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Everything posted by ARZ

  1. Most on foot, yeah, didn't care for the horse much. But I fast traveled the hell out of the game
  2. "Early access to legendary outfits" Fuck you Sqeenix. Have exclusive challenges and characters for Sony, but Xbox players can buy old costumes eventually
  3. Fog of war cleared for the entire game, last mission of 2 tales stories left and the main story. I can't stop playing, and I don't want it to end! LOL
  4. But now, we can confirm that the online game will also arrive on Nintendo Switch and the Xbox Series X as well. Coming from developer Crema and publisher Humble Games, https://www.gamespot.com/articles/temtem-is-coming-to-ps5-xbox-series-x-and-nintendo/1100-6480665/ No mention of PS4 or X1X though?
  5. When do the planets disappear again? I still need to finish Warmind and Red War. Keep getting sidetracked anytime I log in, lol.
  6. All these Anthem comparisons....I feel SO much better about ordering it now!
  7. Waiting to reserve judgement until I play the beta...but am definitely thinking along the lines of @JPDunks4 now and waiting for a price drop. Not happy with all the exclusive stuff...
  8. Saddest thing about the announcement is that it's 3 player couch-co-op. The friends I'd play it with are no where near my couch! Other than that, the 20th can't come soon enough!!
  9. Hate when content exclusive stuff like this happens. Regardless, still getting it on my X1 instead of PS4.
  10. New map and new enemy types. Something about Pirates
  11. Not shocked, battle passes are free money. Minimal additions to a game, good for 3 months...and isn't technically DLC, so they can say "Free content" and not be wrong.
  12. I don't know what you all are watching, the game looks like a lot of fun with tons to do.
  13. Closing in on the end of Act 2, this is definitely one of my most favorite games in some time.
  14. Glad I held off on Shadowkeep This is great for the fanbase on Xbox....and if they can get crossplay done, even better.Season passes must be making them good money. Hopefully this means no more Sony exclusive/timed weapons!
  15. I haven't run into any duplicate side missions yet. Yes, you kill mongols in almost all of them, but none of the small stories snippets, locations or situations have been repeated that I remember. Pretty damn cool!
  16. I've tried doing this and been near them, but nothing. I'll have to youtube to see what i'm doing wrong :\
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