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Everything posted by GameDadGrant

  1. Wait it’s not in?!? NOOOOOOOO...!
  2. I was worried for SFV, but it looks like it made the cut!
  3. @DPCyric Oh wow, this was the only Kickstarter you backed? Well, gotta admit. You picked a great one! I've backed: Shovel Knight Tadpole Treble Mighty No. 9 Yooka-Laylee Bloodstained I really only kinda regret one or two of those (guess which ones!) but both of them got GREAT spin-off games, so...all's well that ends well?
  4. Oh I'm definitely down for this. I love vintage Castlevania and I really enjoyed Curse of the Moon. Sign me up. Love that they are keeping the old-school sprites too. Makes it feel like a hidden gem I missed growing up. And hey, if it helps bankroll a Ritual of the Night 2, all the better!
  5. No TV, just the Switch screen! I do have an AOC C32G1 32 [C U R V E D] gaming monitor that I use once in a while. Mostly only for those mini "Classic" retro consoles, though. Currently have the Sega Genesis Classic Mini hooked up to it.
  6. I agree, even though I actually went through and finished it. It's such a weird game that loses its focus so many times. I *think* I still like the gameplay fine, but everything else about it I remember I kinda hated it. Having to pre-load part(s) of the game into the PS3's internal memory before even beginning (and it took an hour or so? something like that) didn't really get me excited to play it, right from the start.
  7. Gotta ask the group over at IREM.
  8. @Phaseknox @Keyser_Soze You’re both kinda correct, actually! I primarily play portable systems, which basically boils down to Nintendo hardware for the most part. (Though I’ve put time into other handhelds, like Game Gear, Lynx, PSP, Vita (!) and especially Neo Geo Pocket Color) But once in a while I’ll venture into the console realm. I’ve owned all SEGA consoles (except Master System), every single Playstation console, original Xbox, Xbox 360, and WAAAY back in the day even had an Atari 7800. But it’s no surprise to me that some may assume I’m Nintendo-only since that company is my #1 pick nine times out of ten. But I’m no die-hard, I’m not missing out on Final Fantasy 7 Remake or Street Fighter V just because those games aren’t on my hardware of choice! ...thank you for reading this boring little insight into my gaming life. LOL
  9. Same. Although I did kinda hate Street Fighter V when it first launched. It’s okay now.
  10. @Phaseknox LOL! Hey, I own a PS4! Look me up I’m GameDadGrant on PSN!
  11. Huh. Might be interested, depending on the game selection. Looks around the same size as the Game Boy Micro? Maybe a bit smaller, even.
  12. I’m pretty sure both Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate and Metroid Prime: Federation Force were both subject to a lot of ire/hate/bad reviews. But I actually really liked both. Maybe not “love” but there are so few games I truly love anymore. ...wait, does 3DS count as “this gen” still?
  13. Argh, stupid autocorrect! It was meant to have said “stomachache.”
  14. Their spicy chicken nuggets are actually pretty good. I can't do fast food so much anymore now that I've gotten older, but once in a while I'll treat myself to a stomach and enjoy a small box of 'em. Been a long time since I've had a burger from there. Can't remember if they were good or not?
  15. Wendy’s held its own Smash Ultimate tournament and it was kind of epic. Also, download your own Wendy’s Mii Fighter for free!
  16. It’s always a good investment to buy Nintendo hardware, IMO. Yeah, even Virtual Boy. You heard it here first.
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