet and LAN with others on the floor. It was awesome and required less fuss than any game I ever tried. I remember trying to LAN two PS2’s together to play 1 v 1 socom and it probably took us 90 mins to figure it out. Granted, we were morons, but still. We could plug and play halo no problem. And yeah I don’t think we’ll see eye to eye cuz while I played a lot of goldeneye, that game never felt good to me to play, it felt like more of a great idea and Rare was willing to throw it out there warts and all, and perfect dark in particular was incredible with its options, but as a full package I just felt they overshot to the detriment of the actual experience of playing. In a way I guess you could argue then that those games WERE more ambitious than Halo. But I think I’m getting away from the general point that I was trying to make - like put aside ambition for a moment: Halo was an incredible game and an amazing package overall from its technical side, art direction, lore that it was putting down, sound, everything. It was a marvel at the time and took the Xbox which, a lot of people thought was kind of a joke, and put it on the map in a huge way. Without halo MS maybe doesn’t make another console period, who knows. It’s just odd to me that some would take that game, THAT game, look at it, and essentially be like yeah that game was ok, it made controls on a console bearable I guess. It was so much more than that.
  6. I don’t think I said there was a lack of ambition. I said it was the most ambitious to date (at that time), and I would stand by that statement. I also went out of my way to state what I liked about halo and not tear down any games in the process. I love the games you’re mentioning too.
  7. I find that FPS games without too many special actions you can perform I prefer on a mouse, but certain games with a lot of maneuverability my fingers can’t keep up on the KB as well as a pad. Like, going from sprint into a slide into a platforming jump type of thing, my keyboard skills just aren’t up to it but I can perform that stuff very easily on a controller. So it’s not even genre specific for me. Also it drives me crazy in single player games that you have no fine control over your walk speed on a keyboard like you do with a joystick.
  8. This is an age old debate. I cannot refute that a KB / M player will generally defeat a controller player because the interface is more precise. It just doesn't diminish the controller interface as its own thing, and many people who enjoy both (including myself) will often opt for the controller for a variety of reasons. It does not surprise me in the least that a PC centric player around the release of Halo would try it out and not take to it. It's designed around the pad, not just the actions of the buttons but the speed at which it moves and how the battles play out. It's not meant to be a fast twitch thing the same way Quake is. It's more about consistency and strategy over the span of 10, 15 seconds vs a fraction of a second that twitch shooters were made for with the mouse. Normal to have a preference, but I would question anyone who would try to argue Halo is not a major pillar of the gaming industry without doing so in a backhanded compliment way that you used to see more often (but you reminded me of ).
  9. My dad (who hated video games) got so tired of me hogging the modem downstairs he bought like a 50 foot cable to run up to my room 2 floors up. I don’t think he even told me he just left the cord there and I understood.
  10. My dad was very frugal but likes tech and one day some dude was in our basement in rural Nebraska and I’m like dad who is that guy, he’s like eh he’s putting in a broadband modem. I was in shock… immediately went out and got a PS2 network adapter. I think I had Tony Hawk 3 already and it came out maybe before the adapter even did and I was dying to try it out. I also remember reading an egm article about socom and they talked about how it came with a headset and I was like wait what how do you talk over the internet haha. Exciting times.
  11. Rares games were certainly options rich from a multiplayer standpoint, but those games were a lot more limited in scope due to the tech I suppose. And I never enjoyed the single player of 007 or perfect dark all that much. Same with timesplitters, which was options rich but as a total package wasn’t doing what halo was doing imo
  12. You are saying some pretty untrue things here. The controls are good without needing qualifier. They’re just good. You might prefer KB and mouse, that might be a more accurate way to play, but the controls were excellent for the time and hold up with some minor tweaks. Online was absolutely not the norm for multiplayer shooters. It was for PC games, but at that time that was a different realm.
  13. Oh I don’t know about this. I think it absolutely deserves to be put on a pedestal. Not only were they good controls, but the game played super well both for single player and multiplayer. Controls aside, there had been nothing as ambitious from an FPS standpoint on a home console before Halo, and in a lot of ways the game was just as good if not better than the ones you mentioned. Some of it is certainly personal preference, but I think you’re selling it short. I always loved the enemy AI and uniqueness between enemy types, the polish of the games, the smoothness, they way they chose to balance the gunfights with your shields for like one on one encounters with other players, not to mention all the stuff going on that was like, more technical, like good online for its day, LAN play, customization / level creation and stuff like that.
  14. Doctoral level of degree in PT and bachelors in journalism. Was a writer / editor for about 18 months but didn’t have the stomach for gutting out that lifestyle. Went back to school.
  15. No it can be a powerful tool, but the way it is typically utilized is the laziest way possible. I have a journalism degree as well and it's not like Newsweek is a pillar of American society but the though that an article of this nature would be published for national consumption back when I was in school would have been laughed at. The worst student in our class wouldn't have published something like this.
  16. I don’t know if it’s the publications themselves mandating that this be written or if it’s gen z’s perception of news, but to me any article written in this manner should be automatic disqualification from writing anything for public consumption in the future. They’re all the fucking same. So and so has “some” upset about something or other. And the “some” every FUCKING time is random Twitter users. That is not news, it’s not worth a second of anyone’s time to amplify any of that garbage. It’s infuriating to me.
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