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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. I gotta say, after the dust settled and I put a bunch of time into it... I don't think I find Super Mario Wonder to be all that good? I think it's a good game, but people were literally saying it's the best in the series or harkens back to the quality of Super Mario World. And I dunno, I didn't get that vibe from it at all.
  2. dude I was actually gonna say I was way into Tony Hawk at the time and I didn’t understand what I was supposed to be doing. And I was like wait why can I not do a crazy trick.
  3. Spider-Man is so chock full of like 2014 era open world shit it almost seems like a parody of that sort of game. The game’s best part, to me, ended up being its main story. Which surprised me. I still need to play Miles Morales and I’ll get 2 sometime down the line, but the gameplay itself was solid to me but wore out its welcome way before I had completed a fraction of what the game had for me to do.
  4. I fully admit I did not and do not understand how to really play the game.
  5. If we’re airing our grievances I do not find jet set radio to be fun *runs away
  6. They have some deep sales on some good games and then you can add that 33 percent off to boot. It’s pretty spicy tbh.
  7. That game must have a contract that it can’t go below 17 bucks. It’s always on sale and it’s always like 17.99 or something. Don’t get it until you finish BG3. They’re similar enough it’ll be too much of a similar thing and you’ll not finish either one. Just wait, it’s on sale half the year.
  8. Killed his ass, and effectively ended the involved character's arc. Really satisfying end. Broke my oath with the path we chose, which is interesting because it still felt like the "just" thing to do. What a game.
  9. I posted more on the gaming boards but I certainly lurked the vesti a lot. Probably got pulled into some stupid arguments here and there.
  10. Link's Awakening DX HD Is an Unofficial PC Remake of the Game Boy Color Classic - IGN WWW.IGN.COM Game Boy Color classic Link's Awakening DX now has an unofficial PC port after a developer released a cool-looking version of the game on itch.io. I downloaded it last night. It’s amazing.
  11. Man I should resub to 14 and finish Endwalker. The main things I think of are: FF7-2 That dragon quest pixel remake Paper Mario TTYD Oddly excited for like a dragon though I haven’t beat the first one I’d love a valheim 1.0 so I can jump in whole hog def will play silk song curious about dragons dogma 2 I dunno what else.
  12. I started this game over and bought the expansion. I have to say maybe this isn’t a hot take or anything but I think this game is kind of incredible. I wonder if it hadn’t launched on fire what the perception of it would be. I remember a few people I enjoy like Gertsman said even if it wasn’t on fire it didn’t do much for them, but at this point I couldn’t disagree more. I think the main quest story is fantastic, it obviously looks great, it’s so much more fun to play, I love the style of it, and the side quests are fun. Having a great time with it.
  13. My new pc I just have 2 TB on an nvme. My old one has a lot tho, like shoot, 6-8 TB pry? PS5 has whatever the thing came with + either a 1 or 2 TB nvme. Can’t remember.
  14. Geoff has already acknowledged the speech thing was too short initially and I bet he’ll correct it next year.
  15. I prefer how they phrase it "Twitter reacts" vs "fans of blank are furious about blank."
  16. I wish I could remember who everyone was on IGN.
  17. Usually these things make me feel old, but this one feels like it should almost be more years ago.
  18. I’m legitimately surprised at all the angry articles coming out today mad that the game awards were just about promoting upcoming games and not as much about the awards.
  19. If they can pull it off it's a really great idea, and could be a massive time sink for me. Every time I see footage of NMS I want to start a new game, but the moment to moment gameplay of that game doesn't do it more me. I really want it to though, I really love the vibe of it.
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