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Everything posted by ARZ

  1. I played the hell out of this game, made it to the last world and never touched it again. I enjoyed it, no idea why I stopped....maybe I didn't want it to end? LOL
  2. LOL, saw the Killer Clown trailer and it remined me of a classic when I was a kid:
  3. What's recent? They postponed Halo to improve it, that will be fantastic when released. Outside of that there is: Gears of War Flight Simulator You mentioned Forza Minecraft still seems popular, and that Minecraft Dungeons people seem to enjoy Ori Fable and Perfect Dark are on the way, safe bet they'll sell well. All of these make bank
  4. I aw this thread and for some reason thought Monster Rancher and got excited. I leave...
  5. Apparently they did look at the toys as well. Found an interview with the studio heads: "we're huge fans of the series. We have almost a dozen Xenomorphs in the game, twenty enemy types... From the variety of what you saw in the original trilogy, and we took inspiration from novels and comic books, looked at the crazy stuff done with the toys... the early '90s toys were just crazy. And then we thought, what are some new exciting ways for a Colonial Marine to die to one of these things... how do we exploit the cool things that are in the Aliens universe without adding new stuff just to add it?" https://www.cbr.com/interview-cold-iron-craig-zinkievich-matt-highison-aliens-fireteam/
  6. Face overwhelming odds against over 20 enemy types, including 11 different Xenomorphs along the evolutionary scale from Facehuggers to Praetorians, each designed with their own intelligence to ambush, outsmart and eviscerate vulnerable marines. Pretty excited
  7. Been playing a ton of D2 the last couple of weeks. I'm enjoying the changes they made to it, and LOVE having the Cosmodrome back.
  8. Servers seem to be working, took a good 2 hours though. Played about 30 minutes, story seems ok. Game is Gears of War with random weapon drops, and that's a good thing! Can't wait to dig into it more tonight. Haven't had a chance to get to the classes yet
  9. Crimson Desert? Hrm....have to look into that one some more. One I didnt see on there that I NEED....Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance sequel. Played the shit out of DA1 and DA2 on my PS2, loved them
  10. Now with Greedfall on GamePass, i'll have to try that out finally. Wonder if playing that is any sort of preview for what this will be. Gameplay-wise maybe, but 18th century French robots? Definitely original!
  11. My eyes aren't what they used to be, LOVING the subtitle options over the last couple years. Took them long enough to let us resize the text, and appreciate the games that do!
  12. I finally downloaded this on my next gen console...now to actually play it again, lol
  13. Saren was a badass, when he lost his arm everyone probably thought he just grabbed a Geth arm from a downed robot and stuck it on - no one blinked an eye
  14. Because the game was fun as hell! I really enjoyed the combat, flying and story. Yes, there were endgame and QoL issues, but not nearly enough to soil my experience.
  15. More Anthem - don't care if it's remake or 2....just want MORE!
  16. You know some dudes have to be doing that....moving that controller down near their ass for added effect
  17. Own all 3 originals and all expansions as well, but like KOTOR, I love ME and will buy it to let BioWare/EA know I WANT MORE! But of course when the price drops, lol
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