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Everything posted by GameDadGrant

  1. It’s just a game, with fictitious cartoon characters. No one is getting exploited. Chillax. What’s your stance on a series like Senran Kagura, Dead or Alive or Lollipop Chainsaw?
  2. You can do that on Switch, too. And even back on 3DS. Not on Wii U, IIRC. But that system sucks so whatever.
  3. Newer JoyCon don’t have the same issue. That’s probably why they are saying it’s not a problem. Even though that is a garbage stance to take, IMO. How do Friend Codes differ on Steam? Seems the same to me? The phone app is just for a few games anyway. Several games have normal voice chat if you REALLY need to use just the console for it. Just plug in a headset and you’re good to go. It’s always better to use a separate device in my experience, but to each their own.
  4. Meh. Friend Codes aren’t the end of the world and there are other ways to Friend people without codes. Steam uses Friend Codes too and you don’t hear people bitching about that. *shrugs* Pretty sure they already lost the case? That’s why they are fixing JoyCon for free. It is shitty that it took a class-action lawsuit for them to do this, but we gotta make these huge companies accountable for their screw ups.
  5. Just to clear up some misinformation ITT: 1.) Nintendo has admitted and addressed the JoyCon issue and newer builds of the controller do not have the drift issue. They will repair drifting JoyCon for free. (I’ve had them do this multiple times) 2.) The slave labor is not a good thing obviously but it’s not just Nintendo. Companies that use Uyghur labor also include Sony and Microsoft. (!) Not that that makes it any better, but demonizing Nintendo and not putting blame on anyone else is kinda BS. 3.) Nintendo hardware is still pretty reliable, at least in my experience. I’ve dropped my 3DS and Switch a couple of times on hard surfaces and they kept working just fine. Take care of your electronics, people! I’m pretty sure if I dropped my PS5 on concrete it wouldn’t work so well afterwards! Freakin’ thing weighs a damn metric ton. 4.) Nintendo’s online service is outdated because there is no voice chat, basically. Well, and Smash’s net code is literally the absolute worst.
  6. Fire Emblem: Three Houses can't forget that one. Plus y'know, Pokémon.
  7. #1 handheld of all time! Topped the list of 19 other competitors. Check it out: CLICK! The greatest handheld games consoles – ranked! | Games | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM During lockdowns, handhelds have come into their own: here’s our Top 20, from Gizmondo to Nintendo PSP and Vita also ranked high on the list. Have y’all played all or any of these systems before? Which is your favorite? Agree or disagree with the placement of Switch? I probably would have ranked Game Boy higher, but that’s likely my nostalgia talking, haha.
  8. I wish! I think that would be pretty rad. I know you're joking, but just to be clear: you earn Gold Coins for ANY purchase for the Switch. Doesn't matter if it's on the eShop or you bought a game at retail from someplace like Best Buy or whatever. I've nabbed some fairly recently-released games for a fraction of the price at places like GameStop and still got the full Gold Coin rebate through Nintendo's online service. I feel it's not a bad deal; I'm getting rewarded for buying things I would have bought anyway. I mean...am I wrong? Am I missing something? That sounds insane! I wonder what a game like say, Kid Icarus Uprising would "feel" like in VR? Or an old classic like Starfox 64 3D!
  9. Oh wow that must’ve been crazy! I missed that post, but that sounds pretty cool.
  10. Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if the 3DS’s screen wasn’t so criminally low-res.
  11. I mean, alright...but a discount is still a discount, right? And depending on how many Coins he (or anyone) has, it could be far more than just 10% off. Oh well whatever, lol.
  12. Why? He asked about a discount. I told him how to get a discount. ???
  13. No, definitely not. But if you've got some "my.nintendo" Gold Coins burning a hole in your digital pocket, you could always use those to offset the cost of downloading the game.
  14. @BloodyHell Seems we both have legitimate problems with different companies, and different levels of what is acceptable and what is absolutely not. And I think that's fine. Also, I didn't say I didn't like Voice Chat. Nah, it's cool! But I only use it with people I know. But even then, I don't use the console for chat, I've always used a separate, dedicated system like Skype or (more recently) Discord. I'm only speaking for myself, but voice chat over the system's VOIP on ANY platform has been terrible IMO. Much better to use a dedicated program for that feature. That's just me and my friends, though. I do agree that Friend Codes aren't convenient. (pretty sure I never said they were) I just don't think it's the end of the world. *shrugs*
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