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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. Just ruins the flow of the msq. It is literally just gathering resources off the ground with an extra step. In the most recent area there were 3 chests practically right next to each other. Stepped out of a combat arena to find a chest on a "hidden path". Then I saw a golden chest that required some small trickery, and when I jumped down to solve part of it there was another chest practically right there in the open. I don't view these chests as anything special. Elden Ring had this kinda stuff just lying on the ground whereas GoWR puts it just slightly off the path locked behind a fancy animation. No need for the chests. Just put some glowing stuff on the ground for me to pick up like you do when I beat a boss. It ultimately isn't a big deal, but it is further proof that crafting is shitty time wasting content, as it is in all games.
  2. Maybe I am misremembering GoW 2018 but I feel like this game as far too many chests and little secrets while on the Main Story Quests. This leads to what feels like massive gaps between conversations and they get picked up like I didn't just jack off for 10 minutes. I mostly just wanna do the story and then do the side stuff in-between chapters but there are chests like every 5 feet that require some little trickery to open. Some side paths are nice as it gives time for secret talks to happen where someone else can't hear, but overall they are kind of a nuisance. I'd totally love an option of "loot all wood, stone, and golden chests, at the end of a MSQ" and just not even have to think about them. And that is only cuz there are so many. If there were less I wouldn't mind at all. I have also had more interruptions of secondary dialogue that is never repeated. Like, I was looting and it was being commented on but then primary dialogue overwrote it. I've had another where Boy and Father were talking about lore stuff then Boy just goes "you can enter over through that gap" and the whole lore dialogue was cutoff. Edit: The amount of red-stone chests just goes to prove that crafting is shit.
  3. Ignores Marty's Reddit post lol I mean, gonna buy the fuck outta the next doom, but I'm on team Mick unless we get another Depp v Heard. DOOM Beyond Eternal could be made by sacrificing babies and I'd still get it.
  4. Oh good, I was worried I'd have to shave my head. Tho being a Doctor, Fire Fighter, Astronaut, and Teacher would help my cause.
  5. My monitor doesn't have a 2.1 hdmi port so I can only do "favor performance" It is smooth enough and looks good, but I also only have a 2k screen not a 4k one.
  6. Never seen Fight Club or American Psycho - the two most primer "white guys wanna be like" movies
  7. I was thinking, if there is a CE the comes out, I'd get it. But now I was thinking, I don't really care about character statues anymore. And you know that will be part of the CE, a Clive or Ifrit statue. Unless it is of some big booba chick, I don't think I'll care. I love when CEs have a bunch of unique stuff. Like, one I got game with a titty mouse pad, an anime pillow case, an erotic selection of the sound track, and a wash cloth totally no meant to clean up splooge. The persona 4 golden came with a case and vita decals and other stuff. Persona 5 came with a school bag, a plush toy and some other stuff. I like that kind of stuff. I'd actually love a plushie over any kind of boring plastic statue. No, not of the dog. That's boring. A plush of Ifrit would be cool. I loved plushies when I was a kid. I still own a plush Tonberry, Cactuar, Shy guy, Rathalos, Scumbag (Bastion), Vash the Stampede, Morgana, and maybe other I am forgetting.
  8. You know devs of GoWR, you don't have to give out lore reasons for why I play a video game like a video game EVERY time I stop playing the game like a movie. Just sayin'
  9. Yeah, while I'm not going to start over, No Mercy is kinda easy so far. Feels almost like a "normal" level of difficulty not that I know what that is like in either nu-GOWs. So many HP items on the ground too. I also got to a really cool part of the game that I had zero idea about. It is after beating the first new zone of the game so early-ish spoilers
  10. Yeah I expect a pure virgin who have never seen seen a dick. Can complain about it if no one knows better! For real tho, I would prefer as low a number I can get but that has not much to do with the actual sex acts. But, at this point, beggars can't be choosers so please just don't ever tell me, thanks. I have a bunch of delusions and shit is gonna suck if I ever go and shatter them.
  11. I'm playing on no mercy. I'm not up for the annoying one shots and near perfection levels of play that give me gow requires. GMGOW often makes you play like a coward. You do more cheese and endless axe throws than the dark souls style combat I like.
  12. If it is spoilers don't tell me, but what where those items Kratos picked up at the very start of the game. Right before you get your armor from your chest. Kinda looked like upgrade materials, and I had an item to upgrade the axe, but the red craggy spike didn't upgrade my blades talkin about this right here
  13. Eh, I don't consider this something I "deserve", didn't do anything but ask, but I sure am ever grateful for everyone generosity! I am thankful for everyone who has gotten me stuff over the years.
  14. Got it all hooked up. Just fought the first two bosses in GoWR if you want to call them that. I had a hell of a time finding where the fucking "downloads" tab is. Didn't realize pressing the PS button on the home menu brought up a whole new bunch of options. It is amazing how much better the PS5 is in terms of the PS4 pro. I mean, the whole of GoW was downloaded almost instantly when comparing to the slow as speeds of the capped PS4 and I did this over fucking Wifi. I can take more pictures if people want me to. I know I only posted the box, but I not much of a picture taker but take some if wanted. What is really nice is that every game I have digitally on the PS4 can be played on the PS5. That means I can sell my PS4 pro which is great. Sucks about Persona 5, the only game I have physically. I was hoping to get around to beating it some fuckin' day but the Royal edition is out anyway so /shrug Thanks @skillzdadirecta @Commissar SFLUFAN @Comet @Siebzehn @TUFKAK @Mr.Vic20 @stepee @Brian @Bloodporne (I think I got you all) With an extra special shoutout to @skillzdadirecta for getting this money train rolling! Again, thank you all so much!
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