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Everything posted by nublood

  1. Don't know about that. But I do kinda feel bad for Wyatt Cheng. I heard he literally cried backstage after he announced the game. You could tell the silence was physically hurting him toward the end of his presentation. But I mean, come on man. What did you THINK was gonna happen in a room full of people with 2 to 3000 dollar gaming PC's eagerly waiting for the next Diablo??
  2. And the head scratchingly bad decisions continue. At least that would have diffused a lot of the anger and frustration toward Blizzard. And more people might have actually played the game knowing that a proper sequel was coming. But now, a lot of casuals and most hardcore Diablo fans will purposely ignore this game in protest.
  3. Looks like Destiny with a different coat of paint. Based on that video, I'll need to play a demo to gauge if I'm even interested.
  4. Happy Birthday. But you're still an asshole.
  5. He probably planned to come full circle all along. But I guess that would suggest a modicum of intelligence.
  6. Never understood why people do this. If your not even interested there's other threads, friend.
  7. How is it? Been thinking about getting it but I've heard it's a lot like No Man's Sky? And is there a focus on toys? I could care less about being forced to buy toys to progress through the game.
  8. So how does Jimmy Kimmel get a free pass on blackface? And wasn't there a movie with Robert Downey where he portrayed a black guy? I don't get it...
  9. Well I enjoyed the copy that I played on my Playstation home entertainment console Good call on Driver. I put a ton of hours in that game back in the day. The drifting never got old.
  10. Nope. Still waiting in the shadows for a good Castlevania game...
  11. My list would have been: Ace Combat Ace Combat 2 Castlevania SOtN Riiiiiiiiiiidge Racer Road Rash 3D Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Legend of Dragoon Wild Arms Resident Evil MDK Rayman Chrono Cross Chrono Trigger Earthworm Jim 2 FF VII Vagrant Story Gran Tourismo 1 and 2 GTA Metal Gear Solid Street Fighter Alpha 3 *honorable mention: Ready to rumble See, it's not THAT hard
  12. I'm just gonna act like Castlevania SOTN is on the list because there's no way they would leave that off...right?
  13. This is why I'm afraid to pull the trigger. I know it's critically acclaimed with good reviews and all that. But is it truly fun beyond the realism and great story telling? I guess time will tell. But come to think of it, the last several open world critically acclaimed games like Horizon Dawn, the last two AC games, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider definitely passed the eye test. But for me, they just weren't fun. Idk what it is really. And thanks for the info ManU. I already have an X1X so...yea.
  14. Que the song: M...I...crooked letter crooked letter I, crooked letter crooked letter I, humpback humpback I...that's how you spell Mississippi! Childhood song I remembered. lol
  15. I'll give you that and I don't mean to minimize this at all. But is it true and fair to call all of these “bombs” when there seems to be no reporting to indicate that any of them had the capacity to explode or harm? And where is the alarm, denouncement from every single member of Congress? Every single member of Congress knows that these threats to personal safety and our freedom has emanated from the WH. Stand up. Call out terrorism. I think crazy Maxine Waters is the only one so far to say anything. lol
  16. So far, the bomber is 0 for 12. It's kind of easy speculate that these are not real bombs don't ya think? As a terrorist, domestic or foreign, you gain as much initial media attention with fake bombs as you do with the real thing; you test the defenses of your enemy and you can observe their response. I honestly hope that these false forays are not followed by a real attack.
  17. "Bombs" being sent entirely to democrats, and 10,000 migrant caravan heading to the US. I'll just be glad after Nov. 6th so we can stop talking about this stuff.
  18. Me. Gotta go pick some pumpkins, take my kids to the Zoo, visit some family, start building my back porch, cut down some trees near my house, and finish up some landscaping in my yard....before Monday. Soon...
  19. I watched the video and didn't hear anything that would warrant being fired. Somebody enlighten me...
  20. I'm a returning customer. But it just says 1 month for me...
  21. BAGGED MILK FOR EVERYONE https://www.ign.com/boards/threads/a-small-canadian-town-is-saved-denis-dyack-strikes-back-with-wrath-and-furious-vengence.191074359/
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