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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. This is another, reviews don’t matter movie haha. It’s Predator so at the very least it’ll be fun.
  2. Cool thx. Damn those DVDs are expensive for only having 1 scene on them.
  3. Does YouTube have scenes you can show or is their a special website or something? I really want to get a window projection system too.
  4. Sigh. Another false narrative the “cool” kids of the internet are running with. Hes got more range than his biggest roles have shown. Go back and look at his older stuff.
  5. Lol no sorry. I didn’t realize I linked the video with multiple trailers back to back
  6. *insertjacknicholsonyesgif This looks so damn good, I can't wait. Original actor playing Michael and even the original mask!
  7. Anyone watch the premiere tonight? Pretty typically slow start but the different stories and characters seem interesting enough it could turn out to be decent. The movies have become a bit of a guilty pleasure so I’m excited to see how the show turns out.
  8. So was the Trump thing a joke or not? You seem unsure haha. Also overly defensive for some reason. Like you get that YOU attacked Biggie and belittle what he likes right? You do get that?
  9. I think you missed the point he was making. And people have been responding aggrssively to vegetarians since way before Trump so chill with the Trumps America stuff. He may have brought about a lot of other horrible behaviors but that one was here already.
  10. But if you don’t know that Infinity War is a two parter, even after it’s over. And you don’t think about what’s coming until the marketing for the next movie starts. Even if you assume there’s more Marvel movies coming. Then wouldn’t logic dictate that those people would think the events of Infinity War are permanent and that whatever new movies are coming won’t feature anyone who “died” in Infinity War?
  11. Yeah there were def a few dudes who were saying a large number of of people out there thought/think that Infinity War doesn’t have a sequel. Therefore implying that a large number of people think the outcome of Infinity War is permenant.
  12. Is it just me or does this really really look like what Too Human was ORIGINALLY supposed to be? At least the very little I remember from the magazine articles at the time. Also I think the combat looks fun enough just like Witcher 3. But it’s not like the combat has been the strong suit of any of the Witcher games. It was always good enough. The world and the stories were what set it above everything else. Witcher 3 didn’t really do anything to reinvent open world action RPGs. It just kinda perfected them. I’m lookong at Cyberpunk the same way. I don’t think it’ll reinvent the genre, but I think it’ll be one of the best we’ve seen.
  13. I don’t see how Tropic Thunder doesn’t get made today? It wasn’t made all that long ago and it doesn’t go as over the top as movies like Blazing Saddles and Bad News Bears
  14. Well I mean yeah. Otherwise it would say that Nintendo said those things. Miyamoto is a big enough icon in the industry I think everyone knows he speaks for himself and not for Nintendo or what Nintendo would want him to say.
  15. Lol they have so few exclusive franchises they really listed Age of Empires
  16. I’m glad they’re more willing to do this now. Origins was great, Odyssey looks like it builds on the great ideas in Origins. Then give the team some extra one to come up with something new.
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