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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. I do have the bifrost chakrams leveled to max but that's really all I got now. I don't really do post-game stuff. When I beat a final boss I lose my desire to keep playing. I have to do all that I can do before I beat a game or else I won't do it.
  2. Please only answer yes or no to this spoiler. Best funny moment in the game so far Optional Boss fight that kicked my ass for way to long and I still sucked when I beat it. My only excuse it just that I really wasn't in the mood to fight this when I had just fought one a bit ago in the same zone.
  3. I use this mod. Only combat mod you need. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/42069
  4. Man, I am like hard stuck at level 4. Prolly because I am doing side stuff which doesn't grant the majority of your weapon upgrades. I can upgrade a chest piece or both an arm and a leg, but that wouldn't put me at level 5 either. I only bring it up now cuz I've hit my first purple hp bar enemies and I'm too lazy to fight them until they are downgraded to at least orange.
  5. I have strong doubts of your intent and that your wording implies he is otherwise out of commission for what, if anything, comes next in the GoW series. Not that you are intentionally spoiling, but that you suck at being vague and think people can't read between the lines. But hey, I could be wrong. I'll sorry in the future if I am.
  6. While I am only playing on No Mercy, I consider ER to be harder overall. Well, at least if you play both games in the same way. ER has magic and a Caster build makes the game totally different. I find it easier to avoid damage in ER, but bosses are way more chaotic. And like, with nu-GoW, you can often just out range a boss and cheese with throws. GoW really respects a more cautious gamer, but being aggressive is far more rewarding. Story bosses can also have checkpoints. Makes entering a new phase irrelevant. The danger that comes with a second phase is gone. GoW does not have a stamina system and that makes the game easier. I do find dodging harder in nu-GoW. Part of that is due to having stages of dodging, the quick step and the roll. I have no clue what the i-frame data is like but I find myself getting hit when it is my belief I should not have. GoW also really wants me to block and parry more but I have a hard time of that and end up taking damage while trying to evade when I could have just blocked at no cost. GoW also has a lot of mechanics and options for the melee combatant. On one hand, having more things to do in combat could be seen as making the game harder as you have to react to and remember more things, but that also lets you react it other was other than dodging. You have 4 weapon runes, 1 relic ability, and an AI partner with their own set of skills. Of course, the game is balanced around all of that, but that kind of stuff lets a player feel like they have more leeway in combat. There are also armor bonuses. One set piece slows down time on a perfect dodge. That is really strong in the right hands. That gear set does lack in the way of stats but the ability makes up for it if you can use it well. And there is a bunch more shit. GoW just has way more options, including a revive stone that I opt not to use. That kind of stuff makes the game easier. BUT in Elden Ring, you can make the game easier than GoW's easiest setting... eventually. You can't do that in GoW unless you play on an easier difficulty. GoW always has a base level of difficulty that you can't make easier. Elden Ring can be one of the easiest game you have ever played. I don't think GoW can do that unless you play on easy. But if you are trying to play Elden Ring with the limitations of Kratos then you will have a harder time.
  7. I got Demon's Souls Remake now and this money covered it.
  8. That's giga cheap. Like, I didn't even have to spend a single cent of my own money. Fuckin' awesome.
  9. Was about to beat a boss in that same area that has a gimmick to it, but when the bar was empty it didn't die and then my game crashed!
  10. Just grew up listening to this nearly everyday during the "holidays". And no, I didn't hate it. It was good times. https://www.discogs.com/release/1991948-Various-The-Time-Life-Treasury-Of-Christmas
  11. I'm not refusing, but I've never said it either. Of course, I've never wished any one a merry christmas either, at least not since before I can remember. Usually, I just thanks for the food and gifts and then L-dance my way outta that joint
  12. Sounds like Crispus got in on the step-mommy phase before it was cool.
  13. If Perry Como says Holidays then Happy Holidays is good enough for me.
  14. For now, I have only gotten enough materials to keep my preferred set of armor at the same level as the highest shop provided armor. There are only enough materials to keep 1 set updated as of now. By the time that set matches the shop provided sets, I am moving on to the next area that hands out the next level of materials.
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