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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. She deliberately stayed silent while Trump spewed obvious bullshit in order to maintain her position unlike Fauci who contradicted Trump and got death threats. It didn't work becuase Trump turned on her anyway and now she's a "woman without a country" with ALL sides being pissed at her and she's now trying to do damage control. But yes, the word on her VERY early on was that she was not above playing politics unlike Fauci. Fauci isn't perfect either... his handling of the AIDS crisis in the 80's was somewhat questionable but he has chalked that up to following the science that was available at the time and not some poltitical agenda. I tend to believe him. Her? Not so much.
  2. I remember when she first came on the scene earlier in the pandemic and the word on her was that she was VERY political... seems that has proven to be true and it bit her in the ass. Fuck her.
  3. Thanks man... been looking all over for this. I think this is the same team that did Young justice as well. Fun fact, a friend of mine worked on this show... she was Black Cat's voice I think.
  4. Yeah I took that to be Kong... Godzilla was fine with Kong on Skull island because Skull Island existed within some kind of weather anomaly that separated it from the rest of the world. If people took Kong from Skull island for whatever reason, then that may be what's setting Godzilla off. The trailer also hints at some ancient rivalry between Kong and Godzilla and we saw depictions of that in one of the post credit scenes in one of the movies that showed one of Kong's species fighting one of Godzilla's. You guys could be right, there is more than likely another threat especially when you take into account More than likely there's a bigger threat out there.
  5. Does it? I really didn't get a hint that there was another threat... not saying that there isn't, but this trailer seems to be going out of its way to piant Godzilla as the bad guy. In the last two Godzilla movies, Godzilla was definitely established as an ally of humanity. On a side note, I always saw paralles between Godzilla and The Hulk growing up. Surprised there was never a crossover with them especially when Marvel had the rights to Godzilla for awhile.
  6. Lol that trailer was awesome! Godzilla going full heel in this, huh? I KNEW they would make him the bad guy
  7. yes it's in the same universe. The prior two Godzilla movies and the Kong: Skull Island movie have been building to this Marvel-style. The Kong movie took place in the early 70's so Kong wasn't fully grown in that movie.
  8. Young Justice is better than ALL of the cartoons listed in this topic. come at ME
  9. I saw some folks on reddit reporting this too EDIT: Actually I just read the bug... that's an existing bug. I had that happen to me in my playthrough. I had to basically reload an earlier save and it go back about an hour or so and replay that section again for it to work. This game is a cluster fuck.
  10. Reconstruction... particularly the advancements that freed slaves made after the civil war that was later taken back during Jim Crow.
  11. More than one game to be honest, I played and beat a decent amount of my backlog but the game that really defined the pandemic for me, especially the early months was Sekiro. I started the game over right when the pandemic started and after some perseverence finally beat it. One of the proudest gaming achievements of my life.
  12. I've been trying to find this series online... everyone talks about how good it is.
  13. Continuing Mafia Definitive Edition and Hitman 3... just got to the second mission of Hitman. Very "Knives Out"
  14. Bumping this because it came up in another thread... this film NEEDS to be watched because a lot of folks are still somehow blind to the dangers of unregulated social media.
  15. I think we'll get the Vaccination numbers up now that the Feds are gonna get involved. Now its just a matter of manufacturing enough, the infrastructure is in place to distribute it.
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