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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. I figured that's what it was.... I would have hated to have that moment spoiled for me. i ABSOLUTELY HATE how casual social media is about spoilers.
  2. Right... he knew his mother was in that base and had no qualms about murdering everyone in there. The Last Jedi definitely set HIM up to be the big bad in the next movie and even if he could still be redeemed, that would have come much later in the film. Rian set it up that the primary conflict would be between Rey and Kylo. Also I'm pretty sure it was implied that she "shut" her connection with him off at the end of the movie.
  3. No people are saying it was reckless because it was an escalation and was done with little consideration for the potential consequences of the action. This administration rarely thinks things through and this is case is no different.
  4. Trump gives zero fucks about collateral damage is the point. I don't even know if he knows what that means. Trump initiated the action that led to this event taking place and we don't know why. He has not earned the benefit of the doubt when it comes to taking his administration's word on pretty much anything so yes, he is indirectly responsible for what happened to that Ukrainian Airline for initiating this strike. It's not that hard to see that unless you dont want to. Either way, you're more than entitled to to your opinion and I have zero interest in going back and forth on something that is pretty much indisputable
  5. I think @Captain Pickleis allowed to be frustrated and angry without a bunch of armchair punditry. Yes Iran is at fault for stupidly allowing civilian flights while they were in state of high alert. But this incident WAS instigated by Trump and his poor understanding of the power and responsibility he wields. There's no denying that by any measure.
  6. I think so based on how many PS4's are out there. But 40%? Xbox Live gold has to be higher I would think.
  7. Sounds like their take on Gollum will be different than Serkis' According to this "In March 2019, Daedalic Entertainment unveiled The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, an action-adventure game set in JRR Tolkien's famed fantasy realm. Nothing was said about the game itself, though, except that it "tells Gollum's story from a perspective never seen before ... while staying true to the legendary books." But the latest issue of Edge reveals more about what's in store, including that the lead character will not look like he did in Peter Jackson's films. "We don't want to displease the folks who have only see the movies. But in short, he doesn't look like Andy Serkis. We started with the person he was and then evolved him. You can see that this was once something like a human being, before the Ring corrupted him," senior producer Kai Fiebig said."
  8. Old Playstation ones didnt even have to be modded, you could just do the disc swap trick. I did get a Modded PSX on college though. That was the only time I had a modded console.
  9. Same here. My grandparents had a 2600 first, then a 5200. My first console that was mine was a Colecovision with the adapter that played 2600 and Intellivision games first Console that I bought with my own money? I think it was The Sega Saturn. Edit: Certain I bought both a Genesis and a Super Nintendo before that.
  10. Second highest seems to be the optimal setting for gamers looking for a challenge. I've heard that the hardest setting isn't even that hard though.
  11. Yeah I had the same impression. It was fine, but I forgot about it not long after leaving the theater. Solid flick but nothing amazing.
  13. I always thought this movie got a bad rap but watching it now, I was wrong. This is NOT a good movie. So many hokey moments and the direction feels like a late 90's sci-fi channel movie with a slightly bigger budget. Looking at it now, this just doesn't feel like something that was in the theaters. The cinematography is so flat and so many big moments feel... small. And the digital effects just don't hold up. In fact they were never that good in the first place. I think i gave this movie a pass because I just really wanted to see more Terminator as the franchise is one of my favorites (despite the fact that most of the movies are trash) I think the most recent Terminator movie is probably the third best after the first two. So I'd rank the Terminator movies like this, 2>1>6>>>>3>>>>>5.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4
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