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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. From million to multimillion? Lol uhhh I hope they’re all multimillion dollar projects. Million barely gonna buy you the land in those markets haha
  2. I’m not sure if it’s a cult film cause I might be the only one that likes it...
  3. I loved this movie. The scene where he learns their language is one of my favorite scenes of all time. Im too lazy to look it up but I’m just gonna assume it’s way below 50% I LOVE WATERWORLD!!!
  4. It did seem like AJ went out oddly quick and unceremoniously.
  5. I don’t wanna jump in on either side of this debate. But just out of curiosity. How many people here know a woman that was raped? Not “know of a woman” but someone who is close to you.
  6. Don’t go getting all sensitive. So which is it? Are they light fluffy films with no lasting appeal or are important works of art that need a better head producer in order to insure that narrative quality doesn’t suffer? Star Wars movies are financially extremely successful. They are well received by critics. They are well received by the general public. But yeah good call on the lead producer being a complete failure. What an unbelievably stupid opinion to have.
  7. Also we’re apparently gonna act like the Marvel movies haven’t had production issues or director changes as well. But yeah KaThLeEn Is ThE dEvIl ShEs RuInInG mY cHiLdHoOd
  8. Good thing I didn’t only list “making money” as the ways they’ve been successful. And if someone were to make the argument the all the new movies are minimum effort projects? Then their level of stupid is not something that can be helped.
  9. lol did you write both of them? You’re getting really sensitive. You honestly think, that the ONLY similarities are that they’re about friends partying after graduation before college? That’s it. No similarities between characters, no similar motivations and story beats? So those dozens and dozens of articles that were written, they all can’t see past the “surface of the film”? Im not saying they are shot for shot identical movies. Of course there differences even some different themes but they are really really similar movies.
  10. I disagree completely. I would much rather have what we’ve gotten with the new Star Wars movies, with different directors adding their different unique takes. Than Marvels cookie cutter, everything is exactly the same with no risks, approach. Star Wars doesn’t need some grand overlord making sure everything feels the same
  11. I can’t wait to watch 9 again. I feel like I’m gonna like it a lot more once I watch it with revises expectations.
  12. Did you see either movie? And why is it sad that a female led movie is being compared to a male led movie? Their plots and character beats are very similar. It has nothing to do with the gender of the characters playing them. If Book Smart was about 2 guys it would still be compared to Super Bad.
  13. Cool, except they have WAY more in common with each other besides “teens partying before graduation” Can’t Hardly Wait is about the same thing and that’s obviously nothing like these two movies. Hell Jonah Hill and Beanie Feldsteins play almost the exact same character, which is kinda ironic. All you have to do is google both movies together and dozens of articles about their similarities pop up.
  14. This. I’d be lying if I said I don’t enjoy Marvel movies while I’m watching them. But other than Thor: Ragnarok and Guardians 1 there’s not a single thing I can remember about them. Meanwhile Star Wars and DC films have created infinitely more interesting movies even if the quality has been more up and down. Also the idea that KK needs to replaced blows my mind. I mean I get if someone isn’t a fan of the newer Star Wars films but they’ve been massively successful and generally very well received. But yeah she sucks and doesn’t know what she’s doing 🙄
  15. Yeah it’s not turn based. Fire Emblem is turn based. Hero’s of Might and Magic is turn based. X com is turn based.
  16. Am I the only one that thought Book Smart was average as hell? And it shouldn’t really be heralded as a beacon of originality since it’s basically “what if Superbad was about girls”
  17. Finally got around to seeing it tonight. Holy shit did I love it. Mostly everything has been covered by other people in this thread. All the scenes were so much fun and so well done I didn’t want them to end. Brad Pitt at the ranch being the absolute stand out for me. And the ending of course. I don’t know why but at this point I mark out so hard for the inevitable, over the top, cartoon level violence that shows up at the end of QT movies 😂. Also the cigarette commercial during the credits, low key, might have been my favorite thing in the whole movie haha.
  18. Lol absolutely nothing is clear from that art work. Give me 6 random pieces of art from the movie we got without having seen the actual movie and we probably would have all shit our pants.
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