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Everything posted by GameDadGrant

  1. Actually kinda surprised they haven’t revealed that yet. What...what’s the hold up, Capcom?
  2. Nice cinematic. Not sure what this game (it’s a game, right?) is about, though.
  3. I’ve downloaded the free version and took the Arcade Mode out for a spin. Its...kinda good? I’m not familiar with the mechanics but it seems to be a solid fighter at its core. Maybe I’ll continue to tool around with it. Perhaps it will “click” with me later?
  4. It's pretty wild to see some people's snaps and what they got "on film." That last one is mine and I thought it was funny because it looks like Magicarp is drowning. Despite being a fish. I dunno. LOL.
  5. Playstation/Xbox/PC gamers: “Pokémon is so lame, it’s just the exact same game/reskin over and over! Nothing changes!” Also Playstation/Xbox/PC gamers: “Dude, I can’t wait for this year’s Call of Duty. It’s gonna be totally awesome and not the exact same fucking shit we’ve been playing for like, two decades straight! Yeah!” *OR* “I can’t wait to buy Grand Theft Auto V later this year! For the third time! It’s totally not the EXACT SAME GAME THAT CAME OUT IN 2013.” lulz
  6. I point out the Game Boy version of Battletoads specifically since it's actually a unique version of the game made just for that platform. I have a few more games in mind but I'll leave these here for now and maybe post more later.
  7. Maybe I misunderstood, but I was under the impression Kyle isn't trying to get mass...just get toned arms. Like Cloud's. As he mentions in the video, Cloud isn't this big, hulking guy, but his arms look "fit" and kinda help give the impression that maybe he actually *could* swing around the Buster Sword. So the training tips given to him might work to build strength and shape, but not necessarily get *big.* Or maybe I misunderstood. Also; interesting that Kyle started the video throwing some pretty dark shade at Sony right off the start. And yeah, Sony *does* need to get their shit together, obviously. But God of War II releasing in 2022 shouldn't be THAT big of a deal. You know how long PS4 owners had to wait for the reboot? FIVE YEARS into the console's life. This new game will release within two. After a global pandemic that we are all still reeling from, no less. He can give 'em a break. Weird that they are releasing the sequel on PS4 as well, but whatever.
  8. Intrigued. Kinda want some hi-res 2D sprites instead of the rather bland Unity-based 3D models. But so long as the gameplay remains solid, I'm in.
  9. Huh. I'll admit I pretty much forgot about this. Guess I'll tune in on Tuesday the 8th and see if this is worth my attention!
  10. This week was less about video games and more about a workout program. I'm not disappointed. Glad we got the Shrek reference in this episode.
  11. You don't mess with Lass Theresa. She used to be school kid Theresa, but now she's got years of training under her belt.
  12. I'm really enjoying the direction this thread has taken.
  13. Was it tonight or is it tomorrow night we were supposed to get a Switch Pro reveal?
  14. Yeah but, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
  15. Wow, never played a single Dragon Quest game?! That's a bigger issue than talking about Pokémon! But more to the point; if a franchise is solid, its fanbase is happy, why change anything? IT'S STILL GOOD! I still need to get around to playing that. But if it's different than the mindless button-mashing mixed with annoying QTE sequences and brain-dead "puzzle solving" then it was probably for the best. God of War got away with some kinda basic gameplay due to its admittedly great presentation and spectacle. Reskin?!? That's way too reductive. This isn't the same as the difference between Street Fighter II Turbo and SUPER Street Fighter II. Each Pokémon takes place in different regions, with different world maps, different Pokémon, different gameplay gimmicks, etc. "Reskin" isn't even close to how one describes the franchise! YOU SIT ON A THRONE OF LIES. SOUNDS EXACTLY WHAT A FUCKING GORILLA WOULD SAY I DON'T TRUST YOU ONE BIT.
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