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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. Got it all hooked up. Just fought the first two bosses in GoWR if you want to call them that. I had a hell of a time finding where the fucking "downloads" tab is. Didn't realize pressing the PS button on the home menu brought up a whole new bunch of options. It is amazing how much better the PS5 is in terms of the PS4 pro. I mean, the whole of GoW was downloaded almost instantly when comparing to the slow as speeds of the capped PS4 and I did this over fucking Wifi. I can take more pictures if people want me to. I know I only posted the box, but I not much of a picture taker but take some if wanted. What is really nice is that every game I have digitally on the PS4 can be played on the PS5. That means I can sell my PS4 pro which is great. Sucks about Persona 5, the only game I have physically. I was hoping to get around to beating it some fuckin' day but the Royal edition is out anyway so /shrug Thanks @skillzdadirecta @Commissar SFLUFAN @Comet @Siebzehn @TUFKAK @Mr.Vic20 @stepee @Brian @Bloodporne (I think I got you all) With an extra special shoutout to @skillzdadirecta for getting this money train rolling! Again, thank you all so much!
  2. I was going to buy DeS Remake this weekend, but I think I will wait to see if Black Friday discounts it.
  3. I'm actually eating atm so I haven't unboxed it yet.
  4. I got it but I didn't take any pics yet
  5. What had d1p done to attract all these PA people?!
  6. The jerky has to stay frozen? What I meant was send me some deer jerky if you ever make it sometime. I always just got that stuff in Ziploc baggies or it was vacuumed sealed
  7. When you do, send me some. I'll give you my address. I haven't had it in years despite getting offered some every year. I always take up the offer but never get any!
  8. Don't care. Got $645 riding on the Chargers.
  9. how much overlap do your fishing and boating tips have?
  10. About the home address or that he lives in PA? The PA part is the sus part about all of this.
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