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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Zuck just wants to kill someone publicly for a change instead of in private. That it is musk he wants to off is laudable
  2. He’s the real problem if he somehow gets the nomination over trump. No track record to run on, is much much younger than Biden, is an outsider/business moron, and a “””good””” minority. He could be real trouble if he got the nomination after seeing a few interviews with him he’s still a gop dumbass but he would be tough to go against
  3. Hey funny thing about inflation: https://www.seattletimes.com/business/first-american-city-to-tame-inflation-owes-success-to-affordable-housing/?amp=1
  4. You have to give her all the drama now and then she’ll never ask about it again
  5. I cut my shopping into bite sized pieces so I can eat the food properly
  6. I don’t know what I did to earn the ire of say’s who but I regret it
  7. my guy have you ever heard of percentages ~11% in Texas vs ~30% in Georgia
  8. Georgia has a significantly higher Black population than Texas; it has and has a slightly higher educational attainment (which makes a difference at the margins); Georgia also has far, far fewer 'swingy' Hispanic voters and despite a lower percent of the population living in an urban area because a higher proportion of those rural voters are Black. Being a slightly smaller state, population wise, also helps to a certain degree it's really that simple to understand at a high level
  9. lol lmao "this hypothetical scenario that never happened and the conditions which caused it to happen cannot be replicated or created, but there's no question as to what would happen in an alternative universe where republicans didn't suck shit"
  10. all gonna be hilarious when on Jan 19, 2029, when Joe biden's legally and medically alive corpse is wheeled out of the white house, he issues a pardon to Hunter
  11. Man I remember when QBs were basically never black (because they weren’t recruited among other reasons) and that was used as proof that whites were “better” or whatever (usually by some guy who hadn’t seen his dick in decades)
  12. These states are not comparable to Texas in this regard. It’s not as simple as red vs blue
  13. Three of those states have a tradition of voting for dems that has waned severely as of late (and the most recent elected dems there share their fathers or family name, and aren’t all that progressive anyway) and in the cases of OK and AL their opponents were comically shitty, one being a literal child predator and still nearly won
  14. Trump says he won't sign loyalty pledge required for first GOP debate WWW.NBCNEWS.COM The pledge includes a clause saying that the candidate will support the eventual GOP nominee.
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