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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. I didn't get to edit my post in time but I don't want to talk about FF7R. No point you make will change anything nor will it change the remake in the title. Fuckin' batshit that I mention FF7R and my entire wall of text is suddenly irrelevant. Feel free to talk about DeS with me, but don't even respond if you got more to say about FF7R. We've already been through this @TheGreatGamble
  2. Mirdan hammer doesn't feel the same. Roll doesn't feel the same. Your character feels heavy. Your player character lacks the weirdly nimble movement that seems to persist in every From game since DeS. The graphics are obviously far better, but it lacks style and doesn't look like a souls game by From. As I play it I am reminded of a UE5 techdemo remake. Boletarian Palace doesn't even look like the same level with all of this overgrown nonsense. While these types of levels usually aren't without bits of destruction and dilapidation, rarely do they fall to nature. You could say these are little changes and nitpicks but they add up into one overall issue and that is of the art style. The Remake very much feels like it was made by westerners, visually. Like, the game looks like it has an almost Diablo-esque skin applied. Even the armors are fucked with and lost their iconic looks. The camera is not great. Feels like there is mouse acceleration or something and it keeps doing this weird zoom-in shit. I tried every camera setting and nothing turns it off. I just want to be static. And it isn't just some camera shake setting either. Camera is also too close to your character most of the time, but it also adapts and zooms out in areas with more space. Camera is also higher up than in the OG. Except for the mirdan hammer shit, you can actually clearly see what I am talking about in these sections of 3-1. Like look, I am not going to argue from a technical standpoint that the remake just looks so much better. I understand that, most people will just look at these video and go ew, old game look dull, and I get it. People see the pretty and are blinded by everything else, but holy shit if this were remade by From it would look totally different. Honestly, it would probably look worse from a technical standpoint. I mean, in pure graphics I think it looks better than ER, but ER has fuckin' style. And I am happy as fuck to just get to play DeS even with these changes. Feels good go back. Feels good to play a game with this kind of tight level design. But what I really like about this game has almost nothing to do with Bluepoint. I mean, I am totally glad this doesn't looks like a PS3 game with shitty FPS. Pretty sure there isn't a quality of life change that I dislike. They did pretty good on that point. I'm not even going to say the old animations are better, but they lack quickness and sharpness. And hell, that might just be from the higher fps lol. A magic just looks so damn better, but it is a shame they totally changed the sound design. Magic sounds powerful for sure, but they didn't even bother to make it sound similar to the old stuff. It would have been great if they could have kept the chime-like quality but also added the oomph. Just sayin, if they pulled as lazy as fuck Dark Souls level remaster of Demon's Souls, I have a feeling I would like that more than what we got. I mean, I pretty much knew about all of my complaints about the DeS remake before I ever got it, but the core of it is exactly the same as the PS3 version and so I can overlook what I do not prefer. If the changes were that bad I just wouldn't have gotten the game, like with FF7R. But all the important parts of DeS remain the same and that's what really matters. But I just know a remake from From would have had me bustin' a nut. I would have begging for a PS5 back then if that were the case. Bluepoint's decisions made what would have been a console seller (for me) into a "well, I guess I'll get it if I get a PS5."
  3. I'm mostly fine with this remake going open world. Pretty much confirms no rhythm combat I my mind, but I never thought that would return either. 100% this is going to be The Witcher 3: The Witcher 1. I expect to see The Witcher 3: The Witcher 2 a few years down the line as well, but maybe not. I'd just prefer a new game and I really only care about remakes when it is something I didn't spend enough time with. Like the DeS remake. I've been playing it, and I have a lot of creative issues with it, but it is nice to be able to play DeS on a non-gimped console. Bluepoint 100% fucked shit up, but it still feels like, "Finally, another studio has made a Soulslike that actually feels like a Souls game," but that is also kinda fucked up to say when this IS a souls game. It does make me think tho, that maybe with their experience remaking DeS they actually could make their own Soulslike series and have it feel like it was made by from. But I don't really know I guess. Anyway, I spent plenty of time on TW1, but I also played it after I played TW2. While not open world, it does have big areas and unless they are going too big, I don't expect much will change. Still, TW1 is my favorite of the three. Never played the DLC for TW3, and while I liked the endings for TW3, I enjoyed the weirdness of TW1 a lot. From the day I played it, it felt nostalgic. It was a comfy game.
  4. Well, at this point, probably. It is just about something you get near the end of the game but you only use it to reach a side area.
  5. Never even heard of it unless I forgot. Tho, the only ads I see these days are when I use the reddit app on my phone and they are far to easy to ignore.
  6. I'll also somewhat take back about what I said about the chests to a point. At the beginning you do need every one to keep your armor updated, but that does stop. And then I abandoned my armor anyway for high vit armor that started at level 7 anyway. Still, the first third of the game was pretty bad with the amount of chests you were encountering, imo. It either got better or I got used to it or maybe I just ended up opening the majority early on so it felt like less later.
  7. I've have you know, these past 3 days, I have been hard at work displaying everyone's .gif icons after UBO has, for some reason, decided that content.invisioncic.com now has some of it's network access blocked. Oh, I did grant it full access, but what do you know, doing that makes it so I can't manually block user icons on my end. And there is only one avatar on this entire site, stepee, that I have blocked. So, anytime I see someone without an avatar that isn't you I have to open up the ubo logger and manually permit each animated user icon.
  8. I only want it to happen to see if anything exciting happens to WoW. I was never too big into WoW but I did play a bunch of Legion and BfA. I didn't enjoy Shadowlands and I don't plan on returning for the new expansion. Like, what if you could have a WoW+Gamepass Sub? That'd be hella rad.
  9. I could not into Disco Elysium. I even got quite far. But I just hated how long it took to get from place to place and boy were the themes not for me.
  10. My manly gamer friends and I who passed most of our schooling with Cs and Ds totally agree with your BIL. We men are so smart and intelligent we skipped school all the time to play Halo and Gears.
  11. The non-Americans who don't celebrate it? I'm sure he hopes they had a good day as well.
  12. it is just chicken on a stick and white rice when I get chicken on a stick I always get white rice usually I'm a big lo-mein guy but not with chicken on a stick I used to go to my local buffet but they closed down during covid and now I can only get it takeout
  13. I have half of my frozen pizza left, but I'm getting some Chinese takeout here in a few. Not sure if I'll eat my za today or even tomorrow as I think I might make lasagna tomorrow since I didn't get any yesterday.
  14. jesus fuck I suck balls compared to this guy who did it on GMGOW and no damage If you have beat the game, fuckin' watch this shit
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