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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Hubie Halloween 7/10 Adam Sandler’s new Halloween Netflix movie. It’s def more of a bottom tier Sandler. But there are TONS of nods to a lot of his other movies. Lots of fun cameos. It reminded me a lot of Grown Ups in that it comes across like Sandler and his friends just got together to make a silly movie. If you go in with low expectations it’s a fun seasonal movie.
  2. agreed. I’m not sure how you could be upset at the adaption. If it was just whats in the story you’d never see what actually happens. It’s mostly just hinted at by a third party.
  3. i noticed that too. I assumed it was just a piece of molded plastic that the PS5 settled in to. But after seeing the extra steps they took to make it secure I’m impressed.
  4. Im on run 18 and only just got to the final boss on my last run. Crossing my fingers I can beat him by run 20
  5. Myself nor any of my family has had a single problem with the 6 combined we own. Stop eating Doritos while you have it in hand held mode.
  6. Haven’t done this since before my son was born. Doing 31 horror movies in 31 days through October. Lotta fun and a cool way to catch up on a lot of films. Day 4: The Invitation - 7/10 Really enjoyed this. Great atmosphere and the suspense is really well done. Few nice red herrings that play with genre tropes. Logan Marshall Greene was fantastic as always. The third act is a little flat which is kinda common for this genre but there’s a tiny twist at the very end that’s very cool. Day 1: Color Out of Space - 9/10 Day 2: The Void - 6/10 Day 3: Re-Animator(rw) - 10/10
  7. People always bitch and moan about always online. Look what happened to the Xbox One. But it turns out fine. Nerds just need to be complaining at all times so they can pretend something else actually sucks more than they do. Hit a little too close to home with @ManUtdRedDevilsi guess
  8. I knew that McDonalds puts a shit load of sugar in everything, that’s why when you eat it consistently, you crave it. But it’s impressive that Subway has that much sugar in the bread and it still tastes like shit.
  9. There’s a a few that show a bit from DMC5 and some other Japanese looking game. None show off the UI. They all show off the same demo of Astro Boy and Godfall, so just watch one of the longer ones and you’ll see pretty much everything there is too see
  10. Color Out of Space 9/10 Really really enjoyed it. This is my favorite kind of horror. Not overly reliant on Gore or Jump Scares. Sprinkled in practical effects. Just a lot of crazy shit. Nicolas Cage is awesome in this. I really cool snd well done adaptation of Lovecrafts short story. I guess this is part of a planned Trilogy? If so I’m really looking forward to the next two.
  11. Sheesh, ok let’s try this a different way. He. Wasnt. Trying. To. Make. A. Point. He. Was. Asking. A. Question. Hopefully that makes more sense. Have a blessed day little guy.
  12. Take it easy sport. You implied several times that JP posted that and tried to purposefully mislead/troll people into thinking those were the PS US prices. Which he never did and said several times he was pointing out the difference between console and PC. But you kept harping on it like you did some great sleuthing and achieved some great victory. Which I assume you’ve printed out and hung on the fridge by now. So just chill little buddy.
  13. I always avoided Rogue Lites because the idea never sounded appealing. But I’ve absolutely fallen in love with Hades. There’s nothing I can find about it that isn’t great. The art, story, voice acting, polish are all top notch. The combat is incredibly satisfying and fun. The upgrades and buffs are all so unique and finding the different combos is super fun. It’s just a crazy fun to play game in every way possible.
  14. He already explained his thinking in posting the pic. So what’s the point of continuing to harp on it? Do you really not get what he’s saying? Or are you trying to create some kind of super cool “gotcha” moment you can print out and hang on the wall? If you really thought those were US prices that’s on you.
  15. Cool, so maybe he could pretend to be a real journalist for once and get another interview with them to ask about it. What changed, why did they have to change their stance? I hate that douche.
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