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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Is the tillamook making these beef sticks the same one that makes the best damn cookies and cream ice cream around?
  2. Old Wisconsin Turkey Sausage Snack Sticks, Naturally Smoked, Ready to Eat, High Protein, Low Carb, Keto, Gluten Free, 28 Ounce Resealable Package Amazon.com A.CO the beef ones from here are too fatty
  3. Nominate a maga chud and I think that pulls enough republicans to Sinema where Gallego stand a chance to win. And either Sinema or he are far better than any chud, but Sinema barely so, if only because she votes for Bidens judicial nominees
  4. Me too, he’d finally get to call himself an actual billionaire
  5. They spicy? there’s only one acceptable answer here
  6. I mean we already know they were taking notes during a damn criminal conspiracy in direct violation of orders from stringer bell
  7. Half the posts in the last page are filled with fake words that I refuse to believe are real
  8. recently got the rectangular school lunch pizza in a big frozen box for like $10, and they hold up. Kids love them and I have to keep myself in check.
  9. Irony of ironies the Columbus dispatch has “No” winning with 60% of the vote with 44% reporting
  10. Not just a 60% majority but to get on the ballot itself you need to get signatures from all 88 counties in the state instead of from half of the counties which is the case currently. And I believe there’s some other bullshit too making it harder. and speaking as someone from a county that put up Assad like margins for trump both times, good luck getting 5% of the registered voters (or something like that) to sign for an amendment there and in every other rural county with similar voting patterns and low population/density
  11. Northwest, western, and central Ohio is the fucking pits of hell
  12. Watching the Sun set at white sands is a top tier memory for me
  13. New Mexico is great. Beautiful state i did live in Ohio prior to and after visiting the state though
  14. That’s the point tho giving chuds plausible deniability while effector ending the thing they hate
  15. Jesus. Last time I interviewed (before the fed raised rates) it was 3 rounds with 3 people total. I lost out to an internal hire unfortunately
  16. I can’t remember the town name, or even how actually true this is but it feels true, but I was going camping and there was a small town on the VA/WV border where the VA side had nice new sidewalks, good roads, but all of that either didn’t exist or went to shit right at the state line going into WV. I think about that all the time.
  17. Not just red states but purple states too with republicans running state gov. here in Richmond the board of elections, run by the governors party, aka republicans, closed all but the most inaccessible precinct for early voting for our elections in November. Well that was reversed as the city attorney pointed out that this was a violation of state law. So now they have, in the name of “saving money” and “cutting costs” have ended Sunday voting (deliberate to reduce turnout in the Black community) and this is in a district where there is zero chance republicans have to win. State house and senate districts in the city went for Biden by like 60 points in 2020, and similarly overwhelmingly for McCalluffe in 2021.
  18. He’s also particularly shitty, even by his standards, towards women and people of color who hold power
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