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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. I think my SIL convinced me to run another half in November. Dammit.
  2. I can’t wait for school to start back for my daughter so I can be back on a regular gym schedule. It’s been very inconsistent this summer
  3. lol that as soon as the “geoengineering” stopped it immediately caused increases in temperatures is exactly what has been predicted to happen if we attempted large scale geoengineering (on purpose)
  4. More fine Midwestern schools joining the big ten
  5. Yeah, no. It’s not that simple. Family dynamics are too complicated to make a judgement like this
  6. Respecting the parent’s wish regardless of custody is what’s important. If you told your parent to not do x, and they went ahead and did x anyway against your wishes, it would probably damage (or further damage) your relationship with your parent. like, Hunter has a hard enough time dealing with all of his very obvious issues like addiction, legal problems, and being the target of a right wing smear campaign for years on end without his father, the most visible and powerful person on this planet, publicly and openly undermining his wishes in a clearly delicate personal matter and for all the professed unconditional love that Joe has for his son, by far and away his best quality as a person, it would all be just words if he went against his wishes for something that, again, appears to be so clearly delicate and personal to Hunter. And Joe being so high profile absolutely changes the stakes compared to a similar situation that you or I would have.
  7. This right here. I know plenty of people who wish/wished their parents would respect their wishes regarding their children/grandchildren, before many ultimately cut the (grand)parents out of their kids lives.
  8. Pence selling ‘Too Honest’ merch, quoting Trump from indictment THEHILL.COM Former Vice President Mike Pence’s 2024 campaign is hoping to capitalize on his presence in the latest federal indictment against former President Trump in the form of new merchandise. Pence&… What a fucking doofus
  9. I’m willing to forgive apoc here he’s clearly just a follower of the Not Just Bikes YouTube channel and that guy also just posted how you should give up on North America. So he’s not dumb he’s just an unoriginal thinker
  10. RFK Jr mocked after half of his Super PAC funding comes from GOP mega donor WWW.INDEPENDENT.CO.UK ‘RFK Jr has no appeal to Republicans. He’s is a Republican plant to hurt Biden’ wow what a shocker
  11. I am glad that they are doing something about it because it very much cost us a senate seat (WI)
  12. I'd have to see a further breakdown by state and region. Like losing support in CA might not translate to losing support in GA. Or if Republicans are making massive gains in FL that doesn't necessarily translate to close states like WI and AZ
  13. one more lane bro that will ease congestion always has, always will
  14. there's zero reason to doubt it being a motivator. the lack of access to abortion (and constant new legislation to curtail that right) is driving youth voters out to vote in a big way, and they vote strongly democratic. as to working class black men, I haven't seen compelling data that makes this group any more or less favorable to biden or trump compared to the trend with other groups
  15. you just spent a lot of typing to not mention a driving issue for a lot of voters that helped democrats in swing states and across the country: abortion. you’re going to see this in Ohio of all places literally next week. You’re going to see midterm level turnout for an august special election, in fucking Ohio. for all your hemming and hawing about the dems, there are two choices and only two choices (sorry but you’re a dipshit if you think otherwise), the other side has to be considered and people fucking hate the other choice.
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